class 3

Lesson 61

I got this on sale for only four bucks.    我买这个只花了四块钱。

He always buys his clothes on sale. He never pays full price.

We would like to purchase this.

He purchased his first house with the money.

I bought this car for ten thousand dollars.

The big supermarket offers the lowest prices in town.

Lesson 62

I got in an accident and messed up your car.    我碰上事故了,把你的车撞坏了。

She got in an accident yesterday.

We met by accident at the airport.

You know I don't like locked doors in my house, boy.

Who messed up my bookshelf?

I've really messed up this time.

You mess up your hair coloring again?

She had a crash on the way to work.

I will mess you up.

She said that her life was a mess.

There was water everywhere. It was such a mess.

Lesson 63

I'm still on the fence.    我还在犹豫中。

I'm still hungry.

Look, I'm still happy to drive you to work. We're still roommates; we're still friends.

You can't sit on the fence any longer. You have to decide whose side you're on.

I guess her not telling you means that she's on the fence about it.

I'm on the fence about my job.

Susan, he's having second thoughts.

I'm still hesitating about taking the job or not.

I'm torn between staying and going.

Lesson 64

Are you planning on asking her out?    你打算约她出去吗?

I'm planning on throwing a birthday party for my mom.

How do you plan on doing that?

I didn't plan on falling in love with you.

So, you plan on staying here in this place?

And I plan on doing so.

Told you not to promise.

I can't wait to ask her out.

I finally got the courage to ask her out.

Is she really going to say yes if I ask her out?

My dad asks you in for a coffee.

Oh, are you going steady?

I've been going steady with him for six months.

How was your date?

Let's change the subject.

Lesson 65

There's a bug buzzing around my head!    有一只虫子一直在我耳边嗡嗡叫!

There's a woman staring at you.

There's some food in the kitchen, if you're hungry.

I don't like the country. Too many bugs.

I picked up a bug last week.

Dad, you phone's been buzzing like crazy.

I buzzed, but you didn't pick up.

Don't bark at me.

Lesson 66

No, I couldn't possibly. I'm so stuffed.    我吃不下了,我很撑了。

Here, I want you to have this.

Oh on, I couldn't possibly.

Oh, it's yours. You bought it.

Oh my God, this is so good!

It's so difficult for me.

It's a big dinner. I'm stuffed.

Oh, my God, that is so good!

Can I get you some more bread?

No, I think I've had just about enough.

Lesson 67

Can you fit me in this afternoon?    能给我安排在今天下午吗?

Could you babysit for me on Friday?

I have to fit ten appointments in one morning.

We should be able to fit one more in.

Don't you want me to fit in?

She never fits in.

How did you fit in?

Does six  work for you?

How does next Wednesday work for you?

When's the appointment?

I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Wang.

Okay, book me for one more night.

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I had to postpone interview.

Can I reschedule?

Tina, cancel all my appointments.

Lesson 68

Think of this as an opportunity.    你可以把这当作一个机会。

Think of this as something good.

Think of this as a chance to meet other people.

I think of the teacher as some sort of mom.

I had an opportunity to go to New York and study.

I didn't want to miss the opportunity.

You have to see your opportunity and take it.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help.

You gave me the confidence to jump at it, and I am so, so grateful.

Lesson 69

My old one's kind of worn-out-looking.    我的旧手机太破了。

I want to buy a new pair of trousers, because my old one is short.

Smaller than my old one, though.

I am worn out. This has been a long day.

When I get home from work, I'm worn out and all want to do lie on the couch.

These run-down houses should be torn down.

Everything is too conservative and out-of-date.

I love your new coat, it's so old-school!

Some things never go out of fashion.

Lesson 70

Do you have any formal training?    你受过专业培训吗?

Children begin their formal education as early as four years old.

The dinner is a formal affair.

I will be in formal dress for that.

On the course, we received training in every aspect of the jib.

She's in training for race.

She doesn't have formal training in acting.

He coaches me in basketball.

I am self-taught.

He's a self-taught painter.

He had very little schooling.

He had a few years of home schooling before primary school.

Lesson 71

Your nose is runny. Come here and let me wipe it.    你流鼻涕了。过来,我给你擦擦。

I have a runny nose and a scratchy throat.

Is my nose running?

Come here and let me see it.

Wipe your hands on your napkin.

My shoe's untied.

I guess the little guy knows how to put on his own shoes.

Lesson 72

What's wrong? Does your tummy hurt?    哪里不舒服?是不是肚子疼?

What's wrong with you?

Is there anything wrong? You look worried.

No, I'm totally fine. There's nothing wrong?

My back hurts.

It hurts when I bend my knee.

My head hurts, and I'm more tired than ever.

I've had a stomachache all the morning.

The weather is terrible.

He fell asleep with a full belly and a happy heart.

Lesson 73

This is like a dream come true for me.    简直就是美梦成真了啊。

It's a little like daydreaming.

They are very much like each other.

This is what my real life is like.

She's definitely not warm.

It is just like I told you, no?

Your wish is gonna come true.

That promise has not yet come true.

He saw his prophecies come true.

Lesson 74

Ah, I pulled my hamstring.    啊,我的腿拉伤了。

You may pull your hamstring if you don't do enough warming up.

The company is hamstring by its way of management.

Let's pull over.

Let's pull over and have a rest.

You gotta pull yourself together.

She's just skinned her knee.

She sprained her ankle when playing basketball.

Lesson 75

It must be clogged.    估计是(管道)堵了。

The bus must be coming soon.

This must've cost him a fortune.

You must follow the rules.

The bathroom's clogged pretty bad.

Do you mind if I use your restroom?

Do you know where the ladies' room is?

Do you know where the gents' is?

I got to take a leak.

Lesson 76

Have these been run?    这些(盘子)都洗过了吗?

I just want to verify that my payment has been received.

Life has been bad to you.

It has been rainy these days.

Whose papers are those?

No one is ever going to buy one of these.

Keep clear of the machines while they're running.

Does he make the bed in the morning?

You are old enough to make the bed.

Need I remind you it's your day to do the laundry?

Today is a good day to do the laundry.

Why don't I take out the trash instead?

Lesson 77

This was literally the best meal I've ever had.    这真是我吃过最好吃的。

What does the word mean literally?

It's my best ever score.

It was the best movie I've ever seen!

It was literally the best burger in the world!

The cake is really yummy.

This was mighty tasty.

The soup is mighty tasty.

Lesson 78

We've actually had to turn away business.    我们(太忙了)得推掉一些生意。

I've had to work late every night this month.

I don't know what actually happened.

I really think he's sick.

Sorry, but I have to turn you away.

I've been too busy to clean my house.

I'm tired. I've had a long day.

It's gonna be a long day tomorrow.

His hands are full with the release of his new book.

We still have a million things to do.

We're gonna have a million things to do.

Lesson 79

It's never a dull moment.    一刻也没消停过。

It's never too late to start eating a healthy diet.

Would you vote for him?

I never ever forget that.

Better late than never.

I've never seen that before in my life.

Never say never.

Oh, I got to get back to work.

Your eyes are dull with dark shadows beneath them.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

I have been crazed all day.

He is tied up in a meeting at the moment.

Lesson 80

Our subscription to Times is coming up for renewal.    我们要续订时报了。

I've decided to take out a subscription to an auto magazine.

You may cancel your subscription to the magazines at any time.

That house is up for sale.

It's still up for discussion.

The report is coming up for review.

Her birthday is coming up.

I have accepted your friend request.

Please follow us here on Weibo.

Don't forget to follow us on Weibo.

Lesson 81

Yeah, but then it'll be blocking one of the outlets.    是嘛,但是这样会挡住一个插座啊。

What's wrong with him? He's smart, funny, handsome.

If you miss the train, then you'll have to get a taxi.

So, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone?

Then, yes, I'll miss you.

Someone's blocking my car. I can't get out.

Oh, I'm sorry. Am I blocking your view?

Someone keeps blocking your number on my phone.

I need a plug! Where's the outlet?

I want to have the master bedroom.

I decorated my room with some beautiful shells.

I'm helping you remodel your house.

Lesson 82

This place is dead.    这地方死气沉沉的。

This place is dead after nine o'clock.

The city center's quite lively during the day, but it's totally dead at night.

This place is a little dead.

It'll liven up in a minute. Trust me.

It was kind of dead tonight. Hi. Oh, sorry.

My left arm has gone dead.

Why was your phone off all day?

My battery was dead. I forgot my charger.

You think I'm uncool and dreary.

Did you guys have fun today?

Pretty dull.

Lesson 83

I need to go get my prescription filled, so I'll be back in a while.    我要去拿药了,很快就回来。

The drugs are available by prescription only.

Dad will be back on Monday.

You come back very late tonight.

I don't want to go back.

Put my books back!

Give my money back!

You didn't look before you backed up?

I did but I didn't see you.

They will be with you in a while.

I haven't seen you for quite a while!

You should take your pills with food.

Lesson 84

Do you want the aisle seat?    你要靠过道的座位吗?

Do you want some more coffee?

Do you want to go to the movies?

Do you want me to leave you alone for a few minutes?

Would you care for my seat as well?

Would you care for another drink?

I like the aisle seat when I travel.

Would you like an aisle seat or a window seat?

What airline did you fly with?

Lesson 85

I guess it requires some assembly.    看来这需要组装。

I guess I must have given you my cold.

Let me take a wild guess and say Lily.

You're a lucky guy.

Can you do me a favor? My flowers require regular watering.

Who wishes to address the assemble.

Let's assemble in the meeting room after lunch.

We need to start everyone working around the clock.

My answer to the last question was a shot in the dark.

Lesson 86

I was wondering if I could exchange them for another pair.    请问我可以换双手套吗?

I was wondering if I could borrow your car.

I was wondering if you could help me.

We exchange phone numbers.

They're defective, and I'd like my money back.

Give me my money back.

No, Too late. You can't give it back.

I want to return this.

Lesson 87

Can you please swipe your card and enter your PIN number?    请您刷一下银行卡,然后输入密码。

Could you please just swipe it again?

Please enter your credit card number.

They entered the building through the front door.

I've just got to pop into the bank to get some money.

Why don't you pop in and see us this afternoon?

I deposit $500 in my account every month.

Lesson 88

Is there anything in particular you're in the mood for?    你有什么特别想吃的吗?

It was a good concert. I enjoyed the last song in particular.

I'm lying on the bed doing nothing in particular.

Sounds like someone in particular.

I was not talking about anyone in particular.

We have to go over the particulars.

For further particulars, please contact us.

Can I know some further particulars about the job?

I'm really in the mood for shopping.

I don't want to talk about it now. I'm not in the mood.

You look fantastic.

Lesson 89

They're down to four teams now.    现在只剩下四支球队了。

I'm down to my last dollar.

You seem to be down one partner today.

We'll know the next one out of the park.

I think that we can work together as a team.

They were six points down at one stage.

Lesson 90

Do you have any recommendations for a nice, balanced red?    你能给我推荐一款口感均衡的红酒吗?

It's the letter of recommendation you asked for.

We chose the hotel on their recommendation.

I'm gonna draw you a nice, warm bath.

The wine factory is famous for its balanced red.

It is important to have a balanced and nutritious diet.

I'll take a Scotch on the rocks.

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