Deploy test network
1. Create account
create account
./nodectl wallet --create --name wallet.dat --password passwordtestlist account
./nodectl wallet --list accountlist account ont/ong amount
./nodectl wallet --list -b --password passwordtest
2. Deploy ontology
2.1 Deploy with solo node(support for test mode)
./ontology passwordtest
2.2 Deploy nodes as a private chain network
2.2.1 update config
- generate wallet
- get config.json for dbft consensus.
- update Bookkeepers to your own account's public key
- update Bookkeepers IP.
- start private chain network.
2.2.2 Deploy nodes on public test network
3 Test with ont transfer
3.1 send ont
./nodectl transfer --contract ff00000000000000000000000000000000000001 --value 10 --from 019fbded3b518f36da07c5fdd320679d051e6d0e --to 01f3aecd2ba7a5b704fbd5bac673e141d5109e3e
3.2 check with restful