
1、Any real artists won't ask others the question that is "Can you analyse my works detailly ?" or "Can you understand my whole thoughts?" You know as for me and every artist; we only hope that our masterpieces could be read or listened by other people or even they just had a look or listened to them, but it's a much sufficient reason I continue my art and never limit the imagination and scope to create what I want to express.

2、We must wait the moments only of our own, as if a crocodile has been hidden in a quagmire to hunger. Actually, we don't know when it takes place of drought and we also can't make sure when the animals pass through the Sahara Desert. But we will still wait all the time. No matter how long it may take several months or even several years. The opportunity arise like gazelles and gnus crossing to the river. And then we like a crocodile to capture the chance very rapidly and tightly.

3、I do reject one myself drifting in a land which is either art or philosophy. To be honest there is only me in that I don't have a teacher just like Russell who was willing to read Wittgenstein's works and thinking highly of him. But actually I consider I also could be more ones, because I can understand What I say. As a matter of fact, everyone needs to make time for solitude and to learn make friends with yourself.

4、To some extent, the world only belongs to the singles just because the people who are falling in love deeply can't know the outside of world and they only know just two of them. I don't mean that it's not a good thing, and I just want to say except love there are so many wonderful and brilliant things on this world just waiting for you to be found.

5、Is there a possibility that one inner world has been created by me that others could know the beauty of this world ? I hope one is inclined to view this world one day, I guess it's enough for me even if there is one.

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