
[ Malaysia’s National Treasure – Tongkat Ali ]

Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack) is known as a national treasure of Malaysia, is internationally respected medical community green natural herbs, Tongkat Ali use as a traditional medicine for hundreds of years. Tongkat Ali is grown near the equator of virgin rainforest in Southeast Asia in moist sandy soil of a wild shrub, maturity is generally more than five years. Tongkat Ali also known as Malay Ginseng because plant flavonoid compound content is 5 times of ginseng.

Tongkat Ali whole trees is a rare wild herbs with high grass undergraduate medical value, especially the roots. Studies have shown that tongkat ali root (especially the core) contains many plant chemicals that can promote the production of testosterone, testosterone is the male sexual hormone, is also the brain development of the necessary hormones.

[ The Legend of Tongkat Ali ]

According to legend, folklore in Southeast Asia with a story. There is a local Aboriginal elders called Muhammad Ali, when he's 90  years old enter the virgin forest hunting, because of lost trapped, he exhausted and even eat Tongkat Ali become physical doubled.  Finally he's leaning Tongkat Ali back to the tribe. Local people make surprise with Ali because a few months gone but Ali looks  a lot of young,  the original disease has left him, sexuality returned to the 40 years old, further he also get married and have  children. Subsequently, Ali telling the tribe and lead them digging Tongkat Ali and eat.

In the 19th century, the Malaysian resistance to British colonial rule, in the marsh miasma of mountain forest to escape the British hunt down & circuitous resistance time, they use Tongkat Ali for medical purposes.

[ International Patent Rainforest Aphrodisiac Plants ]

Tongkat Ali is widely used in the private sector has aroused great attention of the medical profession in Malaysia and the United States. From 1999 onwards, the Malaysian funded research group set up by  an expert at the Massachusetts  Institute of Forest  Research Institute  of Malaysia, University  of Malaya, Malaysia  Academy of Sciences and other  institutions composed of  tongkat ali conduct  special studies.

[ Type of Tongkat Ali ]

Yellow Tongkat Ali

Most common, taste a little bitter. According to traditional Chinese medical science, black food benefits kidney while yellow food benefits spleen and stomach, hence it brings tonic effects. Yellow Tongkat Ali is cold, suitable for obesity and damp-heat patients.

Black Tongkat Ali

Also known as Wild Black Gorilla. Black Tongkat Ali smells fishy, but when tastes by bits, it tastes mild. Production of Black Tongkat Ali is rare while its healing efficacy is much better than Yellow Tongkat Ali, best in enhancing male energy.

Red Tongkat Ali

Best healing efficacy among all types of Tongkat Ali, better enhancement of kidney function compared to Black Tongkat Ali. Red Tongkat Ali smells a little ginseng, tastes sweet, obviously different taste compared to Yellow and Black Tongkat Ali.

[ Benefits of Tongkat Ali ]

• Improve kidney function

• Treatment of Gout

• Anti-Cancer

• Relief Fever

• Boost Fertility

• Anti-Malaria

• Reduce Fatigue

• Treatment of Prostatitis

• Improve Body Immune System & Enhance Physical Fitness

• Relief Diabetes, Reduce Blood Sugar Levels & Cholesterol

According to the scientific research & analysis, Tongkat Ali contains the following active ingredients and beneficial effects:       

Quassinoids– Increase appetite, used as stomachic & antiprotozoal effect

Squalene - Enhanced immune capacity & anti-fatigue

Superoxide Dismutase- Eliminate harmful substances produced during the metabolic process, with anti-aging effects

Beta-carbolines– Anxiolytic, hypnotic, antitumor, antiviral, antiparasitic as well as antimicrobial activities

Biphenyl Lignan– Liver protection and antioxidant

Triterpenoids – Anticancer potential, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-apoptotic effects

Glycoproteins (Eurycomalacton, eurycomanone, and eurycomanol) – muscle-builder, act as an anti-cancer and anti-malarial agent.

[ Consumption Methods ]

• Tea bag– Place a Tongkat Ali tea bag into a cup of hot water. Let the bag to sit in the cup for a while and it is ready to be served. May be brew up to three times.

• Stew -Stew 2-3 pieces of Tongkat Ali chipped roots together in broth until the meat is cooked, suitable for adults and children.

• Slices / root chips –

1. After chipping, wash the root chips with water.

2. Soak 2g of chipped root in 1 liter of water for 1 hour.

3. Boil and cook for 30 minutes - 1 hour.

4. Remove the chipped root and drink.

The juice (tea) may be blended with honey or rock sugar to balance off the bitter taste of Tongkat Ali. You may reboil the root chip and juice for another consumption until the bitter taste has subsided.

• Soak in White Spirit - Soak chipped roots in white spirit for one month and above, make sure submerge all the roots. White spirit with high alcohol level is preferable. Best with 45 degree of alcohol and above. Drink accordingly only.

[ Safety Precautions ]

• Individual with health conditions and are under medications are advised to consult their physician before consuming Tongkat Ali.

• Tongkat Ali is not suitable for pregnant or breast feeding women and individuals below 16 years old to drink.

• Do not consume in large quantities in a short period of interval. The standard dosage is considered to be a maximum of 50g of root chips in a day. User should maintain an adequate and balanced daily intake, and reduce their dosage if side effects occur.

• On high dose, Tongkat Ali can cause irritability, restlessness, facial flushing, nausea (vomiting), increased body temperature and insomnia. Very high doses (more than 50g chips per day) can lead to heart pounding and sweating.

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