If we consider settlement as an option, we need to be able to pay for it.
But if we offer a settlement, aren't we saying...
That's my point.
We're admitting that the town's responsible for this kid's death.
I say make the peach farmers cough it up
Oh, man, talk about a shit storm.
Y'all mind catchin' me up?
Wayne and Travis want to go to court. I don't think that's a good idea.
We can't be pouring money into
a settlement when we can barely afford to run the city.
What do you think, gene?
I think that we gotta worry about the peach farmers association. If there is a hint that we're blaming the Peachoid, they're going to raise holy hell
Who gives a crap
. They gotta suck it up
Let him talk.
I'm just saying that we need to keep them in mind
She was breaking the law. End of story
. You can't text while you drive.
Yeah, but all a jury's going to see is a beautiful 17-year-old girl who's now dead.
No offense
, Frank, but you just got here. We've been dealing with this for the last week now.
And where's your solution?
What? You think you know better than us?
I'm just trying to be realistic.
Frank, I know you want to swoop down
and save the day
, but there's a principle at stake
We allow ourselves to be extorted because of this teenager--
When Orrin gets a jury to weep a river of snot
over this dead girl, when Gaffney goes tits up
because you can't afford to pay a seven-figure award in damages, when you all get booted out of
office and I lose to Chase, then you can chew my ear off
about principles, because we'll all have nothing but time on our hands. Until then, you either contribute, or you keep it shut, Travis. Now, here's what we're going to do. Gene, how much can we pull together
for a settlement if we had to?
About 150.
That'll work. Jamie, get your boys down to the hardware store to build two billboards
. Put them out a mile out on either side of the tower. Have them read, "Drive safely. No texting behind the wheel
Got it.
And get those up by tomorrow morning.
I'll issue the permits.
And let's stop lighting the thing at night.
The peach farmers aren't going to like that.
Well, how much does the electric cost?
4,100 plus change per month.
About 50,000 a year.
Jesus, you could put a kid through college on--
Let's use that money to start a scholarship fund in her name
Meantime, you tell the association, if they want it lit up, they can pay for it.
I'll deliver that message happily.
And do me up a budget and a plan for removing the sphincter
The what?
He means the emergency valve
That's interesting.
I always thought of it as a clitoris
But it's on bottom
. I believe the clitoris is above the--
But if you imagine a woman on her belly--
Enough. I want it done. And, Gene, give me everything you've got on road regulations. County statutes
, not municipal
And do you remember that power line business we pulled up
at the last election?
Sure do.
Let's make sure we're rock solid on
英 | 中 |
cough it up | 勉强支付 |
pour money into sth | 把(大量钱)投进…里 |
raise holy hell | [口语]大闹起来,大吵大闹;引起骚动 |
give a crap | 在意(非正式)在乎(非正式) |
suck it up | 忍耐;别抱怨;算了吧 |
keep ...in mind | 考虑到... |
End of story | (非正式)就是这个样子 |
No offense | 无意冒犯;请勿见怪 |
swoop down | 俯冲,突然袭击 |
save the day | 反败为胜,转危为安,化险为夷,扭转局面,挽救局面 |
at stake | 在危急关头,在危险中,成问题 |
snot | n.鼻涕 |
tits up | A word used to describe something that has broken or someone who is dead |
be/get booted out of... | 被赶出... |
chew one's ear off | 对某人唠唠叨叨 |
pull together | 用于钱的时候表示拼凑 |
billboard | 广告牌 |
behind the wheel | 在驾驶;掌舵;主管 |
in one's name | 以某人的名义 |
sphincter | n. [解剖] 括约肌 |
emergency valve | 安全阀 |
clitoris | n. 阴蒂 |
on bottom | 在底部 |
statute | n. [法] 法规;法令;条例 |
municipal | adj. 市政的,市的;地方自治的 |
pull up sth | 叫停sth |
be rock solid on sth | 在...上稳如磐石,万无一失 |