【初中英语考点】130道动词填空题, 包含中考英语90%语法!(可提供答案)


1. Li Ping often_____ (read) English in the morning.

2. _____ he _____(clean) the windows once a week?

3. The workers_____ (have) sports on the playground now.

4. How long ___you __ (stay) there the day before yesterday?

5. Who _____(listen) to the music?

6. When I ____(be) a middle school student, I often ___(sing).

7. His parents____(go) to the Great Wall tomorrow morning.

8. ____ they _____(study) Japanese next term?

9. What time _____you _____ (do) your homework everyday.

10. Look! Thestudents ____ (clean) the classroom.

11. —What ____your after ____ (do) yesterday?

—He ____(write) two letters.

12. There _____(be) a football match on TV this evening.

13. My father_____ (leave) for Japan tomorrow morning.

14. Tom _____ (notlisten) to the radio every morning.

15. ____ (be)there any hospitals here twenty years ago?

16. I _____(come)to see you again before long.

17. _____ there____ (be) an English evening next Saturday?

18. ____ youruncle _____ (have) a meeting last Friday?

19. What _____ theyoung pioneers ____ (do) on the hill now?

20. They__________ (not go) fishing on Sunday.

21. How manyclasses _____ you _____(have) every day?

22. It's seven inthe evening, Tom's family _____ (watch) TV.

23. He ___ (join)the army in 1985. He __ (be) still in the army now.

24. I _____ (visit)my friend next Sunday.

25. If it snowstomorrow, we _____ (play) with snow.

26. I _____ (make)a lot of mistakes in my test yesterday.

27.— _____ it__________ (snow) outside now?

—No, it__________.

28. Where ______they ____ (live)? They ____ (live) in Shanghai.

29. If it _____(rain) this morning, we won't go shopping.

30. Listen! Who_____(sing)in the next room?

31. The teacher_____(not teach) us a Chinese song,he _____(teach)us an English song two days ago.

32. If I am free this evening,I ——— (help) you with your math.

33.— ________you________(be)there tomorrow?

—No,I ________.

34. Where_________(be)your parents last year? They ________(be)in Xi'an.

35. —Why _______they _______(go)to the library after school yesterday?

—Becausethey _________(want)to borrow some books.

36. What _______you _______(do)these days?

37. Don't make anoise. Grandma _________(sleep).

38. Sometimes he____(help)his mother with the housework.

39. Please writeto us as soon as you _________(get)there.

40. We________(show)the foreign friends around Beijing when they get here.

41. We'll waittill you _______(make)up your mind.

42. They ______just _______(talk)about you.

43. —Where _____he______(be)?

—He_________(be)to the bank.

44. —______you______(visit)the Science Museum?


45. —______she______(tell)you the good news?

—No,she _______.

46. How long_______ your mother _______(teach)English in this school? ---For ten years.

47. We _______already _______(draw)five pictures.

48. My grandson______________(be)ill for a week.

49. —________ thetrain _________(arrive)?

—No,not yet.

50. Our physics teacher ____(not come)to work today,because he is ill.

51. My brother________(make) many American friends since he went there two years ago.

52. She_______(work) in a factory for three years before she went to college.

53. Mr. Brown___(live) in London for ten years by the end of last month.

54. How manyEnglish words _________ you _________(learn) by the end of last term?

55. ______ they_______(pick)all the apples before the farmer got there?

56. I didn't return the book to the library,because I _______(not finish) reading it.

57. The boy saidthat he ___________(not break)the window.

58. Jack said thathe ___________ (not go) over his lessons yet.

59. John told methat he ____ (fly) to Japan next Wednesday.

60. Did she saywhen she ___________ (be) back tomorrow?

61. The headmaster said he ________ (meet) some foreigners at the station soon.

62. I wondered ifour team ___________ (win) this evening.

63. He said he_______ (not make) the same mistakes again.

63. He said he_______ (not make) the same mistakes again.

64. We ____ (have)a meeting at that time.

65. Tom ____ (nothave) breakfast yesterday morning.

66. Did he know he____ (have) an English lest the next day?

67. _____ yourfather _____ (go) to work by bike every day?

68. Mr Wang _____(teach) us maths since 1990.

69. They will havea trip to the Great Wall if it ____ (not rain) next Sunday.

70. When I gothome my grandmother ________(make) cakes.

71. I ______(give) the note to him as soon as school is over.

72. The Englishsong _____ (teach) now over the radio.

73. English _____(speak) all over the world.

74. The GreatGreen Wall must _____ (build) in the world.

75. Can the report____ (write) in English?

76. The mountainwill __ (cover) with the trees in a few years.

77. The youngtrees must _____ (tie) to the stick to keep it straight.

78. So far, manyman-made satellites have ___ (send) up into space.

79. English___________ (speak) in Canada.

80. Tennis___________ (invent) a hundred years ago.

81. It ____ (snow)hard now. We'd better _______ (not go) home right now.

82. Theseexercises must ___________ (do) by yourself.

83. Our teachertold us time ___________ (be) life.

84. We ____ (notsee) each other since he ______ (leave) here.

85. ___________youever ___________(ride) a horse before?

86. Miss Green___________(be) in China for 6 years.

87. We ___________never ___________ (be) to Hawaii.

88. You'd bettertry to give up ___________ (smoke). It's too bad to your health.

89. Who is doingwell in ___________ (describe) things?

90. Have youfinished ___________ (read) the book?

91. Have you sawsomeone ___________ (ski) before?

92. —Can a sharkstop ___________ (swim)?

—No, Itcan't

93. You'd bettertry ___________ (do) it by yourself.

94. The studentskept ______(talk)about the football match.

95. I had acomputer lessons first. Then I went on ______ (have) tennis lessons.

96. He hopes______(see) the famous football player as soon as possible.

97. The boy kept_____ (ask) strange questions to his teacher, it made the teacher unhappy.

98. Edison enjoyed___________ (try) his new ideas.

99. He asked me___________ (speak) loudly.

100. Students muststudy hard ______ (make) our country strong.

101. The policemanmade him _____ (stand) in the rain for half an hour.

102. Would youlike something nice ___________ (eat)

103. I can'tdecide which sweater ___________ (choose)

104. He hasn'tdecided whether choose —————(tell) the truth.

105. He told me where___________ (buy) a computer.

106. Will youplease __________ (not talk) in the reading room.

107. I have a lotof work ___________ (do).

108. Why not___________ (come) a little earlier?

109. I'm sorry___________ (hear) that.

110. When did youfinish ___________ (pack) ?

111. ___________(talk) with her is a great pleasure.

112. English isnot so easy ___________ (learn) well.

113. When makeshim ___________ (think) I am a scientist.

114. I forgot___________ (bring) my textbook with me.

115. Last night Iheard Mike ___________ (cry) in the room.

116. My idea is___________ (have) a meeting at once.

117. At night, therobot watched him _________ (sleep). It knew everything about Mr. Mott.

118. In thecountry, he can hear birds ______ (sing) and sheep ______ (bleat)

119. My job is___________ (feed) the animals.

120. In about 600 years, we will hardly have enough space_______ (stand) in on the earth.

121.Foresthelp tokeep water from ___________ (run) away.

122. He printer isused for ___________ (print) documents.

123. He is busy___________ (write) his composition.

124. The film isworth ___________ (see).

125. They preferto ____(stay) at home rather than ____ (play) basketball.

126. Your opinionis worth ___________ (consider).

127. Ed starts_______ (carry) the bag, but trips over his shoes.

128. We are goingto have lots of fun ____ (hike) and _____ (eat) a new kind fruit.

129. Are you goodat _____ (read) maps?

130. Mary heardher father ______ (say) he would set off the next week.

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