





  1. 高优先级内核工作队列
  • 高优先级内核工作队列

  • 设备驱动底半部

  • 线程池

  • 与低优先级内核工作队列比较

  • 配置选项

  • 通用配置选项

  1. 低优先级内核工作队列
  • 低优先级内核工作队列

  • 与高优先内核工作队列比较

  • 优先级继承
    低优先级内核工作线程支持优先级继承(需要选择CONFIG_PRIORITY_INHERITANCE=y),可以根据实际情况调整优先级。优先级继承不是自动完成的,低优先级工作线程总是运行在一个固定的优先级上。可以通过调用lpwork_bootstpriority()接口来提升优先级(通常在调度这个任务之前调用),在任务完成之后可以通过lpwork_restorepriority()接口来恢复优先级(一般在任务完成时的work handler中调用)。目前,只有Nuttx异步I/O逻辑使用了这个动态优先级特性。

  • 配置选项

  1. 用户模式工作队列
  • 工作队列访问权限
    低优先级和高优先级工作线程,都是内核线程。在Nuttx flat build模式下编译时,应用程序是可以访问和使用的。但是,在Nuttx protected/kernel build模式下编译时,内核模式下的代码是独立的,用户模式是没法访问的。

  • 工作模式工作队列

  • 配置选项




  1. 用户数据结构
/* Defines the work callback */

typedef void (*worker_t)(FAR void *arg);

/* Defines one entry in the work queue.  The user only needs this structure
 * in order to declare instances of the work structure.  Handling of all
 * fields is performed by the work APIs

struct work_s
  struct dq_entry_s dq;  /* Implements a doubly linked list */
  worker_t  worker;      /* Work callback */
  FAR void *arg;         /* Callback argument */
  systime_t qtime;       /* Time work queued */
  systime_t delay;       /* Delay until work performed */

struct work_s结构只需要用来声明实例即可,该数据结构中的内部成员,全部由相应的API接口来操作,其中qtime表示的是该任务入队的时间,而delay表示的是需要延迟多长时间去执行,如果delay值为0,表明立刻执行。

  1. 内核实现数据结构
/* This represents one worker */

struct kworker_s
  pid_t             pid;    /* The task ID of the worker thread */
  volatile bool     busy;   /* True: Worker is not available */

/* This structure defines the state of one kernel-mode work queue */

struct kwork_wqueue_s
  systime_t         delay;     /* Delay between polling cycles (ticks) */
  struct dq_queue_s q;         /* The queue of pending work */
  struct kworker_s  worker[1]; /* Describes a worker thread */

/* This structure defines the state of one high-priority work queue.  This
 * structure must be cast-compatible with kwork_wqueue_s.

struct hp_wqueue_s
  systime_t         delay;     /* Delay between polling cycles (ticks) */
  struct dq_queue_s q;         /* The queue of pending work */
  struct kworker_s  worker[1]; /* Describes the single high priority worker */

/* This structure defines the state of one high-priority work queue.  This
 * structure must be cast compatible with kwork_wqueue_s

struct lp_wqueue_s
  systime_t         delay;  /* Delay between polling cycles (ticks) */
  struct dq_queue_s q;      /* The queue of pending work */

  /* Describes each thread in the low priority queue's thread pool */

  struct kworker_s  worker[CONFIG_SCHED_LPNTHREADS];

 * Public Data

/* The state of the kernel mode, high priority work queue. */

extern struct hp_wqueue_s g_hpwork;

/* The state of the kernel mode, low priority work queue(s). */

extern struct lp_wqueue_s g_lpwork;

struct kworker_s:对应一个工作线程,其中包含了线程ID号及运行状态。
struct kwork_wqueue_s:描述内核模式下的工作队列,在接口中都使用这个数据结构,实际上是将struct hp_wqueue_s/struct lp_wqueue_s数据结构进行强制类型转换。
struct hp_wqueue_s:描述高优先级内核工作队列,从数据结构中可以看出,该队列中默认只支持1个工作线程。
struct lp_wqueue_s:描述低优先级内核工作队列,从数据结构中可以看出,该队列中的工作线程是可以配置的,CONFIG_SCHED_LPNTHREADS的值就代表线程数量。


  • int work_usrstart(void):启动用户模式下的工作队列。
  • int work_queue(int qid, FAR struct work_s *work, worker_t worker, FAR void *arg, systime_t delay):将任务添加到工作队列中,任务将会在工作队列中的线程上延迟运行。
  • int work_cancel(int qid, FAR struct work_s *work):将之前入列的任务删除掉。
  • int work_signal(int qid):通过工作队列中的线程去执行任务处理。
  • work_available(work):检查任务的结构体是否可用。
  • void lpwork_boostpriority(uint8_t reqprio):提升线程执行的优先级。
  • void lpwork_restorepriority(uint8_t reqprio):恢复线程执行的优先级。
 * Name: work_usrstart
 * Description:
 *   Start the user mode work queue.
 * Input parameters:
 *   None
 * Returned Value:
 *   The task ID of the worker thread is returned on success.  A negated
 *   errno value is returned on failure.

#if defined(CONFIG_LIB_USRWORK) && !defined(__KERNEL__)
int work_usrstart(void);
 * Name: work_queue
 * Description:
 *   Queue work to be performed at a later time.  All queued work will be
 *   performed on the worker thread of execution (not the caller's).
 *   The work structure is allocated by caller, but completely managed by
 *   the work queue logic.  The caller should never modify the contents of
 *   the work queue structure; the caller should not call work_queue()
 *   again until either (1) the previous work has been performed and removed
 *   from the queue, or (2) work_cancel() has been called to cancel the work
 *   and remove it from the work queue.
 * Input parameters:
 *   qid    - The work queue ID
 *   work   - The work structure to queue
 *   worker - The worker callback to be invoked.  The callback will invoked
 *            on the worker thread of execution.
 *   arg    - The argument that will be passed to the worker callback when
 *            it is invoked.
 *   delay  - Delay (in clock ticks) from the time queue until the worker
 *            is invoked. Zero means to perform the work immediately.
 * Returned Value:
 *   Zero on success, a negated errno on failure

int work_queue(int qid, FAR struct work_s *work, worker_t worker,
               FAR void *arg, systime_t delay);
 * Name: work_cancel
 * Description:
 *   Cancel previously queued work.  This removes work from the work queue.
 *   After work has been cancelled, it may be re-queue by calling work_queue()
 *   again.
 * Input parameters:
 *   qid    - The work queue ID
 *   work   - The previously queue work structure to cancel
 * Returned Value:
 *   Zero on success, a negated errno on failure
 *   -ENOENT - There is no such work queued.
 *   -EINVAL - An invalid work queue was specified

int work_cancel(int qid, FAR struct work_s *work);

 * Name: work_signal
 * Description:
 *   Signal the worker thread to process the work queue now.  This function
 *   is used internally by the work logic but could also be used by the
 *   user to force an immediate re-assessment of pending work.
 * Input parameters:
 *   qid    - The work queue ID
 * Returned Value:
 *   Zero on success, a negated errno on failure

int work_signal(int qid);

 * Name: work_available
 * Description:
 *   Check if the work structure is available.
 * Input parameters:
 *   work - The work queue structure to check.
 *   None
 * Returned Value:
 *   true if available; false if busy (i.e., there is still pending work).

#define work_available(work) ((work)->worker == NULL)
 * Name: lpwork_boostpriority
 * Description:
 *   Called by the work queue client to assure that the priority of the low-
 *   priority worker thread is at least at the requested level, reqprio. This
 *   function would normally be called just before calling work_queue().
 * Parameters:
 *   reqprio - Requested minimum worker thread priority
 * Return Value:
 *   None

void lpwork_boostpriority(uint8_t reqprio);
 * Name: lpwork_restorepriority
 * Description:
 *   This function is called to restore the priority after it was previously
 *   boosted.  This is often done by client logic on the worker thread when
 *   the scheduled work completes.  It will check if we need to drop the
 *   priority of the worker thread.
 * Parameters:
 *   reqprio - Previously requested minimum worker thread priority to be
 *     "unboosted"
 * Return Value:
 *   None

void lpwork_restorepriority(uint8_t reqprio);





  • 任务队列:用于存放需要延迟执行的任务,这个也就是通过work_queue()接口添加任务的任务队列。
  • 工作线程:在高优先级内核工作队列中,默认只有一个线程;在低优先级内核工作队列中支持多个工作线程。任务队列中的任务就分发到这些线程上来执行。
  • 延时参数delay:这个参数定义了轮询时的间隔时间,进而判断任务队列中的任务是否已经到需要执行的时间点了。

os_start() ---> os_bringup() ---> os_workqueue() ---> work_hpstart()/work_lpstart()/USERSPACE->work_usrstart()


  1. 初始化高优先级工作队列数据结构;
  2. 在该工作队列中,创建一个高优先级的工作线程work_hpthread,默认只支持一个;
int work_hpstart(void)
  pid_t pid;

  /* Initialize work queue data structures */

  g_hpwork.delay          = CONFIG_SCHED_HPWORKPERIOD / USEC_PER_TICK;

  /* Start the high-priority, kernel mode worker thread */

  sinfo("Starting high-priority kernel worker thread\n");

                      (FAR char * const *)NULL);

  DEBUGASSERT(pid > 0);
  if (pid < 0)
      int errcode = errno;
      DEBUGASSERT(errcode > 0);

      serr("ERROR: kernel_thread failed: %d\n", errcode);
      return -errcode;

  g_hpwork.worker[0].pid  = pid;
  g_hpwork.worker[0].busy = true;
  return pid;


 * Name: work_hpthread
 * Description:
 *   This is the worker thread that performs the actions placed on the high
 *   priority work queue.
 *   This, along with the lower priority worker thread(s) are the kernel
 *   mode work queues (also build in the flat build).  One of these threads
 *   also performs periodic garbage collection (that would otherwise be
 *   performed by the idle thread if CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE is not defined).
 *   That will be the higher priority worker thread only if a lower priority
 *   worker thread is available.
 *   All kernel mode worker threads are started by the OS during normal
 *   bring up.  This entry point is referenced by OS internally and should
 *   not be accessed by application logic.
 * Input parameters:
 *   argc, argv (not used)
 * Returned Value:
 *   Does not return

static int work_hpthread(int argc, char *argv[])
  /* Loop forever */

  for (; ; )
      /* First, perform garbage collection.  This cleans-up memory
       * de-allocations that were queued because they could not be freed in
       * that execution context (for example, if the memory was freed from
       * an interrupt handler).
       * NOTE: If the work thread is disabled, this clean-up is performed by
       * the IDLE thread (at a very, very low priority).  If the low-priority
       * work thread is enabled, then the garbage collection is done on that
       * thread instead.


      /* Then process queued work.  work_process will not return until: (1)
       * there is no further work in the work queue, and (2) the polling
       * period provided by g_hpwork.delay expires.

      work_process((FAR struct kwork_wqueue_s *)&g_hpwork, g_hpwork.delay, 0);

  return OK; /* To keep some compilers happy */



  1. 获取执行时候的系统时间,这个时间主要用于统计任务进入工作队列后,消耗了多久,是否到了需要去执行的时间点。
  2. 从工作队列的头部获取一个任务,通过比较两个时间值:1)消耗的时间,也就是当前的系统时间减去任务入列的时间;2)任务延迟执行的时间,也就是数据结构中描述的delay时间。
  3. 如果消耗的时间大于延迟执行的时间,那就立刻执行任务的回调函数。
  4. 如果消耗的时间小于延迟执行的时间,计算剩余时间,并最终让任务睡眠等待一下。
void work_process(FAR struct kwork_wqueue_s *wqueue, systime_t period, int wndx)
  volatile FAR struct work_s *work;
  worker_t  worker;
  irqstate_t flags;
  FAR void *arg;
  systime_t elapsed;
  systime_t remaining;
  systime_t stick;
  systime_t ctick;
  systime_t next;

  /* Then process queued work.  We need to keep interrupts disabled while
   * we process items in the work list.

  next  = period;
  flags = enter_critical_section();

  /* Get the time that we started this polling cycle in clock ticks. */

  stick = clock_systimer();

  /* And check each entry in the work queue.  Since we have disabled
   * interrupts we know:  (1) we will not be suspended unless we do
   * so ourselves, and (2) there will be no changes to the work queue

  work = (FAR struct work_s *)wqueue->q.head;
  while (work)
      /* Is this work ready?  It is ready if there is no delay or if
       * the delay has elapsed. qtime is the time that the work was added
       * to the work queue.  It will always be greater than or equal to
       * zero.  Therefore a delay of zero will always execute immediately.

      ctick   = clock_systimer();
      elapsed = ctick - work->qtime;
      if (elapsed >= work->delay)
          /* Remove the ready-to-execute work from the list */

          (void)dq_rem((struct dq_entry_s *)work, &wqueue->q);

          /* Extract the work description from the entry (in case the work
           * instance by the re-used after it has been de-queued).

          worker = work->worker;

          /* Check for a race condition where the work may be nullified
           * before it is removed from the queue.

          if (worker != NULL)
              /* Extract the work argument (before re-enabling interrupts) */

              arg = work->arg;

              /* Mark the work as no longer being queued */

              work->worker = NULL;

              /* Do the work.  Re-enable interrupts while the work is being
               * performed... we don't have any idea how long this will take!


              /* Now, unfortunately, since we re-enabled interrupts we don't
               * know the state of the work list and we will have to start
               * back at the head of the list.

              flags = enter_critical_section();
              work  = (FAR struct work_s *)wqueue->q.head;
              /* Cancelled.. Just move to the next work in the list with
               * interrupts still disabled.

              work = (FAR struct work_s *)work->dq.flink;
      else /* elapsed < work->delay */
          /* This one is not ready.
           * NOTE that elapsed is relative to the the current time,
           * not the time of beginning of this queue processing pass.
           * So it may need an adjustment.

          elapsed += (ctick - stick);
          if (elapsed > work->delay)
              /* The delay has expired while we are processing */

              elapsed = work->delay;

          /* Will it be ready before the next scheduled wakeup interval? */

          remaining = work->delay - elapsed;
          if (remaining < next)
              /* Yes.. Then schedule to wake up when the work is ready */

              next = remaining;

          /* Then try the next in the list. */

          work = (FAR struct work_s *)work->dq.flink;

  /* Value of zero for period means that we should wait indefinitely until
   * signalled.  This option is used only for the case where there are
   * multiple, low-priority worker threads.  In that case, only one of
   * the threads does the poll... the others simple.  In all other cases
   * period will be non-zero and equal to wqueue->delay.

  if (period == 0)
      sigset_t set;

      /* Wait indefinitely until signalled with SIGWORK */

      sigaddset(&set, SIGWORK);

      wqueue->worker[wndx].busy = false;
      DEBUGVERIFY(sigwaitinfo(&set, NULL));
       wqueue->worker[wndx].busy = true;
      /* Get the delay (in clock ticks) since we started the sampling */

      elapsed = clock_systimer() - stick;
      if (elapsed < period && next > 0)
          /* How much time would we need to delay to get to the end of the
           * sampling period?  The amount of time we delay should be the smaller
           * of the time to the end of the sampling period and the time to the
           * next work expiry.

          remaining = period - elapsed;
          next      = MIN(next, remaining);

          /* Wait awhile to check the work list.  We will wait here until
           * either the time elapses or until we are awakened by a signal.
           * Interrupts will be re-enabled while we wait.

          wqueue->worker[wndx].busy = false;
          usleep(next * USEC_PER_TICK);
          wqueue->worker[wndx].busy = true;




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