今天学习的内容是关于海选(open audition):
1、签名照:autograph(马上要成为super star了,赶紧提前收集签名照,等待市场增值)
2、海选,选拔赛:open audition
Everyone can walk in the door, perform and compete and more than one person get selected in an open auditon to advance to the next round.
3、被选中:make the cut (be selected)
4、被淘汰、刷下来:get eliminated
5、决赛:finial round
I sure hope you can make it to the finial round and not get eliminated.
6、潜规则:unspoken rules (secret and back-door deals)
If you think you were cut/got eliminated because the selection process were not fair and open, you can say the competition is following some unspoken rules.
Rigged competition means the outcome has been predetermined by the producers.
8、幕后操作:pull strings from behind the scenes
An open audition gives people from different files a stage to present themselves. But rigged competition is not worth attending, because someone pulls strings from behind the scenes.
当我们参加open audition被选中make the cut,获得了名次,大家一起祝贺congratulations并组织了一次party,但是总是会有一些人比较扫兴(such a wet blanket/a party pooper),爱泼冷水,不过,我们最好不要这样,我们要做life of party(开心果)!