




Life expectancy in Japan is the highest in the world, at 84. This is good news for its people, but means that an ever-higher share of the population is elderly. Fully 28% of Japanese are older than 65, compared with 15% of Americans and 21% of Germans. More old people, in turn, means higher health-care costs. Last year the government budgeted ¥15trn for health care and nursing, excluding the charges itlevies for the public health-insurance scheme. With public debt at 250% of GDP, and debt service consuming a further 24% of spending, the government is looking desperately for ways to cut costs. It reckons caring for people at home is one of its best options.

ever-higher不断升高的。Ever:不断地,总是。Ever-higher,不断地升高。【写作建议】sth continue to increase可以改换成 an ever-higher sth。如the number of overseas students continue to increase = there is an ever-higher number of overseas students nowadays.

a share of一部分。Let me take a share of your sorrow,让我来承担你的一份哀愁。这里指的是老年人占总人口的一部分。【写作建议】可以替换a part of

fully强调数量,the whole of,as much as,翻译为:足足,整整。

in turn除了轮流的意思,还有“反过来”的意思。比如This in turn could trigger their feelings 这反过来会激起他们的情绪。文中即更多的老年人,反过来,意味着更高的医疗费用。

budget ¥1bnfor sth):为……编制10亿预算

levy征收,levy on sth or sb,向某人或某组织机构征收税款 levy for sth,为某项计划征收税款

health-insurance scheme健康保险计划

cut costs减少支出,【写作建议】可以替换reduce costs



All Japanese pay a monthly premium to the public insurance scheme, either through their employer or the local municipality. In return they are entitled to treatment and drugs from public and private doctors and hospitals, although they must also pay a portion of the cost of treatment, subject to a cap. In 2000 Japan introduced an additional public insurance scheme for long-term care for those over 65, into which people must pay from the age of 40. It works the same way. The premiums and co-payments cover around 60% of the cost of the services provided; the government pays for the rest. And it is the old who cost the most. The government reckons that the average annual cost of health care for someone over 75 is ¥942,000, compared with just ¥221,000 for everyone else.

entitled to有权享有的。

a portion of一部分。与上一段提到的a share of 可以替换

subject to a capcap是帽子的意思,subject to 是受制于。合起来,受制于一定头上的帽子,比喻具有一定上限的意思。

introduced推行,如introduce a new scheme,推行新的计划。不是介绍的意思呦

into which people must pay from the age of 40这里是定语从句介词提前,pay into存入,存钱,which指代前面新的保险计划。




By the standards of ageing nations, Japan has managed to curb medical costs fairly well, says Naoki Ikegami of St Luke’s International University in Tokyo. The government sets fees for services to keep costs down (although that encourages providers to perform unnecessary procedures to make more money: Japan has more CT scanners relative to its population than any other country). It has also promoted the use of generic drugs, which are cheaper.

by the standards of依据……的标准,可以翻译为以……的标准来衡量

fairly well相当好,挺不错。例句:I have completed the task fairly well

perform procedures toprocedure是程序,步骤,可以配合动词 perform 执行程序;follow procedure 按程序办事

generic drugs仿制药,也称非专利药。是指原厂药的专利权过期后,由合格厂商依照原厂药申请专利时所公开的信息,生产制作。



Nonetheless, the country has crept up to sixth place in the OCED’s ranking of the share of GDP spent on health care, behind France and America, but ahead of Italy and South Korea—two other ageing countries. It is not just that the number of old people is increasing; spending per person is rising, too, as people live longer with diseases like Alzheimer’s and diabetes.

Nonetheless尽管如此,despite this fact

creep up慢慢爬上,上升 【写作建议】creep up to 序数词 place in sth。如after two months’ efforts, he has crept up to second place in class rank. 经过两个月的努力,他的成绩达到了班级第二

It is not just that这并不仅仅是因为……spending per person:另做主语(人均收入) 两句之间分号隔开。as引导原因状语从句解释第二句话【写作推荐】

【注】OCED经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)



ever-highersth continue to increase可以改换成 an ever-higher sth。如the number of overseas students continue to increase = there is an ever-higher number of overseas students nowadays.

a share of:可以替换a part of

cut costs减少支出,可以替换reduce costs


creep up慢慢爬上,上升 creep up to 序数词 place in sth。如 after two months’ efforts, he has crept up to second place in class rank. 经过两个月的努力,他的成绩达到了班级第二

It is not just that这并不仅仅是因为……spending per person:另做主语(人均收入) 两句之间分号隔开。as引导原因状语从句解释第二句话

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