CO3098/CO7098Coursework 3Mini Web Project - Genealogy ExplorerImportant Dates:Handed out: 28-Nov-2018Deadline: 6-Jan-2019 at 23:59 GMTThe deadline is strict and will not be changed. Please ensure that you submit your work in time. This coursework counts as 22% of your final mark. Please read guidelines on plagiarism in the study guide and course documentation. This coursework requires knowledge about REST Web Service, JSON, Bootstrap, AJAX and theWeb MVC framework. Learning outcome: Use a web MVC framework to create web applications. Demonstrate the understanding of technologies behind Web ServiceCoursework DescriptionYour task is to develop the Genealogy Explorer (GE), an online tool for building a family tree and trackingancestry. This piece of coursework consists of two parts – Part 1 (RESTful Service) and Part 2 (WebInterface). You will need to develop a RESTful web service back-end for searching and editing genealogyrecords, and to design a web interface for creating and browsing these data.You may start your work from Part 1 or Part 2 first as you wish. Java domain class templates and a SQL fileis provided on Blackboard (see Appendix). You may choose to use them for implementation, and you areallowed to make any changes to them.Part 1: RESTful Web Service [40 marks]GE allows users to create and edit a family tree. Your tasks in Part 1 are to implement the following RESTWeb Service methods (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e).(a) Adding a person [10 marks](1) GET /GE/person/add?key=3&name=RichardIII&dob=14830626&m=1&f=2&g=maleSubmit a GET request to this URI to add a person to the database.Parameter:key : the unique key of the person (*)name : full name of the person (*)m : the person’s mother’s keyf : the person’s father’s keydob : the person’s date of birth (e.g. 19921210 – December 10th 1992)g : the person’s gender* Required fields(2) POST /GE/person/addJSONJSON request{key: 1,name: RichardIII,dob: 14830626, gender: malem: 2,f: 3}Successful response in JSON{result: true}Unsuccessful response in JSON{ result: false, message: person id already exists (or m/f id does not exist)}Add a new person to the database. This request returns true if the operation is successful, otherwise falseis returned. (e.g. a person with the provided id already exists; one of the parent ids does not exist)Consider the following HTTP GET requests:GET /GE/person/add?key=1&name=King%20George%20VIGET /GE/person/add?key=2&name=Queen%20ElizabethGET /GE/person/add?key=3&name=Queen%20Elizabeth%20II&m=2&f=1GET /GE/person/add?key=5&name=Prince%20Philip%20Duke%20of%20EdinburghGET /GE/person/add?key=4&name=Princess%20Margaret&m=2&f=1GET /GE/person/add?key=6&name=Prince%20Charles&m=3&f=5GET /GE/person/add?key=7&name=Princess%20DianaGET /GE/person/add?key=8&name=Prince%20William&m=7&f=6GET /GE/person/add?key=9&name=Prince%20Harry&m=7&f=6GET /GE/person/add?key=10&name=Catherine%20Duchess20%of20%CambridgeGET /GE/person/add?key=11&name=Prince%20George&m=10&f=8The family tree structure below will be created (Note that spaces in URLs are encoded as %20; optionalarguments are omitted)Figure (1) Example - Royal Family TreeIt is also possible to add multiple persons at the same time by posting a JSON array to addJSON. For example, the following JSON will add two people to the database:{ list:[ { key:12, name:Princess Charlotte, dob:20150502, gender:female, m:10, f:8 }, { key:13, name:Prince Louis, dob:14830626, gender:male, m:10, f:8 } ]}This request returns true if all people are added successfully, otherwise the operation is cancelled andfalse is returned.(b) Deleting a person [5 marks]GET /GE/person/delete/7Delete a person with the given key (e.g. key=7) from the Genealogy database. The persons descendantsshould NOT be deleted from the family tree. The request should return true if the operation is successful,otherwise false is returned. For example, the above HTTP GET request should not delete key=8, 9,10 or 11 in Figure (1).Successful response in JSON{result: true}Unsuccessful response in JSON{result: false,message: key X does not exist}(c) Getting information about a specific person [5 marks]GET /GE/person/get/12Return the information about a person with the given key in JSON:Successful response in JSON{key: 12,name: Princess Charlotte,dob: 20150502,gender: female,m: 10,f: 8}Unsuccessful response in JSON{result: false,message: key X does not exist}(d) Finding someone’s ancestors [10 marks]GET /GE/person/ancestors/6Return the person’s direct-line ancestors (a direct-line ancestor is someone from whom you descend in adirect line - parent to child, grandparent, great-grandparent etc.) as a JSON object. Given the family tree inFigure 1, the GET request above should return all direct-line ancestors of the person (key=6) as a JSONobject:{ key:6, parents:{ m:{ key:3, parents:{ m:{ key:2 },f:{ key:1 } } }, f:{ key:5 } }}Unsuccessful response in JSON{ result: false, message: key X does not exist}Note: You may include other attributes (e.g. name, gender etc) in the JSON response.(e) Finding someone’s descendants [10 marks]GET /GE/person/ancestors/7Return all of the person’s lineal descendants (a lineal descendant is a blood relative in the direct line ofdescent – the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.) as a JSON object. Given the family tree inFigure (1), the GET request above should return all descendants of the person (key=7) as a JSON object:{ key:7, children:[ { key:8, children:[ { key:11 } ] }, { key:9 } ]}Part 2: Web Inter代做CO3098/CO7098作业、代写JSON, Bootstrap, AJAX作业、代做Java课程设计作业、代写Jface [60 marks]Your task in Part 2 is to design and implement a web interface for creating and editing the Genealogy data.You may use any Web Frameworks (MVC, MVP or MVVM) for implementation, including but not limitedto: Spring MVC ASP.NET MVC Ruby On Rails Laravel PHP AngularJS Django Ember.jsThe architecture and good coding practice will also be taken into account when allocating marks. The markfor this piece of coursework will be capped at 65% if the solution does not use any web framework (Pleaseconsult with the convenor first if the framework you intend to use is not listed here).Your tasks in Part 2 are to implement a Web Interface for (f), (g) and (h)(f) Browsing genealogy records [20 marks](g) Adding, deleting and editing persons from the family trees [20 marks](h) Searching descendants and ancestors [20 marks]In addition to the functionality, the website responsiveness (page rendering on a variety of devices andwindow or screen sizes) will be taken into account when allocating marks.Marking Scheme & RubricsPart 1:REST Service API testing process will be automated. Test cases will be provided for each REST controllermethod (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) to check whether methods are behaving as they are expected. Marks will bedistributed according to test results.Part 2:N (0%)No submissionF (0-40%) Front-end HTML page exists, but the program fails to load or display any genealogy data. No listingof records in a simple form (e.g. table). No front-end framework/CSS used. An attempt was made but adding/deleting/editing functions are not functional. Static web pages (or view) for searching descendants/ancestors exists but without any connection tothe database.E (40-50%) Basic HTML pages/view without any front-end framework/CSS; do not adopt a responsive design. Listing of genealogy records in simple form, e.g. display all persons in a simple HTML table; formbasedadding, deleting and editing feature developed, but still not functioning properly. Static HTML page and server-side code for searching partially implemented, but there are still majorissues. (e.g. failed to return any result, 500 internal server error)D (50-60%) Adopt responsive web design in the development, but there are major issues. (e.g. cannot navigate the website through desktop/mobile) Genealogy records are loaded and displayed in a static tree-like structure (e.g. HTML , andCSS); form-based adding, deleting and editing functions partially implemented; Use of JavaScriptfor client-side validation; Search function linked to the database and works to a certain extent; sometimes, the page crashes orthe results of searching are incorrect (e.g. does not include all descendants, wrong ancestor returned).C (60-70%) The adoption of responsive web design, basic browser resizing and cross-device compatibility Genealogy records show in a static or interactive tree-like structure; adding, deleting and editingfunctions are implemented. Ajax/jQuery is used in certain areas but limited, page reloading is stillrequired. Search results are mostly correct; results are displayed in HTML (e.g. tables, etc.).B (70-80%) Genealogy records displayed as an interactive tree (e.g. GoJS genogram chart). Ajax/jQuery is used in some core features so that the tree can be refreshed without reloading (usersare able to make any change to the family tree directly without postback) Search function invokes the RESTful service implemented in Part 1. The searching function passed all test cases, and results are displayed in HTML with pagination.A (>80%) Optimise website for mobile devices, supporting both the portrait and landscape view in a variety ofmobile devices with different screen sizes. Secure RESTful Service with OAuth2 Tokens. Genealogy records are visualised as an interactive tree. Ajax/jQuery is used appropriately in most features. The searching function passed all test cases. Search results can be visualised using an interactive chart.Overall ScoreHow your score will be calculated:(Where p is the number of passed test cases, n is the total number of test cases, wi refers to theweight for each test case)Submission Zip all files in a single zip file for submission:o Your Dynamic Web project or Gradle/Maven project foldero README.txto Your SQL schema and data, if applicable (Your_email_ID.sql) The archive should be named (e.g. Please contact the module convenor first if you choose to use .NET WCF or other frameworks forPart 1 and 2. You need to submit the zip file via Blackboard and you are allowed to re-submit as many timesas you like before the deadline.Anonymous markingWe operate an anonymous marking scheme. All submitted WAR files (or other project files) will bedeployed to Tomcat using anonymous fingerprinting generated by SHA256.Appendix1.1. You can use any CSS/JS library for showing the family tree. Here are some candidates:HTML/CSS Family Tree (Static JS Tree) (Interactive Genogram chart) in Spring in Spring Persistence FrameworksYou may use GenealogyDB.sql provided on Blackboard, if you intend to write your own DAO classes inconjunction with some ORM frameworks such as Hibernate for data persistence. You do not have to usethis file if you intend to use Spring JPA, NoSQL (e.g. Mongodb, Oracle Spatial Graph) or other persistenceframeworks.1.3 Domain classesYou may use the Java domain classes provided for implementation. However, you may choose not to usethem. 转自:
讲解:CO3098/CO7098、JSON, Bootstrap, AJAX、Java、JavaProcess
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