普通青年: I love you more than I can say.
逗比青年: the love is in my heart,the mouth can not open
文艺青年(小麦老师):seal the love in my heart(将爱封存在心底)。
2.王者农药(荣耀),the honor of the king,欧耶 赶了一把时尚。
3.top grossing,最卖座,销量最好。
4.not be all it is cracked up to be,名不副实,没有想象和期望的好。
5.the fat is in the fire,想象下,肥肉(脂肪)遇到了火源,会是何种情况呢?肯定是烧得一发不可收拾,没有退路了,只能咬牙向前。
6.play fast and loose with sb sth,敷衍了事,草率对待。草草打一个结。
7.by all accpunts,大家都这么说了。
串起来:王者农药是最近非常流行(top grossing)的游戏。既然大家都说好(by all accounts),我就随便尝试一下(play past and loose)。结果没有想象中那么好。但是已经开始了(the fat Is on fire),就继续走下去。
最后赠送几句金句,适合装 x
1,there is nothing impossble in the world,the word itself is like saying“ I am possible”.
2. To succed in life,.you need the wish.bonr,.the funny bond and.the backnbone.
顺祝某连美妞生快! 钞票多多来~