1. Download Apache Jmeter 3.3 files:\\SZ-G36N6H2\Soft\JmeterAutotest Softwares → apache-jmeter-3.3.zip
2. Extract files from this compressed files then find the ApacheJMeter.jar in the "apache-jmeter-3.3\bin" directory.
3. Double click the ApacheJMeter.jar to open the jMeter workplace:
4. Add Thread Group: Right Click Test Plan→ Add →Threads(Users) → Thread Group
5. Set group parameters by your testing scenario:
6. Add HTTP Request by right click the Thread Group → Add Sampler → HTTP Request:
7. Enter all parameters for the HTTP request which you want to test:
8. Add Response Assertion for this HTTP Request:
9. You can also add HTTP Header Manager to add headers for the HTTP Request:
10. Add "View Results Tree" and "Summary Report" to analyze the request's result:
These two elements are used to debug the http request you want to test, if it works ok(pass your assertion), you can disable these 2 elements since they waste much time.
11. Run the whole Test Plan: (The first time you click the run button, you need to save it firstly):
12. Check request's status and response:
13. Check all request's summary report: