外刊文章(tmrw——Troye Sivan)


      Twenty-one year old Troye Sivan has just touched down in London after a weekend spent at V Festival where he played  to a crowd of 270,000 people, and still, he's sweet enough to tell me it's 'cool' that I am a twenty-year-old journalist. Sivan's a YouTuber with 4.3 million subscribers. He's a musician  with a top 10 debut album at home in Australia. He's accidentally, but happily, a vocal icon for the LGBTQ community. And, as it turns out, he's pretty easy to impress too, if he thinks my job is 'cool'.

    二十一岁的Troye Sivan(戳爷)花了一周时间在V Festival音乐节上给台下270万位观众表演后之后坐飞机在伦敦着陆,但是他还是依旧表示友好地告诉我,我二十岁就成为了一名记者很“cool”。戳爷是个拥有430万位关注者的YouTuber。他也是一个音乐家,他首张专辑就进入到了澳大利亚本土的前十名。他很意外也很高兴自己同样也是一位同性恋的偶像歌手。综上所述,戳爷特别容易给人留下深刻印象,如果他真的认为我的职业很“cool”的话。

    Infamously known in the UK as a sticky, underage WKD-sesh, topped with flower crowns and coated in at least three layers of pound-shop glitter, V Fest's all-dayer events are packed year after year with Sivan's modal demographic: hormone-laced teenagers. 'Everyone seemed pretty happy to be there, he gins with a sunny Aussie lilt. 'It was only my third ever music festival, and my first UK one,' he explains, so naturally, we had to welcome him to our kingdom with some kind of disaster.

    'We rent a new keyboard in each city, and load the sounds on from a computer,' the tale of woe begins,'They got the wrong keyboard, so we couldn't load any of our sounds. My keys player, in the like, 10/15 minutes that we had on stage before we went on --- she just tried to remake sounds that were close enough to the album. It just sounded a little bit different... We just played kind of the album, but kind not... That's festivals though, they're so out of control, but it's part of the fun.'


    In those precious pre-show minutes, Sivan couldn't even step on stage to try and help his bandmate as a hungry crowd, eager to see his cherubic face, had amassed. Full disclosure: I've never really understood pop-hysteria. I was too young to ever be passionate about the floppy straightened fringes of pop-punk and now I'm too old to fall for the cookie cutter simplicity of One Direction and the like. I'm yet to find someone who can make me hyperventilate with nothing but a four-four beat and a pair of skinny jeans--- but after solidly stalking Sivan online for the last week---I think I get it.

      在那些宝贵的准备表演的分钟里,戳爷没办法甚至不能站上舞台去试试和帮帮他的乐队成员特别是当有一群“饥饿”的渴望见到他天使般的面容的群众已经到场了。顺便公开了:我其实没有真的明白过使人疯狂使人兴奋的流行潮流。我之前不够经验和成熟,无法对流行朋克的慵懒的直条纹感到热情,而我现在也没那么青涩去喜欢上像One Direction这种普遍而且简单的流行歌手(乐团)我还没有碰到一个人能让我因为他的四四拍以及一条破旧的牛仔裤就呼吸紧张心脏加速——但上周在我和戳爷真实地跟踪接触了解后,我想我找到了。

    First of all. his looks certainly help. When we meet in Mile End, Sivan beams at me as if he's meeting his oldest friend, his face is framed by drooping brown curls and sliced by cheekbones so sharp I'am curious to know their exact angle. Alas, my bag only holds my Dictaphone, an oyster card well into negative balance and handful of fuzzy cigarette filters. I'll come prepared with a pencil case and protractor if there's a next time.


    Then there's the fact that I, and the rest of the world wide web, feel like we know him, already in on the most intimate details of his life--- this is where the story really begins. In August 7 2013, Sivan uploaded a video entitled 'Coming Out' and shattered thousands of impassioned young female hearts, revealing in an eight minute clip, to cover seven million viewers, that he's gay. 'To be honest people might be surprised at how much of a private person I actually am,' he reasons when I ask him if there's anything he's still scared of, having already blown through what can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences a young LGBTQ person can face, in a particularly spectacular (and so very #millennial) fashion.

    然后有一个事实是我,以及网络上的网友感觉都很熟悉戳爷,已经对他的生活了解得事无巨细——啊哈,重头戏这才真正开始。2013年8月7日,戳爷上传了一个视频,命名为《Coming out(出柜)》,这个视频粉碎了数以千计充满热情的女性的心,戳爷在短短8分钟的视频里袒露真心,告诉7百万的观看者他是同性恋。“老实说大家应该很意外事实上我是一个这么保守的人。”当我问他还有什么事情他现在还挺怕畏惧的,他思考着说,以一种特别壮观(以及时尚)的方式讲作为一个年轻的同志遇到的最紧张的经历。

    'The things that actually matter to me in my life I don't really speak about publicly,' he continues, 'When it comes down to family, relationships, those are things that are not online... In general I really do value my privacy. So, I guess ,y'know, I'm scared of losing that.' Log on and you'll find thousands of blogs, Twitter accounts and Instagram personas dedicated to dissolving the walls Sivan's built for himself, intrusively but inevitably when you consider he's been the public eye for nearly a decade. 


    Just a baby-faced twelve-year-old when he first uploaded to YouTube, Sivan's 'a completely different person now,'changing drastically, as we all do, once you hit your twenties and have broken through the pain of puberty and discovered your personality.'I think I'm the closest to myself, now, than I've ever been before in my life,' he smiles. 'I'd like to think that I'm going to keep getting to know myself better and better and better and live more authentically everyday,'

    Admittedly, Sivan's the first to confess he's has the'easiest ride in the entire world',sexuality-wise, that is.'I've had the support from day one of people that I care about,'he says, before shrugging of'random idiots'he's encountered.'I've not only dealt with[my sexuality]but actually become really proud of it and really embraced it...My younger self to see myself on stage--- with my painted nails and acting as flamboyant as I want--- I think would be terrifying to see. I was so scared of all that when I was younger.'


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