苹果开发者文档里面其实就有这方面的介绍。所以如果英文还可以的同学建议直接看官方文档。Sqlite Man Page
- 终端操作sqlite的命令都是通过
这种方式。注意和一把命令的区别。 - sql语句每一句结尾都需要用分号才会起作用
- 特别注意!!一定要注意输入,建议在写sql的时候完全切换到英文状态。
打开数据库:sqlite3 + 数据库路径
- 选择记录:其实就是常用的sql语句的使用了,再次提醒,一定要记到是在英文输入法环境下,因为终端空格是察觉不出来是英文还是中文环境下。:select * from web_track limit 1;
退出: .quit;
命令 | 含义 | 实例 |
.show | 显示格式的配置情况(一会我们显示表中数据的时候就会看到效果), | |
.schema | 建表的模式(就是建表语句,个人观点) | |
.mode | 显示的格式,建议用line分行显示,首先输入查询语句 | |
.headers on | 显示字段名,注意在column模式才有用 |
.auth ON|OFF Show authorizer callbacks
.backup ?DB? FILE Backup DB (default "main") to FILE
.bail on|off Stop after hitting an error. Default OFF
.binary on|off Turn binary output on or off. Default OFF
.changes on|off Show number of rows changed by SQL
.clone NEWDB Clone data into NEWDB from the existing database
.databases List names and files of attached databases
.dbinfo ?DB? Show status information about the database
.dump ?TABLE? ... Dump the database in an SQL text format
If TABLE specified, only dump tables matching
LIKE pattern TABLE.
.echo on|off Turn command echo on or off
.eqp on|off|full Enable or disable automatic EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN
.exit Exit this program
.explain ?on|off|auto? Turn EXPLAIN output mode on or off or to automatic
.fullschema ?--indent? Show schema and the content of sqlite_stat tables
.headers on|off Turn display of headers on or off
.help Show this message
.import FILE TABLE Import data from FILE into TABLE
.indexes ?TABLE? Show names of all indexes
If TABLE specified, only show indexes for tables
matching LIKE pattern TABLE.
.limit ?LIMIT? ?VAL? Display or change the value of an SQLITE_LIMIT
.log FILE|off Turn logging on or off. FILE can be stderr/stdout
.mode MODE ?TABLE? Set output mode where MODE is one of:
ascii Columns/rows delimited by 0x1F and 0x1E
csv Comma-separated values
column Left-aligned columns. (See .width)
html HTML <table> code
insert SQL insert statements for TABLE
line One value per line
list Values delimited by .separator strings
tabs Tab-separated values
tcl TCL list elements
.nullvalue STRING Use STRING in place of NULL values
.once FILENAME Output for the next SQL command only to FILENAME
.open ?FILENAME? Close existing database and reopen FILENAME
.output ?FILENAME? Send output to FILENAME or stdout
.print STRING... Print literal STRING
.prompt MAIN CONTINUE Replace the standard prompts
.quit Exit this program
.restore ?DB? FILE Restore content of DB (default "main") from FILE
.save FILE Write in-memory database into FILE
.scanstats on|off Turn sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus() metrics on or off
.schema ?PATTERN? Show the CREATE statements matching PATTERN
Add --indent for pretty-printing
.separator COL ?ROW? Change the column separator and optionally the row
separator for both the output mode and .import
.shell CMD ARGS... Run CMD ARGS... in a system shell
.show Show the current values for various settings
.stats ?on|off? Show stats or turn stats on or off
.system CMD ARGS... Run CMD ARGS... in a system shell
.tables ?TABLE? List names of tables
If TABLE specified, only list tables matching
LIKE pattern TABLE.
.timeout MS Try opening locked tables for MS milliseconds
.timer on|off Turn SQL timer on or off
.trace FILE|off Output each SQL statement as it is run
.vfsinfo ?AUX? Information about the top-level VFS
.vfslist List all available VFSes
.vfsname ?AUX? Print the name of the VFS stack
.width NUM1 NUM2 ... Set column widths for "column" mode
Negative values right-justify