5 Ways Niche Brands Can Build a Massive Community 小众品牌建立广泛群体的5种方式

Niche brands have an unfair advantage inbuilding community. Unlike large companies with many stakeholders, a focusedentrepreneur has a leg up in building community by virtue of their common bondaround a narrow topic.


A mass manufacturer will need to appealto many different types of customers with varied interests, where a nichecompany can focus on doing the one thing it excels in.


Here are five ways your brand canleverage this strength to build a massive community.

Related:How Niche Players

Can Compete Against Big Brands



1. Personality


One of the biggest mistakes new

entrepreneurs make is to adopt a corporate personality that’s cold or detached.

The ability toinfuse your brand with

personalityis one of the ways you can attract clientsand customers who will not only support your business but also become brandevangelists.


Take Wrecords by Monkey. The artistbehind the brand, who goes by the childhood nickname of Monkey, has fused hisinterests in skater culture and industrial environments into an eponymous lineof vinyl jewelry. While you might expect these niche interests to limit thecompany’s growth, it’s had the opposite effect. A favorite of music companieslike Warner Brothers, Sony and Universal, Monkey’s fans have supported asuccessful private labeling business in addition to their retail operation.


As you’re interacting with yourcommunity, think of ways to let your brand’s personality shine through. Thinkabout your brand message and what you have to offer. Infuse meaning intoeverything from the images you use on your website to the narrative you shareon your about page.


2. Comfort


Your community can only grow if they feelwelcomed and supported by your business. Former bartender and founder of ShagBrooklyn Samantha Bard knows this better than most. Her business is part sexshop, part gallery. Drawing from her experience behind the bar, Bard invitespeople not just to browse her merchandise but also to strike up a conversation.They might chat about relationships, intimacy or even what they are for lunch.

你的群体只有在他们感到被欢迎以及被企业支持时才会得到发展。之前做酒保,后来成为Shag公司创始人的Brooklyn Samantha Bard更是深谙于此。她的业务部分是性用品商店,部分是画廊。在酒吧里获得的经验让Bard邀请人们不仅来浏览她的商品,还会举行一些会谈。他们会交谈一些关于人际关系,亲密关系甚至午餐吃什么这些话题。

Whether you’re mixing a drink or sellingsex toys, your brand can build community by building an environment that’sfriendly, non-judgmental and trustworthy. Especially on social media,where it’s easy to jump into a conversation with what feels like a witty joke,it’s important to avoid using language that might make people feel unwelcome orexcluded.


3. Uncompromisingstandards


Bysetting high standards, yourbusiness can attract a community of like-minded aficionados. At least that’swhat Matt Nelson, founder of Mellow Pages, learned. Like a high-end consignmentstore for books, Mellow Pages won’t accept your summer reads.

通过设定较高的标准,你的企业可以吸引志同道合的爱好者群体。至少这是Mellow Pages公司创始人Matt Nelson所认识到的。与高端的书籍寄售商店一样,Mellow Pages并不会接受你的夏日阅读。

While it might be tempting to try tocreate something for everyone, your business can set the tone for yourcommunity, offering a refuge and gathering point for customers united by commoninterests.



Ethnic Brands Grow Beyond Their Niche

4. Sensory experience


Once you enter the chocolate factory Fine& Raw, you may never leave. Chef Daniel Sklaar has set up the factory sothat you can see how the chocolate is being made, as you sit down to sip ashake or eat a chocolate. You’re surrounded with the scent of chocolate and cansee the products being made.

一旦你进入巧克力工厂Fine & Raw,你就不愿意离开。执行官Daniel Sklaar建立了这个工厂,让你在品尝混合饮料或吃巧克力的时候就可以清晰的看到巧克力的生产过程。你的周围弥漫着巧克力的香味而且你能够看到巧克力是如何制作的。

Even a small business marketing itselfonline can engage the senses by invoking texture or selecting images thatcreate an immersive experience.


5. Co-creation


When you think community, it’s easy to

think first of consumers you’d like to draw into your brand. But as Matt

Dilling, the founder of Nite Brite Neon Studio, demonstrates,you

can grow by treating your business as a think tank. Some ofDilling’s most lauded projects have come about because of design challengespresented by clients, including an “impossible” black neon installation.

你想到群体时,你首先很容易就会想到你要引入到品牌中的消费者。但就像Nite Brite Neon Studio创始人Matt Dilling表明的那样,你可以将企业当做一个智囊团来发展。Dilling的一些最为人称道的项目都来自于客户设计的挑战,包括一个“不可能”实现的黑色霓虹灯安装。

In other words, other business owners andclients can become collaborators, who push you to create high-level work, takeon new challenges and champion your business along theway. The unique projects born from this strategy attract yet moreclients,building your

community brick by brick.


Clearly, your business shouldn’t rush toincorporate all of these elements tomorrow. Instead, select the one that feelsmost aligned with your strengths and the needs of your customer base and takeone step toward amplifying it.



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