A Brief History of Time - Chapter 2

Pull  (2)FORCE力

ED: [C usually singular 一般用单数] a strong physical force that makes things move in a particular direction 拉力,引力

Eg: the gravitational pull of the moon 月球的引力


ED:(1)N-COUNT Weights are metal objects that weigh a known amount and that are used on a set of scales to weigh other things. 砝码

(2)N-COUNT You can refer to a heavy object as a weight, especially when you have to lift it. (尤其指必须举起的) 重物

Eg: Straining to lift heavy weights can lead to a rise in blood pressure.


Vertically  垂直地




vertical  垂直的,直立的;[解剖] 头顶的,顶点的


vertical  垂直线,垂直面

verticalness  垂直

Eg: Well, we cut it into vertically simple pieces.



1.Law of motion 运动定律

n.one of three basic laws of classical mechanics

同义词: Newton's law of motion / Newton's law

2.Newton's first law

n.a body remains at rest or in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force

同义词: first law of motion / Newton's first law of motion

3.Newton's second law

n.the rate of change of momentum is proportional to the imposed force and goes in the direction of the force

同义词: second law of motion / Newton's second law of motion

be proportional to 与……成正比

Eg: The increase in price is proportional to the improvement in the car.

在小车方面, 价格的增加相应比例提高了性能。


ED: adv. 明确地: very clear and complete, leaving no doubt about the meaning, showing or referring very openly to nudity, violence, or sexual activity


specifically , definitely , particularly , positively

词根: Explicit


反义词: Implicit

Cancel  vt.相互抵消

词源 : cancel源于拉丁文cancelli(格子)。在中世纪, 罗马文牍员在抄写出现笔误时就在上面划斜线, 使成格子状, 表示“注销”。

近义词 : abandon, abort, call, call off, cry off, drop, recall, repeal, rescind, revoke, scrap, scrub 取消

反义词 : continue, keep 继续,保留





grave  重大的;严肃的;黯淡的

gravitational  [力] 重力的,[力] 引力的

graven  不可磨灭的,铭记在心的;雕刻的

gravitative  受重力作用的;万有引力的

adv.   gravely  严重地;严肃地;严峻地;沉重地


grave  墓穴,坟墓;死亡

gravitation  重力;万有引力;地心吸力

gravitas  (拉)庄严;庄重;庄严的举止

graveness  重大,严重;认真

gravimeter  比重计;[地物] 重力计

graviton  [相对][高能] 引力子;万有吸引力

v.graven  雕刻(grave的过去分词)

vi.gravitate  受引力作用;被吸引

vt.grave  雕刻;铭记

elliptical  Adj.

ED:  1.having the shape of an ellipse 椭圆的;椭圆形的

Kepler published his discovery of the elliptical orbits of planets in 1609. 1609


2.elliptical speech or writing is difficult to understand because more is meant than is actually said 〔言辞或文章〕晦涩的,隐晦的

The language is often elliptical and ambiguous.


set aside

ED: PHRASAL VERB If you set aside a belief, principle, or feeling, you decide that you will not be influenced by it. 把…抛在脑后

Eg: He urged the participants to set aside minor differences for the sake of achieving peace.



N-UNCOUNT Nonexistence is the fact of not existing. 不存在

Eg: I was left with puzzlement as to the existence or nonexistence of God.


adv.  1. in an unambiguous manner

同义词: unequivocally / without ambiguity

2. so as to be unique

同义词: uniquely


1. N-VAR An illusion is a false idea or belief. 幻想

No one really has any illusions about winning the war.


2. N-COUNT An illusion is something that appears to exist or be a particular thing but does not actually exist or is in reality something else. 假象

Floor-to-ceiling windows can look stunning, giving the illusion of extra height.


… Stubbed his toe on a large stone.

stub one's toe

V-T If you stub your toe, you hurt it by accidentally kicking something. 不小心踢到,碰伤脚趾

I stubbed my toes against a table leg.


The moons of Jupiter  木卫

Using it, he first observed the moon in the fall of 1609, then the moons of Jupiter, and sunspots.



词根:propagate (vt./vi.) 传播,宣传,繁殖

crack propagation裂纹扩展

back propagation[人工智能]反向传播

light propagation光传播

error propagation错误传播,误差传播

propagation velocity传播速度;传输速度

propagation path传播路径,传播通路

propagation loss[计]传播损耗;传输损耗

propagation delay传播延迟

vegetative propagation营养繁殖;植物无性繁殖

fracture propagation断裂传播;裂缝延伸

propagation constant传播常数

asexual propagation无性繁殖


Wavelength, radio wave, microwave, Infrared(红外线), visible light ,shorter wavelength ( Ultraviolet, X rays , gamma rays)

Wavelike disturbance

参考:Wave disturbance   n. 波扰动;[气象] 波状扰动




ED: V-T/V-I When something contracts or when something contracts it, it becomes smaller or shorter. 缩小; 缩短; 使缩小; 使缩短

Eg: Blood is only expelled from the heart when it contracts.


in terms of




Eg: Well, nothing in terms of the math.


Patant office

N a government department that issues patents 专利局 ( abbr: Pat. Off)

Einstein is given the credit for the new theoryb …

Eg: Galileo is usually given credit for being the "Father of the Scientific Method".

伽利略通常被认为是“ 科学方法之父”。

This film is often given credit for the first time a camera was pointed directly at the sun.


Postulate  n/vt

ED: something believed to be true, on which an argument or scientific discussion is based 假定,假设,公理〔被认为理所当然的事实,是推论的基础〕 【正式】

→ hypothesis

[+ of ]

Eg: the basic postulates of Marxism



a. 内在的, 本质的, 固有的 The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of. 一枚钱币的内在价值就是铸造这枚钱币的金属的价值。


intr(看作intro, 向内)+insic(看作inside)→内在的, 本质的


inherent(a. 内在的, 固有的); essential(a. 本质的); innate(a. 天生的, 固有的)


extrinsic(a. 外来的, 外在的); external(a. 外面的, 表面的)

Multiplied / divided by 被乘/除


Put an end to (n.)  结束;终止

近义词:drop / determine / conclude / come to an end

Eg: It might seem impossible, but once you decide to put an End to Busy, you have taken the biggest step.


Diagram 图表

Procedure 步骤

A cesium clock铯钟


A cesium clock operates by exposing cesium atoms to microwaves until they vibrate at one of their resonant frequencies and then counting the corresponding cycles as a measure of time.      一个铯钟的工作原理是:将铯原子暴露于微波中,直到它们以一个频率共振,然后以一个相应的周期作为时间度量。


ED:1.  [C,U] the speed of something that is moving in a particular direction technical 速度 【术语】

the velocity of light光速

The speedboat reached a velocity of 120 mph.


a high velocity bullet高速子弹

2 [U] a high speed 高速

Martinez had good velocity on his fastball.



N-UNCOUNT If you refer to the presence of a substance in another thing, you mean that it is in that thing. 存在

The somewhat acid flavour is caused by the presence of lactic acid.


detect vt.

ED: to notice or discover something, especially something that is not easy to see, hear etc 发现,察觉〔尤指不易觉察到的事物〕

Eg: Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early.


Latitude & longitude 纬度&经度

One is free to (do) 一个人能自由的……

As one masters 3000 and completes with such a partner, one is free to leave and create a new ascending partnership of greater compatibility if one so chooses.



ED: N-UNCOUNT The validity of something such as a result or a piece of information is whether it can be trusted or believed. 可信性

Eg: Shocked by the results of the elections, they now want to challenge the validity of the vote.



ED: N-COUNT A patch of land is a small area of land where a particular plant or crop grows. 小块田地

Eg: ...a patch of land covered in forest.


Spatial   adj. 空间的


ED: 1.N-COUNT The coordinates of a point on a map or graph are the two sets of numbers or letters that you need in order to find that point. 坐标

Eg: Can you give me your coordinates?


2. V-T If you coordinate an activity, you organize the various people and things involved in it. 协调

Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to coordinate the relief effort.



a. 任意的, 专断的 an arbitrary character 反复无常的性格 // an arbitrary decision 武断的决定




arbiter (n. 仲裁者)




horizontal  水平的;地平线的;同一阶层的


horizontal  水平线,水平面;水平位置

horizon  [天] 地平线;视野;眼界;范围

horizontality  水平状态


[U] a sensible way of judging and comparing situations so that you do not imagine that something is more serious than it really is 〔对事物的〕合理判断,正确认识

I think Viv’s lost all sense of perspective .


The figures have to be put into perspective .        必须正确认识这些数字。


Adj. a diagonal line is straight and joins two opposite corners of a flat shape, usually a square 对角的,对角线的

相关: horizontal ; vertical


ED: V-T If something emits heat, light, gas, or a smell, it produces it and sends it out by means of a physical or chemical process. 发出; 散发 (热、光、气体或气味)

The new device emits a powerful circular column of light.


Sphere 球体


1. N-COUNT A snapshot is a photograph that is taken quickly and casually. 快照

Let me take a snapshot of you guys, so friends back home can see you.


2. N-COUNT If something provides you with a snapshot of a place or situation, it gives you a brief idea of what that place or situation is like. 简况; 大致印象

The interviews present a remarkable snapshot of Britain in these dark days of recession.


Cone 圆锥

What happens at such events can neither affect nor be affected by what happens at P.



ED: V-I If something ceases, it stops happening or existing. 停止

Eg: At one o'clock the rain had ceased.




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