

1 Stage-specific functional relationships between Tub1 and Tub2 beta-tubulins in the wheat scab fungus Fusarium graminearum.

Fungal Genet Biol. 2019 Jul 15:103251. doi: 10.1016/j.fgb.2019.103251. PMID:31319136
Author:  Wang, Huan; Chen, Daipeng; Li, Chengliang; Tian, Neng; Zhang, Ju; Xu, Jin-Rong; Wang, Chenfang;

2 Genotype x environment interaction and genetic gain for grain yield and grain quality traits in Turkish spring wheat released between 1964 and 2010.

PLoS One. 2019 Jul 18;14(7):e0219432. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219432. eCollection 2019. PMID:31318895
Author:  Nehe, Ajit; Akin, Beyhan; Sanal, Turgay; Evlice, Asuman Kaplan; Unsal, Riza; Dincer, Nazim; Demir, Lutfu; Geren, Hatice; Sevim, Ismail; Orhan, Sinasi; Yaktubay, Sadiye; Ezici, Ali; Guzman, Carlos; Morgounov, Alexey;

3 Development of mlo-based resistance in tetraploid wheat against wheat powdery mildew.

Theor Appl Genet. 2019 Jul 17. pii: 10.1007/s00122-019-03402-4. doi: 10.1007/s00122-019-03402-4. PMID:31317234
Author:  Ingvardsen, Christina R; Massange-Sanchez, Julio A; Borum, Finn; Uauy, Cristobal; Gregersen, Per L;

4 Mapping of agronomic traits, disease resistance and malting quality in a wide cross of two-row barley cultivars.

PLoS One. 2019 Jul 17;14(7):e0219042. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219042. eCollection 2019. PMID:31314759
Author:  Goddard, Rachel; de Vos, Sarah; Steed, Andrew; Muhammed, Amal; Thomas, Keith; Griggs, David; Ridout, Christopher; Nicholson, Paul;

5 The draft genome of a wild barley genotype reveals its enrichment in genes related to biotic and abiotic stresses compared to cultivated barley.

Plant Biotechnol J. 2019 Jul 17. doi: 10.1111/pbi.13210. PMID:31314154
Author:  Liu, Miao; Li, Yan; Ma, Yanling; Zhao, Qiang; Stiller, Jiri; Feng, Qi; Tian, Qilin; Liu, Dengcai; Han, Bin; Liu, Chunji;

6 Expression of Fusarium pseudograminearum FpNPS9 in wheat plant and its function in pathogenicity.

Curr Genet. 2019 Jul 16. pii: 10.1007/s00294-019-01017-2. doi: 10.1007/s00294-019-01017-2. PMID:31312935
Author:  Kang, Ruijiao; Li, Guannan; Zhang, Mengjuan; Zhang, Panpan; Wang, Limin; Zhang, Yinshan; Chen, Linlin; Yuan, Hongxia; Ding, Shengli; Li, Honglian;

7 Uncovering homeologous relationships between tetraploid Agropyron cristatum and bread wheat genomes using COS markers.

Theor Appl Genet. 2019 Jul 16. pii: 10.1007/s00122-019-03394-1. doi: 10.1007/s00122-019-03394-1. PMID:31312850
Author:  Said, Mahmoud; Parada, Alejandro Copete; Gaal, Eszter; Molnar, Istvan; Cabrera, Adoracion; Dolezel, Jaroslav; Vrana, Jan;

8 Centromere Satellite Repeats Have Undergone Rapid Changes in Polyploid Wheat Subgenomes.

Plant Cell. 2019 Jul 16. pii: tpc.19.00133. doi: 10.1105/tpc.19.00133. PMID:31311836
Author:  Su, Handong; Liu, Yalin; Liu, Chang; Shi, Qinghua; Huang, Yuhong; Han, Fangpu;

9 Deletion mapping and verification of an enhanced-grain number per spike locus from the 6PL chromosome arm of Agropyron cristatum in common wheat.

Theor Appl Genet. 2019 Jul 15. pii: 10.1007/s00122-019-03390-5. doi: 10.1007/s00122-019-03390-5. PMID:31309244
Author:  Zhang, Zhi; Han, Haiming; Liu, Weihua; Song, Liqiang; Zhang, Jinpeng; Zhou, Shenghui; Yang, Xinming; Li, Xiuquan; Li, Lihui;

10 Cortex cell hydraulic conductivity, endodermal apoplastic barriers and root hydraulics change in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in response to a low supply with N and P.

Ann Bot. 2019 Jul 15. pii: 5532491. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcz113. PMID:31309230
Author:  Armand, Thomas; Cullen, Michelle; Boiziot, Florentin; Li, Lingyu; Fricke, Wieland;

11 The bread wheat epigenomic map reveals distinct chromatin architectural and evolutionary features of functional genetic elements.

Genome Biol. 2019 Jul 15;20(1):139. doi: 10.1186/s13059-019-1746-8. PMID:31307500
Author:  Li, Zijuan; Wang, Meiyue; Lin, Kande; Xie, Yilin; Guo, Jingyu; Ye, Luhuan; Zhuang, Yili; Teng, Wan; Ran, Xiaojuan; Tong, Yiping; Xue, Yongbiao; Zhang, Wenli; Zhang, Yijing;

12 TaCER1-1A is involved in cuticular wax alkane biosynthesis in hexaploid wheat and responds to plant abiotic stresses.

Plant Cell Environ. 2019 Jul 15. doi: 10.1111/pce.13614. PMID:31306498
Author:  Li, Tingting; Sun, Yulin; Liu, Tianxiang; Wu, Hongqi; An, Peipei; Shui, Zhijie; Wang, Jiahuan; Zhu, Yidan; Li, Chunlian; Wang, Yong; Jetter, Reinhard; Wang, Zhonghua;

13 From landraces to improved cultivars: Assessment of genetic diversity and population structure of Mediterranean wheat using SNP markers.

PLoS One. 2019 Jul 15;14(7):e0219867. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219867. eCollection 2019. PMID:31306459
Author:  Rufo, Ruben; Alvaro, Fanny; Royo, Conxita; Soriano, Jose Miguel;

14 Mapping a Resistance Gene to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in the Bread Wheat Cultivar 'Matlabas'.

Plant Dis. 2019 Jul 12:PDIS10181731RE. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-10-18-1731-RE. PMID:31306087
Author:  Wessels, Elsabet; Prins, Renee; Boshoff, Willem H P; Zurn, Jason D; Acevedo, Maricelis; Pretorius, Zacharias A;

15 Molecular signal communication during arbuscular mycorrhizal formation induces significant transcriptional reprogramming of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots.

Ann Bot. 2019 Jul 13. pii: 5532238. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcz119. PMID:31304965
Author:  Tian, Hui; Wang, Runze; Li, Mengjiao; Dang, Haiyan; Solaiman, Zakaria M;

16 Identification of Fusarium graminearum-responsive miRNAs and their targets in wheat by sRNA sequencing and degradome analysis.

Funct Integr Genomics. 2019 Jul 13. pii: 10.1007/s10142-019-00699-8. doi: 10.1007/s10142-019-00699-8. PMID:31302787
Author:  Jin, Xiaojie; Jia, Linlin; Wang, Yongxia; Li, Baoquan; Sun, Dongfa; Chen, Xueyan;

17 Joint Use of Genome, Pedigree and Their Interaction with Environment for Predicting the Performance of Wheat Lines in New Environments.

G3 (Bethesda). 2019 Jul 12. pii: g3.119.400508. doi: 10.1534/g3.119.400508. PMID:31300481
Author:  Howard, Reka; Gianola, Daniel; Montesinos-Lopez, Osval; Juliana, Philomin; Singh, Ravi; Poland, Jesse; Shrestha, Sandesh; Perez-Rodriguez, Paulino; Crossa, Jose; Jarquin, Diego;

18 Frequent intra- and inter-species introgression shapes the landscape of genetic variation in bread wheat.

Genome Biol. 2019 Jul 12;20(1):136. doi: 10.1186/s13059-019-1744-x. PMID:31300020
Author:  Cheng, Hong; Liu, Jing; Wen, Jia; Nie, Xiaojun; Xu, Luohao; Chen, Ningbo; Li, Zhongxing; Wang, Qilin; Zheng, Zhuqing; Li, Ming; Cui, Licao; Liu, Zihua; Bian, Jianxin; Wang, Zhonghua; Xu, Shengbao; Yang, Qin; Appels, Rudi; Han, Dejun; Song, Weining; Sun, Qixin; Jiang, Yu;

19 C4 photosynthetic enzymes play a key role in wheat spike bracts primary carbon metabolism response under water deficit.

Plant Physiol Biochem. 2019 Jun 13;142:163-172. doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2019.06.013. PMID:31299598
Author:  Zhang, Xu; Pu, Peng; Tang, Yan; Zhang, Lixin; Lv, Jinyin;

20 Deletion of the benzoxazinoid detoxification gene NAT1 in Fusarium graminearum reduces deoxynivalenol in spring wheat.

PLoS One. 2019 Jul 12;14(7):e0214230. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214230. eCollection 2019. PMID:31299046
Author:  Baldwin, Thomas; Baldwin, Suzette; Klos, Kathy; Bregitzer, Phil; Marshall, Juliet;

21 Virulence and Molecular Diversity in the Cochliobolus sativus Population Causing Barley Spot Blotch in China.

Plant Dis. 2019 Jul 12:PDIS11182103RE. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-11-18-2103-RE. PMID:31298990
Author:  Guo, Huanqiang; Yao, Quanjie; Chen, Lin; Wang, Fengtao; Lang, Xiaowei; Pang, Yunxing; Feng, Jing; Zhou, Jun; Lin, Ruiming; Xu, Shichang;

22 Wheat methionine sulfoxide reductase A4.1 interacts with heme oxygenase 1 to enhance seedling tolerance to salinity or drought stress.

Plant Mol Biol. 2019 Jul 12. pii: 10.1007/s11103-019-00901-2. doi: 10.1007/s11103-019-00901-2. PMID:31297725
Author:  Ding, Pengcheng; Fang, Linlin; Wang, Guangling; Li, Xiang; Huang, Shu; Gao, Yankun; Zhu, Jiantang; Xiao, Langtao; Tong, Jianhua; Chen, Fanguo; Xia, Guangmin;

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Ultra-fast genome comparison for large-scale genomic experiments (https://github.com/estebanpw/chromeister)


Figure 2 shows the dot plot-like representation of the comparison. The computation took less than 16 minutes and 1 GB of RAM using 1 core, whereas the same comparison on NUCMER with parameters tuned to produce similar results took 159 minutes and 53 GB of RAM, which amounts to a speedup in terms of time consumption of over 10x while using 53 times less memory.

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