流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 3·Part 3·Video 3·The history of our world 3

The history of our world 3

Now, the going gets tougher. 

The next stage introduces entities that are significantly more fragile, significantly more vulnerable, but they're also much more creative and much more capable of generating further complexity. 


introduces把…介绍; 引见; 介绍; 主持; 使初次了解; 使尝试; introduce的第三人称单数

entities独立存在物; 实体; entity的复数

significantly有重大意义地; 显著地; 明显地; 有某种意义; 别有含义地; 意味深长地

fragile易碎的; 易损的; 不牢固的; 脆弱的; 纤巧的; 精细的; 纤巧美丽的


much more更; 何况

creative创造的; 创作的; 有创造力的; 表现创造力的; 富于创造力的人; 搞创作的人; 创意; 创作素材

capable of可以…的; 能…的; 易…的; 敢于…的

generating产生; 引起; generate的现在分词

complexity复杂性; 难懂; 难题; 难以理解的局势

I'm talking, of course, about living organisms. 


talking说话; 讲话; 谈话; 讨论,谈论,商谈,洽谈; 讲,说; talk的现在分词

of course当然,自然; 当然; 当然不

about大约; 左右; 将近; 几乎; 到处; 处处; 各处; 关于; 对于; 目的是; 为了; 涉及…方面; 忙于; 从事于; 在附近的; 四处走动的; 在起作用的; 在流行中的

living活着的; 活的; 在使用的; 在实施的; 生计; 谋生; 收入; 生活方式; 活着的人; 住; 居住; 生存; 活着; live的现在分词

organisms有机体; 生物; 微生物; 有机组织; 有机体系; organism的复数

Living organisms are created by chemistry. We are huge packages of chemicals. 

So, chemistry is dominated by the electromagnetic force. 


chemistry化学; 物质的化学组成; 两人间的关系

dominated支配; 控制; 左右; 影响; 在…中具有最重要的特色; 在…中拥有最重要的位置; 俯视; 高耸于; dominate的过去分词和过去式

electromagnetic force电磁力

That operates over smaller scales than gravity, which explains why you and I are smaller than stars or planets. 

Now, what are the ideal conditions for chemistry? 

What are the Goldilocks conditions? Well, first, you need energy, but not too much. 

In the center of a star, there's so much energy that any atoms that combine will just get busted apart again. 


In the center of在中间,在中央

so much和…一样多; 就只那么多; 多少

energy精力; 活力; 干劲; 力量; 能源

any(与不可数或复数名词连用,用于否定句和疑问句,也用于if或whether之后,或紧接某些动词如prevent、ban、forbid等)任何的,任一的; 任一; 非一般的; 不寻常的; (用于否定句和疑问句中或if、whether后)任何数量,任一数额; 任何一些; 一点儿也,完全,丝毫; 根本

atoms原子; atom的复数

combine结合,组合,联合,混合; 兼有; 兼备; 使融合; 同时做; 兼做; 兼办; 联合收割机; 集团; 联合企业

busted被当场逮住; 打破; 摔碎; 突击搜查; 降级,降低军阶; bust的过去分词和过去式

apart相隔,相距; 不在一起; 分离; 分开; 成碎片

again再一次; 又一次; 返回原处; 复原; 增加; 多

But not too little. 

In intergalactic space, there's so little energy that atoms can't combine. 


energy精力; 活力; 干劲; 力量; 能源

atoms原子; atom的复数

combine结合,组合,联合,混合; 兼有; 兼备; 使融合; 同时做; 兼做; 兼办; 联合收割

What you want is just the right amount, and planets, it turns out, are just right, because they're close to stars, but not too close.


want要; 想要; 希望; 需要; 需要…在场; 需要的东西; 想望的东西; 缺少; 缺乏; 不足; 贫穷; 贫困; 匮乏

planets行星; 地球; planet的复数

turns转动,旋转; 转身; 扭转; 翻转; 翻动; 把…翻过来; turn的第三人称单数

just right恰好,正好; 不失毫厘


close to在近处;凑近地

stars恒星; 星; 星状物; 星形饰物; 星号; 星级; 主演; 担任主角; 使主演; 由…担任主角; 标星号; star的第三人称单数和复数

too太,过于,过度; 也; 又; 还; 而且

close关; 关闭; 闭上; 合上; 合拢; 关门,关闭; 不开放; 结束,终结,终了; 接近; 几乎

You also need a great diversity of chemical elements, and you need liquids, such as water. Why? 

Well, in gases, atoms move past each other so fast that they can't hitch up. 


Well好; 对; 令人满意地; 完全地; 彻底地; 全部地; 很; 相当; 大大地; 远远地; 健康; 身体好; 状态良好; 情况良好; 明智; 可取; 好主意; 哎呀,哟,啊,好啦; 唉,好吧; 嗯; 井; 水井; 楼梯井; 电梯井道; 律师席; 涌出; 冒出; 流出; 溢出; 涌起; 迸发

atoms原子; atom的复数

move改变位置,移动; 变化; 改变; 转变; 前进; 进步; 进展; 行动; 移动; 活动; 动摇

past过去的; 昔日的; 刚过去的; 刚结束的; 从前的; 以往的; 过去; 昔日; 过去的事情; 过去的经历; 晚于; 在…之后; 在另一边; 到另一侧; 多于; 超过; 从一侧到另一侧; 经过; 过去,逝去

each other互相,彼此

fast快的; 迅速的; 敏捷的; 迅速发生的; 立即发生的; 动作迅速的; 头脑灵活的; 快; 快速; 迅速; 不久; 立即; 牢固地; 完全地; 节食; 禁食; 斋戒; 禁食期; 斋戒期

they他们; 她们; 它们; 用以代替he或she,指性别不详的人; 人们,人人,众人

In solids, atoms are stuck together, they can't move. 

In liquids, they can cruise and cuddle and link up to form molecules. 


liquids液体; liquid的复数

they他们; 她们; 它们; 用以代替he或she,指性别不详的人; 人们,人人,众人

cruise乘船游览; 航行; 以平稳的速度行驶; 慢速行驶,巡行

cuddle拥抱; 搂抱

link up联合; 连接; 接合

form类型; 种类; 形式; 外表; 样子; 表格; 出现,产生; 形成; 成形,组成; 制作

molecules分子; molecule的复数

Now, where do you find such Goldilocks conditions? 

Well, planets are great, and our early Earth was almost perfect. 

It was just the right distance from its star to contain huge oceans of liquid water. 

And deep beneath those oceans, at cracks in the Earth's crust, you've got heat seeping up from inside the Earth, and you've got a great diversity of elements. 


beneath在…下面; 在…下方; 不够好; 在下面; 在底下

oceans大海; 海洋; 洋; ocean的复数

cracks裂纹; 裂缝; 缝隙; 狭缝; 窄缝; 爆裂声,噼啪声; 破裂; 裂开; 断裂; 砸开; 破开; 砸碎; 打碎; 重击; 猛击; crack的第三人称单数和复数

Earth世界; 地球; 陆地; 地面; 大地; 土; 泥; 泥土; 把接地

crust面包皮; 糕饼酥皮; 硬层,硬表面; 用外皮覆盖; 在…上结硬皮; 生痂儿结成外壳; 结硬皮

've(=value engineering)价值工程学; 同“have”

heat热; 温度; 炎热天气; 高温,热的环境; 加热; 变热; 变暖

seeping渗; 渗透; seep的现在分词

diversity差异; 不同; 多样性; 多样化

elements要素; 基本部分; 典型部分; 少量; 有点; 有些; 一组,一群,一伙; eleme

So at those deep oceanic vents, fantastic chemistry began to happen, and atoms combined in all sorts of exotic combinations.


oceanic海洋的; 大海的; 与海洋有关的

vents出口,进口,漏孔; 肛门; 衩口,开衩,背衩; 表达,发泄; vent的第三人称单数和复数

fantastic极好的; 了不起的; 很大的; 大得难以置信的; 怪诞的; 荒诞不经的; 富于想象的

atoms原子; atom的复数

combined in化合成; 合并成

all sorts of各种各样的;形形色色的

exotic来自异国的; 奇异的; 异国情调的; 异国风味的

in all非常; 总计

sorts种类; 类别; 品种; 某一种人; 分类; 排序; 整理; 把…分类; 妥善处理; 安排妥当; sort的第三人称单数和复数

combinations结合体; 联合体; 混合体; 结合; 联合; 混合; 数码组合,字码组合; comb


1.What cause the dinosaurs to become extinct?

 An asteroid landed on Earth.

2.Why is DNA replication important ?

 It spreads and accumulates information about life.

3.When Christian mentions "that creative evolutionary pulse", 

he is referring to how mammals successfully evolved.

4.To cruise means...

to move at a steady speed.

5.if there is too little energy, ...

atoms will not combine.

Put the sentences into correct order:

Now, where do you find such Goldilocks conditions? Well, planets are great, and our early Earth was almost perfect. It was just the right distance from its star to contain huge oceans of liquid water. And deep beneath those oceans, at cracks in the Earth's crust, you've got heat seeping up from inside the Earth, and you've got a great diversity of elements. 

Read and repeat the sentences:

1.Now, what are the ideal conditions for chemistry?

2.In the center of a star, there's so much energy that any atoms that combine will just get busted apart again.

3.The next stage introduces entities that are significantly more fragile, significantly more vulnerable, but they're also much more creative and much more capable of generating further complexity.

4.in gases, atoms move past each other so fast that they can't hitch up. 

But of course, life is more than just exotic chemistry. 

How do you stabilize those huge molecules that seem to be viable? 


do you你愿意吗


huge巨大的; 极多的; 程度高的; 非常成功的; 走红的

molecules分子; molecule的复数

seem to be好像; 看来; 似乎是

viable可实施的; 切实可行的; 能独立发展的; 能独立生存的; 可生长发育的

Well, it's here that life introduces an entirely new trick. 


Well好; 对; 令人满意地; 完全地; 彻底地; 全部地; 很; 相当; 大大地; 远远地; 健康; 身体好; 状态良好; 情况良好; 明智; 可取; 好主意; 哎呀,哟,啊,好啦; 唉,好吧; 嗯; 井; 水井; 楼梯井; 电梯井道; 律师席; 涌出; 冒出; 流出; 溢出; 涌起; 迸发

here在这里,向这里; 现在; 在这一点上; 给某人东西或指出某物时说; 喂,嘿; 主动提议时说

life生命; 人命; 性命; 人的存活; 生物; 活物

introduces把…介绍; 引见; 介绍; 主持; 使初次了解; 使尝试; introduce的第三人称单数

entirely全部地; 完整地; 完全地

trick诡计; 花招; 骗局; 把戏; 引起错觉的事物; 戏法; 欺骗; 欺诈; 为欺骗的; 使人产生错觉的; 虚

You don't stabilize the individual; you stabilize the template, the thing that carries information, and you allow the template to copy itself. 


You你; 您; 你们; 与名词及形容词连用,直接称呼某人; 泛指任何人


individual单独的; 个别的; 一个人的; 供一人用的; 独特的; 与众不同的; 个人; 与众不同的人; 有个性的人; 某种类型的人; 古怪的人

template样板; 模板; 型板; 模框; 标准

carries拿; 提; 搬; 扛; 背; 抱; 运送; 携带; 佩戴; 输送,传输,传送; carry的第三人称单数

information信息; 消息; 情报; 资料; 资讯

allow允许; 准许; 给予; 允许进入

copy复印件,副本,复制品; 一本,一册,一份; 稿件; 消息,信息; 复制; 复印; 仿造; 临摹; 抄写; 誊写; 模仿; 效法; 仿效


And DNA, of course, is the beautiful molecule that contains that information. 

You'll be familiar with the double helix of DNA. Each rung contains information. 


You你; 您; 你们; 与名词及形容词连用,直接称呼某人; 泛指任何人

be familiar with精通; 同…相好

double helix双螺旋



rung横档,梯级; 包围; 环绕; 给…戴上金属环; 绕…画圆; 把…圈起来; 给…打电话; 发出铃声; 发出钟声,响起铃声; ring的过去分词

contains包含; 含有; 容纳; 控制,克制,抑制; 防止…蔓延; contain的第三人称单数

information信息; 消息; 情报; 资料; 资讯

So, DNA contains information about how to make living organisms. 



contains包含; 含有; 容纳; 控制,克制,抑制; 防止…蔓延; contain的第三人称单数

make制造; 做; 组装; 写; 出产; 制订; 铺床; 品牌,型号

living活着的; 活的; 在使用的; 在实施的; 生计; 谋生; 收入; 生活方式; 活着的人; 住; 居住; 生存; 活着; live的现在分词

organisms有机体; 生物; 微生物; 有机组织; 有机体系; organism的复数

And DNA also copies itself. 

So, it copies itself and scatters the templates through the ocean. 


copies复印件,副本,复制品; 一本,一册,一份; 稿件; 消息,信息; 复制; 复印; 仿造; 临摹; 抄写; 誊写; 模仿; 效法; 仿效; copy的第三人称单数和复数


scatters撒; 撒播; 散开; 四散; 使分散; 驱散; scatter的第三人称单数

templates样板; 模板; 型板; 模框; 标准; template的复数

through从…一端至另一端; 穿过; 贯穿; 透过…看到; 隔着…听到; 自始至终; 从头到尾; 从一端到另一端; 通过; 从头至尾; 直达的,直通的,联运的,全程的; 直达的; 直通的

ocean大海; 海洋; 洋

So the information spreads. Notice that information has become part of our story. 

The real beauty of DNA though is in its imperfections. 


real真实的; 实际存在的; 非凭空想象的; 真的; 正宗的; 非假冒的; 非人工的; 真正的; 确实的; 非常; 很; 实在; 现实; 实数

beauty美; 美丽; 美人; 美好的东西; 极好的榜样; 典型的例子


though虽然; 尽管; 即使; 不过,可是,然而

imperfections缺点; 瑕疵; imperfection的复数

As it copies itself, once in every billion rungs, there tends to be an error. 

And what that means is that DNA is, in effect, learning. 

It's accumulating new ways of making living organisms because some of those errors work. 


accumulating积累; 积聚; 逐渐增加; 逐渐增长; accumulate的现在分词

ways方法; 手段; 途径; 方式; 作风; 风度; 样子; 行为方式,生活方式,习俗; way的复数

making生产; 制造; 做; 组装; 写; 出产; 制订; 铺床; make的现在分词

living活着的; 活的; 在使用的; 在实施的; 生计; 谋生; 收入; 生活方式; 活着的人; 住; 居住; 生存; 活着; live的现在分词

organisms有机体; 生物; 微生物; 有机组织; 有机体系; organism的复数

some of中的一些; 其中一些; 其中的一些

those用来对已经提及的事物作补充说明; 人们;人; 那些; 用于提供更多的细节、信息

errors错误; 差错; 谬误; error的复

So DNA's learning and it's building greater diversity and greater complexity. 

And we can see this happening over the last four billion years.

For most of that time of life on Earth, living organisms have been relatively simple,  single cells. 


most of大多数

that time那儿;彼时

living活着的; 活的; 在使用的; 在实施的; 生计; 谋生; 收入; 生活方式; 活着的人; 住; 居住; 生存; 活着; live的现在分词

organisms有机体; 生物; 微生物; 有机组织; 有机体系; organism的复数

have been来过

relatively相当程度上; 相当地; 相对地

single仅有一个的; 单一的; 单个的; 特指某人或事物; 单身的; 未婚的; 无伴侣的; 单程票; 单曲; 单曲磁带; 单人房间; 挑选作一垒手

cells单间牢房; 牢房; 小房间; 细胞; cell的复数

But they had great diversity, and, inside, great complexity. 

Then from about 600 to 800 million years ago, multi-celled organisms appear. 

You get fungi, you get fish, you get plants, you get amphibia, you get reptiles, and then, of course, you get the dinosaurs. 


You你; 您; 你们; 与名词及形容词连用,直接称呼某人; 泛指任何人

fungifungus 的复数

fish鱼; 鱼肉; 钓鱼; 捕鱼; 在…捕鱼

plants植物; 发电厂; 工厂; 大型机器,设备; 栽种; 种植; 播种; 在栽种; 立稳; 竖立; 安放; plant的第三人称单数和复数


reptiles爬行动物; reptile的复数

and then然后

of course当然,自然; 当然; 当然不

dinosaurs恐龙; 守旧落伍的人; 过时落后的东西; dinosaur的复数

And occasionally, there are disasters. 

Sixty-five million years ago, an asteroid landed on Earth near the Yucatan Peninsula, creating conditions equivalent to those of a nuclear war, and the dinosaurs were wiped out. 


years ago多年前


landed拥有大量土地的; 包括大量土地的; 落; 降落; 着陆; 使平稳着陆; 着陆,登陆; land的过去分词和过去式

Yucatan Peninsula尤卡坦半岛

creating创造; 创作; 创建; 造成,引起,产生; 授予; 册封; create的现在分词

nuclear war核战争

dinosaurs恐龙; 守旧落伍的人; 过时落后的东西; dinosaur的复数

wiped out十分疲劳; 筋疲力尽

Terrible news for the dinosaurs, but great news for our mammalian ancestors, who flourished in the niches left empty by the dinosaurs. 


Terrible非常讨厌的; 令人极不快的; 可怕的; 危害极大的; 造成极大伤害的; 非常严重的; 不痛快; 有病

news消息; 音信; 媒体对重要事情的报道; 新闻; 新闻报道

dinosaurs恐龙; 守旧落伍的人; 过时落后的东西; dinosaur的复数

great大的; 巨大的; 数量大的; 众多的; 很; 非常的; 很多的; 极大的; 名人; 伟人; 伟大的事物; 很好地; 极好地; 很棒地

mammalian哺乳类的; 哺乳动物的

ancestors祖宗; 祖先; 原种; 原型; ancestor的复数

flourished繁荣; 昌盛; 兴旺; 茁壮成长; 健康幸福; 挥舞; flourish的过去分词和过去式

niches舒适或称心的工作; 商机; 市场定位; 壁龛; 凹进的地方; niche的复数

left左边的; 左边; 左方; 左; 左边的第一条路; 左转弯; 离开; 离开居住地点; 遗弃; 丢弃; leave的过去分词和过去式; 向左; 在左边

empty空的; 空洞的; 说话不算数的; 无诚意的; 空虚的; 无意义的; 无目的的; 倒空; 

And we human beings are part of that creative evolutionary pulse that began 65 million years ago with the landing of an asteroid.


human beings人; human being的复数

part of部分

creative创造的; 创作的; 有创造力的; 表现创造力的; 富于创造力的人; 搞创作的人; 创意; 创作素材

evolutionary进化的; 演变的; 逐渐发展的

pulse脉搏; 脉率; 强劲的音乐节拍; 脉冲; 搏动; 跳动; 震动; 洋溢着; 充满

began开始; 启动; 起始; 开始存在; 起初是; 本来是; begin的过去式

million一百万; 大量

years ago多年前

landing楼梯平台; 过渡平台; 降落; 着陆; 登陆; 落; 使平稳着陆; 着陆,登陆; land的现在分词



1.How do humans accumulate information?

Human language allows people to pass down collective memory.

2.Which of the following contribute to the development of human society?

exploiting biological energy

3.what cause the dinosaurs to become extinct?

an asteroid landed on earth.

4.why is DNA replication important?

it spreads and accumulates information about life.

5.when christian mentions "that creative evolutionary pulse", he is refering to...

he is referring to how mammals successfully evolved.

6.Christian believed that if dinosaurs hadn't become extinct..

mamals may not have spread and evolved.

Fill in the blanks:

Terrible news for the dinosaurs, but great news for our mammalian ancestors, who flourished in the niches left empty by the dinosaurs. 

Sixty-five million years ago, an asteroid landed on Earth near the Yucatan Peninsula, creating conditions equivalent to those of a nuclear war, and the dinosaurs were wiped out. 

Put the sentences into correct order:

The real beauty of DNA though is in its imperfections. As it copies itself, once in every billion rungs, there tends to be an error. And what that means is that DNA is, in effect, learning. It's accumulating new ways of making living organisms because some of those errors work. 

For most of that time of life on Earth, living organisms have been relatively simple,  single cells. But they had great diversity, and, inside, great complexity. Then from about 600 to 800 million years ago, multi-celled organisms appear.You get fungi, you get fish, you get plants, you get amphibia, you get reptiles, and then, of course, you get the dinosaurs. 

Read and repeat the sentences:

1.It copies itself and scatters the templates through the ocean.

2.For most of that time of life on Earth, living organisms have been relatively simple -- single cells.

3.DNA is accumulating new ways of making living organisms because some of those errors work.

4.Human beings are part of that creative evolutionary pulse that began 65 million years ago with the landing of an asteroid.

5.How do you stabilize those huge molecules that seem to be viable?

6.You don't stabilize the individual; you stabilize the template, the thing that carries information, and you allow the template to copy itself.

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