it seems Harry’s living condition was not well during his childhood since they two masters sent him to his aunt’s home. Dally always bit him without any reason and, ant doesn’t like him at all. But he still tired his best to survival.
It is a tall order for your parents to finance your education. 对你的父母来说,解决你的教育经费绝对是一个难以完成的任务。
健康和外向共同创造幸福。 good health and extraversion together contribution happiness.
一个自信的人可以收放自如,从容面对各种场面。a confidence guy can roll with punches and handle in all situations.
D was methodical in his research, carefully recording his observations and theories.
适合高职位的人往往即背景好,有情商高。usually have
People who are suited for senior position usually have both good pedigree and high emotional intelligence.
他的毅力和耐心让他对CFO这个职位的各方面细节得心应手。his persistence and patience helped him handle the nuts and bolts of being a CFO。
Otherwise. my patience and persistence helped me handle the challenge of being assists in high school. \
Writing need methodical thought in mind, it is helpful for carefully recording all observations and theories when it comes to your mind.