1. revise resume
2. go career fair
3. database reading
4. POUND exercise
5. database course
1. join tables, add table name, or alias before the column, and ON for different database
2. career fair, prepare a small intro, intro projects related.
3. CFA is not necessary, but SAS is.
4. should do hardest and most important work before lunch.
1. upset when low efficiency at morning, noise disturbed.
2. about 11:30, felt hungry, have to eat for keep working.
3. after exercise, about 7:30pm, felt tried and hungry, need food and rest.
4. about 10 to 10:30, cannot think or write, can only do some reading. So, don't do reading at morning, do after 4:00pm.
1. Don't do reading at morning, but after 4:00pm.
2. For most of things in the world, if you don't do it now, you will never do it.
3. Never assume you can finish something as fast as you think.
4. Whiling do database reading, should open slides and copy notes from it.
5. Practice, practice, practice. and be happy.
1. much less than I thought. Get a check list is very important.
2. need more compact timeline, yes, you can do it. Actually, you can do more than you think, but pay attention to time control. Match task with easy and hard.
3. try better tomorrow.
1. working on cover letter based on job description.
2. email Owens.
3. go access workshop.
4. learn propositional logic, understand and give examples from real world. (What you learn form it?)
5. LEED!