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异常的根类是 java.lang.Throwable,核心数据结构/模型和实现都在于此类。了解她们对理解异常信息很关键。

其子类 java.lang.Exception、java.lang.RuntimeException、java.lang.Error 都是标签类。


Throwable 是异常的根类,核心数据结构/模型和实现都在于此类。了解她们对理解异常信息很关键

 * The {@code Throwable} class is the superclass of all errors and
 * exceptions in the Java language. Only objects that are instances of this
 * class (or one of its subclasses) are thrown by the Java Virtual Machine or
 * can be thrown by the Java {@code throw} statement. Similarly, only
 * this class or one of its subclasses can be the argument type in a
 * {@code catch} clause.
 * For the purposes of compile-time checking of exceptions, {@code
 * Throwable} and any subclass of {@code Throwable} that is not also a
 * subclass of either {@link RuntimeException} or {@link Error} are
 * regarded as checked exceptions.
 * <p>Instances of two subclasses, {@link java.lang.Error} and
 * {@link java.lang.Exception}, are conventionally used to indicate
 * that exceptional situations have occurred. Typically, these instances
 * are freshly created in the context of the exceptional situation so
 * as to include relevant information (such as stack trace data).
 * @author  unascribed
 * @author  Josh Bloch (Added exception chaining and programmatic access to
 *          stack trace in 1.4.)
 * @jls 11.2 Compile-Time Checking of Exceptions
 * @since JDK1.0
public class Throwable implements Serializable {

     * Specific details about the Throwable.
    private String detailMessage;

     * The throwable that caused this throwable to get thrown, or null if this
     * throwable was not caused by another throwable, or if the causative
     * throwable is unknown.
    private Throwable cause = this;

     * The stack trace, as returned by {@link #getStackTrace()}.
    private StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = UNASSIGNED_STACK;

     * The list of suppressed exceptions, as returned by {@link #getSuppressed()}.
    private List<Throwable> suppressedExceptions = SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL;

    /** Caption  for labeling causative exception stack traces */
    private static final String CAUSE_CAPTION = "Caused by: ";

    /** Caption for labeling suppressed exception stack traces */
    private static final String SUPPRESSED_CAPTION = "Suppressed: ";

     * Constructs a new throwable with the specified detail message and
     * cause.  <p>Note that the detail message associated with
     * {@code cause} is <i>not</i> automatically incorporated in
     * this throwable's detail message.
     * <p>The {@link #fillInStackTrace()} method is called to initialize
     * the stack trace data in the newly created throwable.
    public Throwable(String message, Throwable cause) {
        detailMessage = message;
        this.cause = cause;

     * Returns a short description of this throwable.
     * The result is the concatenation of:
     * <ul>
     * <li> the {@linkplain Class#getName() name} of the class of this object
     * <li> ": " (a colon and a space)
     * <li> the result of invoking this object's {@link #getLocalizedMessage}
     *      method
     * </ul>
     * If {@code getLocalizedMessage} returns {@code null}, then just
     * the class name is returned.
    public String toString() {
        String s = getClass().getName();
        String message = getLocalizedMessage();
        return (message != null) ? (s + ": " + message) : s;

    private void printStackTrace(PrintStreamOrWriter s) {
        // Guard against malicious overrides of Throwable.equals by
        // using a Set with identity equality semantics.
        Set<Throwable> dejaVu =
            Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<Throwable, Boolean>());

        synchronized (s.lock()) {
            // Print our stack trace
            StackTraceElement[] trace = getOurStackTrace();
            for (StackTraceElement traceElement : trace)
                s.println("\tat " + traceElement);

            // Print suppressed exceptions, if any
            for (Throwable se : getSuppressed())
                se.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, SUPPRESSED_CAPTION, "\t", dejaVu);

            // Print cause, if any
            Throwable ourCause = getCause();
            if (ourCause != null)
                ourCause.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, CAUSE_CAPTION, "", dejaVu);


异常调用堆栈,最底下的"Caused by: "是问题的根源所在。


其中 StackTraceElement 表示调用栈跟踪元素,了解其核心数据结构/模型对理解异常信息也很关键。

 * An element in a stack trace, as returned by {@link
 * Throwable#getStackTrace()}.  Each element represents a single stack frame.
 * All stack frames except for the one at the top of the stack represent
 * a method invocation.  The frame at the top of the stack represents the
 * execution point at which the stack trace was generated.  Typically,
 * this is the point at which the throwable corresponding to the stack trace
 * was created.
 * @since  1.4
 * @author Josh Bloch
public final class StackTraceElement implements {

    private String declaringClass;
    private String methodName;
    private String fileName;
    private int    lineNumber;

     * Creates a stack trace element representing the specified execution
     * point.
    public StackTraceElement(String declaringClass, String methodName,
                             String fileName, int lineNumber) {
        this.declaringClass = Objects.requireNonNull(declaringClass, "Declaring class is null");
        this.methodName     = Objects.requireNonNull(methodName, "Method name is null");
        this.fileName       = fileName;
        this.lineNumber     = lineNumber;

     * Returns a string representation of this stack trace element.  The
     * format of this string depends on the implementation, but the following
     * examples may be regarded as typical:
     * <ul>
     * <li>
     *   {@code "MyClass.mash("} - Here, {@code "MyClass"}
     *   is the <i>fully-qualified name</i> of the class containing the
     *   execution point represented by this stack trace element,
     *   {@code "mash"} is the name of the method containing the execution
     *   point, {@code ""} is the source file containing the
     *   execution point, and {@code "9"} is the line number of the source
     *   line containing the execution point.
     * <li>
     *   {@code "MyClass.mash("} - As above, but the line
     *   number is unavailable.
     * <li>
     *   {@code "MyClass.mash(Unknown Source)"} - As above, but neither
     *   the file name nor the line  number are available.
     * <li>
     *   {@code "MyClass.mash(Native Method)"} - As above, but neither
     *   the file name nor the line  number are available, and the method
     *   containing the execution point is known to be a native method.
     * </ul>
     * @see    Throwable#printStackTrace()
    public String toString() {
        return getClassName() + "." + methodName +
            (isNativeMethod() ? "(Native Method)" :
             (fileName != null && lineNumber >= 0 ?
              "(" + fileName + ":" + lineNumber + ")" :
              (fileName != null ?  "("+fileName+")" : "(Unknown Source)")));




异常调用堆栈,最底下的"Caused by: "是问题的根源所在。

MethodA() -> MethodB() -> MethodC()-此处抛出了异常

XxxException: message
  at ...
  at MethodA()
  at ...
Caused by: XxxException: message
  at MethodB()
Caused by: XxxException: message  --问题的根源所在
  at MethodC()

异常调用堆栈倒打,将最底下的"Caused by: "问题根源打印到最上面。

异常日志解读 waybill rule is null by DISTRIBUTOR_30474702

第一行日志 waybill rule is null by DISTRIBUTOR_30474702
// 参考 java.lang.Throwable#toString
getLocalizedMessage()=detailMessage:waybill rule is null by DISTRIBUTOR_30474702

// 参考 java.lang.Throwable#printStackTrace(java.lang.Throwable.PrintStreamOrWriter)
//            StackTraceElement[] trace = getOurStackTrace();
//            for (StackTraceElement traceElement : trace)
//                s.println("\tat " + traceElement);
"\tat ":    at
// 参考 java.lang.StackTraceElement#toString
getClassName() + "." +
"(" + fileName + ":" + lineNumber + ")":(




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