All comfort has done is maintain the status quo.So we've got to get comfortable with being uncomfortable by speaking these hard truths when they're necessary.舒适所做的仅仅是维持现状,我们得用不舒适的方式得到舒适,必要的时候说出真相。
When it's time to say these ,ask yourself three things.Did you mean it?Can you defend it?Did you say it with love?If the answer is yes to all three,say it and let the chips fall.说之前考虑三件事,你是认真的吗?你能为他辩护吗?你是带着爱说的吗?回答都是是,则不顾一切地说出真相。We commit ourselves to telling truth to build bridges to common ground.我们致力于说出真相建立桥梁 链接共同点。