Words and expressions
1.Procrastinate (verb) 拖延
E.g. Don't procrastinate! It's time to get started.
Procrastination (noun)
E.g. It's hard for her to avoid procrastination.
2. Doer 实干的人
E.g. We need fewer talkers and more doers.
3. Walk the walk 言行一致
E.g. You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk? 你说的头头是道,可是你做得到吗?(字典例句)
4. Priority 优先事项;首要事情
E.g. You need to get your priorities straight. 你需要把个人事情的轻重缓急分清楚。(字典例句)
5. Follow through
It means the actions that sb takes in order to complete a plan.
E.g. The project could fail if there is inadequate follow through. 如果缺少恰当的后续行动,该项目可能失败。(字典例句)
6. Elastic (adjective) 灵活的;可改变的
E.g. Our plans are fairly elastic.(字典例句)
7. Ins and outs 全部细节;详情
E.g. He told me the ins and outs about his date.
8. Chunk time 大块时间
Bits of time 碎片时间
E.g. As a adult, he had to support himself and his children. So he doesn't has chunk time to learn English like he used to. In this case, learning English by using bis of time is the best way for him.
9. Time-waster 浪费时间的人
Naysayer 经常拒绝(或否定、反对)的人;总投反对票的人
Nay means no; Yea means yes.
Time-server 混日子的人
10.Glass ceiling 玻璃天花板,无形顶障(虽无明文规定却实际存在的对妇女等在职务升迁上的无形限制)
11. Two cents
Here's my two cents. 以下是我的拙见
Put in your two cents' worth 发表意见(即使别人不想听)
12. Excuse 借口
You have to be stronger than your excuses.
13. Deliberately 故意;不慌不忙,从容不迫
E.g. He deliberately went into the building.
14. Physical time 物理时间
Subject time 主观时间
15. Morale 士气(注意发音)
Boost/ raise/ improve morale 鼓舞士气
E.g. He is suffering from low morale.