

出门前老妈唠叨着今年年底要带一个蓝朋友回家,说是她最大的心愿ಥ_ಥ,等了好久终于等到今天,只是所谓的等待不是期待,而是焦虑着时间的审判。不想恋爱不想结婚害怕安定,家人期望的目光让我害怕去注视,puzzled puzzled puzzled

The Spring Festival is over, it’s almost like it’s never happened, and the soul is still in the company during the holidays...

Before going out, my mom took a blue friend home at the end of this year and said that it was her biggest wish. After waiting for a long time, I finally waited until today. It was just a wait for not waiting, but an anxiety time trial. I don't want to fall in love, I don't want to get married, I am afraid of stability, my family's expectations look scared to me, puzled puzzled puzzled








“Kassenbon!” 站在旁边的我终于忍不住飙了一个德语单词(心里想着自己真是臭不要脸可似又有什么办法ಥ_ಥ)

他:“Ach ja, no thanks!”。还请我喝了一杯咖啡。他好奇宝宝👶一样地看着我问哪里学来的,这不是一个common word,我说当年在德国购物时,每次收银员都跟我说这个词,久而久之就记住了!”No wonder hehe.” 这是我离开德国以来第一次和德国人交流,像是久别重逢的故人(不是因为他是帅哥才让我有这种感觉😄,不过德国盛产帅锅是真的,怀念起了当初的室友…)。在他的询问之下(忍不住地)说了欧洲的种种经历,从丹麦德国荷兰比利时法国,到意大利捷克共和国,往事不堪回首月明中,说着说着就说出了自己puzzling的现状唉:刚毕业,工作≈零经验,背井离乡,年假9天(他15天)…不说了,差点现场飙泪ಥ_ಥ。他安慰我说没事的会好起来的,年假9天也不是太坏,等你工作当了boss,年假自然就多拉: ),and 工作中你会慢慢学到很多东西的!

At the front desk of Starbucks, a handsome German guy in leather shoes and a black woolen coat is ordering. He tries to communicate with the waiter in Chinese: "A cup of American coffee."

"The big cup in the cup?"

"medium cup"

"Do you want a small ticket?"




"Kassenbon!" Standing next to me, I finally couldn't help but lick a German word (I thought that I was stinking and shameless, what can I do?)

He: "Ach ja, no thanks!". Also invited me to have a cup of coffee. He was curious as the baby looked at me and asked where to learn. This is not a common word. I said that when I was shopping in Germany, every time the cashier told me this word, I remember it over time! "No wonder hehe." This is the first time I have been in contact with the Germans since I left Germany. It is like a long-awaited reunion (not because he is a handsome guy, I have this feeling, but the German-selling handsome pot is true. I missed the original roommate...). Under his inquiry (can't help but say) all the European experiences, from Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, to the Czech Republic of Italy, the past is not going back to the first month, talking about the status quo of their own puzzling唉: Just graduated, work, zero experience, leaving home, 9 days of annual leave (he 15 days)... Not to mention, almost screaming at the scene ಥ ಥ. He comforted me that it would be better to say nothing, 9 days of annual leave is not too bad, waiting for you to work as a boss, the annual holiday is usually more:), and you will learn a lot of things at work!


他在一家British trading company上班(公司里唯一的德国人,英语很棒),毕业六年,来中国两年,家在德国最北边与丹麦交界处。29岁(看上去20),金发蓝眼,身高一米八,肤色超白,眉毛的颜色超浅,(看上去像丹麦王子)。喝完咖啡后,我们过了天桥,(在 jingle bell的BGM下)在联洋广场兜了一圈,然后往地铁站方向走。一路上我们聊了一些关于爱好之类的问题,音乐、电视剧、舞蹈、运动、饮食、节日、生活习惯、旅游、计划等等。典型尬聊模式,不过早点回家也没什么事,只好和他周旋了。典型的德式呆萌,到地铁站口我跟他说你可以搭地铁回家了,他说要送我回家,我说好吧(看他人挺正人君子的。反正我是坚决不会让他进我家的!)

After listening to his comfort words, I feel like I’m a little better. I think it’s just like it’s more painful. I’m so swallowing my heart, why bother to say so much to outsiders! It doesn't help.

He works at a British trading company (the only German in the company, the English is great), graduated for six years, came to China for two years, and was at the northernmost border of Denmark with Denmark. 29 years old (looks 20), blonde blue eyes, one meter tall, super white, eyebrows super light, (looks like a Danish prince). After drinking coffee, we crossed the bridge, (under the BGM of jingle bell), took a circle at Lianyang Plaza, and then headed for the subway station. Along the way we talked about issues like hobbies, music, TV series, dance, sports, eating, festivals, lifestyle, travel, planning and more. A typical chat mode, but it’s fine to go home early, so I have to deal with him. The typical German style is cute. I told him at the subway station that you can take the subway home. He said that he would send me home. I said ok. (Seeing others is a good man. Anyway, I am determined not to let him. Into my home!)

他问我“这是你每天上班都要经过的路吗?” 我说是的。悠哉悠哉,早上我走五分钟的路我们走了十五分钟。他是成熟稳重型的暖男,进出门都秉承的女士优先的原则,他还准备把他的围巾给我。

我说我到了,“hope you still remember the route to go back, i dont want you to get lost cuz it’ll be my fault..”

他傻笑着说当然不会,“its really nice to meet you and talk with you! hug?”

久违的hug goodbye,我却没有多想什么。

他夸我很漂亮(全都是套路吗ಥ_ಥ),说“do you want to meet again?”



He asked me, "Is this the way you go through work every day?" I said yes. It’s leisurely, I walked for fifteen minutes in the morning for five minutes. He is a mature and steady warm man, and the principle of giving priority to women entering and leaving the door, he is also ready to give me his scarf.

I said that I am here, "hope you still remember the route to go back, i dont want you to get lost cuz it’ll be my fault.."

He smirked and said certainly not, "its really nice to meet you and talk with you! hug?"

Long-lost hug goodbye, I didn't think much.

He boasted that I was very beautiful (all are routines ಥ _ ಥ), saying "do you want to meet again?"

I don't want to repeat the past. After returning home, I washed and slept, and got up early the next morning, decided not to play the phone all day.

Upon entering the door, the waiter smiled and said to you very kindly: "Good evening, beauty / gentleman." The bar is not big (may have a second floor), just a room, because it is Friday night, the population is almost full, listening to the waiter said that it will not be available until 8:30, it is not certain. Sammy said that my job is to go to someone else's seat and wait for them to get up. Looked at everyone basically have an appointment, even if no one on the table is also placed a reserved! So I squatted in the bar for a few laps, and then Sammy came, and we both stood and leaned on the central pillar to stand and chat.




他对我“去监狱探望朋友”的事很感兴趣,一直要刨根问底,我看与其说好奇,不如说是警惕与害怕,因为他的一个朋友(“代号高富帅”)说了像他这么体面的人不应该和一个接触监狱的女孩来往。我说那根本不是我的朋友。其实是这样的:我爸的朋友的侄子因为cyber crime被抓了,由于是在上海报的案,所以由广东移交至上海检察院这边待审判。目前在金山看守所。他父母本人不方便过来,让我帮忙去探望他一下,给点生活费。


突然他看到一个好久不见的朋友,左手一只鸡右手一杯酒,很是快活。他们打招呼的方式也是够浮夸了:“Hey man!说了那么一大堆我都没听懂,这土澳口音和美语的对话简直让人听的很迷,实在太难了,在想自己雅思听力8分是怎么来的TOT。看来这场对话我是加不进去了,只好一个人默默地喝着闷酒。

Sammy is from Melbourne, 30 years old, 1.8 meters, blonde blue eyes, Australian and Dutch mixed blood, but he does not speak Dutch. I used to have a German girlfriend and didn't learn German from her, so I only have English at the moment. The reason why people are lazy is as lazy as the Australian koala. He is a typical example of a foreign guy who tends to get longer and more disabled. When he was a volunteer in Thailand a few years ago, he was still a young and handsome guy with a sharp-eyed monkey. In a blink of an eye, he became a middle-aged greasy uncle. He is reflected in his body. However, in fact, it is not particularly fat, but this change in my heart is a bit big, I can't help but feel sorry for him. He said that China is only blessed. Before it was very skinny, it only blamed Shanghai food for being too sweet. It is easy to eat fat... In short, there are a lot of excuses. He said, "I am not particularly fat? Is it still handsome?" Looking at his really eager eyes that day, I had to say yes with my conscience.

After about 10 minutes, finally, the couple was ready to leave after dinner, and the girl volunteered to say hello to us. Finally, there are people who have seats too :)

So we ordered the beer first, he asked for a big cup, I chose a small cup with a low degree. I am really glad that I am a small cup, because I really don't want to drink, plus one day's boat ride, at this time I only want a bed and then lay down and sleep.

He is very interested in my "going to visit friends in prison". I have to ask questions. I think it is more cautious than fear, because one of his friends ("code-named Gao Fushuai") said that he is so decent. People should not be in contact with a girl who is in contact with the prison. I said that it was not my friend at all. In fact, this is the case: my dad’s friend’s nephew was arrested because of cyber crime. Because it was on the poster, it was handed over from Guangdong to the Shanghai Procuratorate for trial. Currently in the Jinshan Detention Center. His parents are not convenient to come over, let me help him to visit him and give him some living expenses.

I told him this story several times before he fully understood and rest assured that he said that he appreciated my honesty, but it really scared him. I didn't mean it, I just wanted to be an open-minded person.

Suddenly he saw a friend who had not seen him for a long time, and a chicken in his left hand had a glass of wine in his right hand. It was very happy. The way they say hello is also exaggerated: "Hey man! I said a lot of things I didn't understand. This dialogue between the local and Australian accents and the American language is very confusing. It is too difficult. I want to think about myself. How does the 8 points of listening come to the TOT. It seems that I can't get in this conversation, so I have to drink silently.

终于美国老走了,他说他晚饭还没吃,已经喝了三大杯啤酒了!然后开始点餐,问我想吃什么尽管说,他买单。可是我已经吃过晚饭了😂早知道有人请客就不吃那么饱了。我说你点你的,我到时候咬两口就好。他要了Fish Tacos, 说里面的鱼很好吃。fish tacos是玉米饼皮里面包着炸鱼块、包菜、洋葱、酸奶酱等,配合洋葱卷、柠檬汁食用。应该是来自墨西哥,刚开始吃味道还不错,后面吃着吃着越吃越辣,连我都觉得辣😂,我看了看Sammy,三两下就吃掉了一个卷,我说不辣吗,西方人不是不喜欢spicy food吗。他说他喜欢里面的鱼,咬都没咬直接吞,他说他吃东西就像澳洲的一种叫pelican的鸟一样,食物塞嘴里,嘴巴一张一闭,一张一闭就吞下去了😄,边说还边做动作模拟鸟吃食的样子,我差点笑喷,看看四周好像没人注意,他不怕丢人我害怕呢lol。


吃饱喝足,已经很晚了,他说如果我不想搭很久的地铁回家的话他可以收留我一晚,或者下次再聚。他说和朋友“高富帅”share一套公寓,有床有沙发。我说只是过一晚,nothing more than that. 他说you’re the boss. 于是他叫了didi,他说他还没有在中国搭过地铁和公交,出门就是taxi,因为便宜而方便。我说在中国就应该去体验一下挤公交地铁的感觉,他表示很乐意,还说想我和他们一起去吃中国火锅会更有感觉。

他说我的英语带着点口音很有意思,我说中国人应该都是chinese english吧,他说不是,有种british accent在里面。😄我也是醉醉的,美国人说我有aussie accent, 澳洲人说我是british accent, 英国人说我只是normal Chinese accent, 到底要怎样。我说巴黎的地铁的卫生不好,厕所很dirty!然后后立马被打断“really you have a British accent.” 他说一般他们就发音“dirty”,而英国人喜欢发“dir~ty~”,因为他在伦敦待过所以比较了解。(他之前在牛津修读autism硕士。)

突然他把手伸出来说“my hand is cold could you warm it up?”, 我故意让他失望,说“my hand is cold too!” 他只好诺诺地把手缩了回去。我说“what’s it like to live in the south hemisphere?” 他说“sunny blue sky everyday, 你们的冬天我们的夏天。” 他问我“please stop、keep going forward、a little bit”用中文怎么说,我教了他三个中文“停、前面、一点点”。太难的他学不会😄,这几个词够他打滴滴用了。

Finally, the United States is gone, he said that he has not eaten dinner, has already drank three glasses of beer! Then I started ordering and asked what I wanted to eat, even though he said that he paid for it. But I have already had dinner. I knew that someone would treat me and I wouldn’t eat it. I said you ordered you, I will take two bites when I get there. He asked for Fish Tacos, saying that the fish inside was delicious. Fish tacos is a tortilla bread with fried fish fillets, cabbage, onions, yoghurt sauce, etc., served with onion rolls and lemon juice. It should be from Mexico. It tastes good at first. The more you eat and eat, the more spicy you are. Even I feel so hot. I looked at Sammy. I ate a roll in three or two times. Is it not hot? Westerners don't like spicy food. He said that he likes the fish inside, and he doesn't bite and swallow it. He said that he eats like a bird called pelican in Australia. The food is stuffed in the mouth, and the mouth is closed one by one. Hey, while talking about doing the action to simulate the bird eating, I almost laughed and sprayed, and I saw no one noticed around him. He was not afraid of shame. I was afraid of it.

He cut the last volume in half and gave me half of it. I could have eaten as much as I could have eaten dinner. I asked him to help me. Then he like pelican, seeing what to eat, eating the plate, and even falling off the food on the table... casually.

It’s already late to eat and drink. He said that if I don’t want to take the subway back home for a long time, he can take me one night, or gather again next time. He said that he shared an apartment with his friend "Gao Fu Shuai" and had a bed with a sofa. I said that it was only one night, nothing more than that. He said you’re the boss. So he called didi, he said that he has not taken the subway and bus in China, and it is taxi because it is cheap and convenient. I said that in China, I should experience the feeling of crowding the bus. He said that he was very happy and said that I would feel more like I would go to eat Chinese hot pot with them.

He said that my English is very interesting with a accent. I said that the Chinese should be Chinese english. He said no, there is a british accent in it. Oh, I am also drunk. The Americans say that I have aussie accent, the Australians say that I am british accent, the British say that I am only normal Chinese accent, what is going on. I said that the subway in Paris is not good, the toilet is dirty! Then he immediately interrupted "really you have a British accent." He said that they generally pronounced "dirty", and the British like to send "dir ~ ty ~", because he stayed in London so he knows. (He studied reutism in Oxford before.)

Suddenly he reached out and said "my hand is cold could you warm it up?", I deliberately let him down, saying "my hand is cold too!" He had no choice but to shrink his hand back. I said "what's it like to live in the south hemisphere?" He said "sunny blue sky everyday, your winter in our summer." He asked me "please stop, keep going forward, a little bit" in Chinese, how to say I taught him three Chinese "stop, front, a little bit". It’s too difficult for him to learn, and these words are enough for him to use.

大概半个小时的样子就到他家了,六楼,两室一厅,一间厨房,一间浴室,还一间laundry。沙发、电视、也养了一缸小金鱼。我问鱼是他的还是“高富帅”的?他说所以东西都是他们两个人的,鱼是房东养的^ ^。他给了我一根新牙刷,然后我开始刷牙,他去厨房烧水给我喝。他还给我准备了他的睡衣,拿来了拖鞋,说当自己家就好,好贴心。他坐在沙发上喝起了红酒,说每晚睡前一杯!果然是酒鬼。

大概11点的时候我们就去睡觉了,太困了,倒床就睡着了。第二天我7点半就醒了,起床洗漱完,他居然还没起床!我只想说该吃早餐了。他睁眼第一句“how are you feeling?”我说“better.” 我们坐在床上聊天,他问我有没有戴contact lenses,我说没有,虽然我有short sighted。他说大部分的中国人都有,可能是太hardworking了吧。真是到哪都要被说hardworking,真不知道这是compliment还是。。


我问他是不是基督徒,他说他不信任何宗教,所以也就不需要像一般人一样结婚生子、组建家庭。我说这太酷了,心里却想着,任何人都有选择是否结婚的自由,只不过大多数情况下,人们选择了正常的生活路线,我不认为是外界的条条框框决定了我所选择的生活方式,但我会选择婚姻,因为我喜欢那种感觉,有那么一个人和你分享一张床,一间房,一个家;enjoys doing those simple stuffs like going to the grocery stores with you:)。

It took about half an hour to get to his home, the sixth floor, two bedrooms and one living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a laundry. Sofa, TV, and a small goldfish. I asked if the fish is his or "high and handsome"? He said that the things are both of them, and the fish is raised by the landlord ^ ^. He gave me a new toothbrush, then I started brushing my teeth and he went to the kitchen to boil water for me. He also prepared me his pajamas, brought in slippers, and said that when he was at home, he was so sweet. He sat on the couch and drank red wine, saying that he had a cup before going to bed every night! Sure enough, it is an alcoholic.

At about 11 o'clock we went to sleep, too sleepy, fell asleep and fell asleep. The next day I woke up at 7:30, and when I got up, I didn't get up yet! I just want to say that I should have breakfast. He blinked the first sentence "how are you feeling?" I said "better." We sat on the bed and chatted. He asked if I had contact lenses, I said no, although I have short sighted. He said that most Chinese people have it, maybe it is too hardworking. I really have to be said to be hardworking, I really don't know if this is a compliment or not. .

He asked me to believe in religion? I want to say that I am an atheist, but I forgot the words, and that I think most of China is Buddhism, so I said buddism and said that we go to temple every year. He seems to be surprised. Google also showed me that 3/4 of China's people have no faith, and the ratio is higher than Australia. I was shocked. I thought about the real buddism of eating Buddha. Like us, we can understand the ratio.

I asked him if he was a Christian. He said that he does not believe in any religion, so he does not need to marry and form a family like the average person. I said it was so cool, but I thought in my heart that anyone has the freedom to choose whether to marry, but in most cases, people choose a normal life route. I don’t think it’s the outside world that determines what I choose. Lifestyle, but I will choose marriage, because I like that feeling, there is a person who shares a bed with you, a room, a home; enjoys doing those simple stuffs like going to the grocery stores with you:).

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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 29,694评论 0 19
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 30,927评论 1 255
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 42,330评论 2 346
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 41,904评论 2 341
