7.26 Habit 7:Sharpen the Saw

PART 1 Words and Expressions


①in a less important position than someone else  adj.下级的;从属的

②to put someone or something in a less important position  v.使处于次要地位,使从属于


subordinate sb/sth to sb/sth

e.g. I subordinate my personal interests to those of the people.


spending a lot of time sitting down, and not moving or exercising very much  adj.久坐不动的

这个词来自法语sedēre意思是‘’to sit",例如settle有定居的意思。

e.g. The sedentary lifestyle does harm to our health.


to improve the strength and firmness of your muscles, skin etc  v. 使〔皮肤、肌肉等〕更强健,使更结实


e.g.Aiming to tone muscle, he goes to the gym five times a week.


very great tiredness    n.疲劳,疲乏,劳累

e.g. After whole day's work ,I felt physical and mental fatigue.


disagreement or arguing between people    n.不和,纷争

"dis" means "different",  "cord" means"heart",例如核心这个词是core。心不齐就是有不和,纷争。

e.g.Facing powerful enemies,we should avoid discord.


①bread or cake that is stale is no longer fresh or good to eat    adj.〔面包、蛋糕〕不新鲜的,变味的

②not interesting or exciting any more    adj.不再有趣的,没有新意的,乏味的

stale来自法语estaler 表示"to halt",halt是停滞,阻止

e.g.His marriage went flat and stale.

PART 2 Summary

Habit 7 is taking time to sharpen the saw and is renewing the four dimensions of your nature-physical, spiritual, mental, and social/emotional.

The physical dimension involves caring effectively for our physical body in three areas:endurance, flexiblility, and strength.Renewing the spiritual dimension related to Habit 2 provides leadership to your life.The mental dimension associated with Habit 2 and 3 is expanded by high-levere Quadrant Ⅱ activities,such as reading good literature and writing instead of watching television. The social/emotional dimension focuses on Habits 4, 5, and 6 -- centered on the principles of interpersonal leadership, empathic communication , and creative cooperation.

And, with the Abundance Mentality,  we can help script others as principle-centered, value-based, independent, worthwhile individuals, which increasing the opportunities for effective interaction with other proactive people.The self-renewal process must include balanced renewal which is optimally synergetic in all four dimensions of our nature.The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People create optimum synergy among these dimensions.

We must keep conscience ,learning ,commiting,and doing in order to move on an upward spiral of growth and change ,of continuous improvement. Finally, there are four application suggestions helping us practice Habit 7.

PART 3 Thoughts




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