1 Lime 青柠
2 Lettuce 生菜 莴苣
3 knight n.骑士,武士;爵士vt. 授予爵位
knight him today
4 jigsaw puzzles 拼图游戏;拼图玩具
5 jug 水壶是凉水壶
6 ivy
The wall is covered all over with ivy. 墙上爬满了常春藤。
权威 Why did the Ivy League schools of the nineteen-twenties limit the admission of Jewish immigrants? 常春藤学校限制先生犹太移民
He ignited the wood with a band of hay. 他用一把干草引燃了这些木柴。
8 crayon 蜡笔 有色粉笔 He coloured the picture with crayon. 他用蜡笔给画上色。 the 64-crayon box
9 Acorn 松子 橡树果
10 yolk 蛋黄 a double-yolk egg