~ 哈哈哈,200年后? 到那时我们应该也会消失了, 不是吗?~
~ Anyway, Okey !在Venice这座城市没有消失之前: 2016年的6月17号, 我们娘俩从罗马坐上了去威尼斯的火车。~
除了步行,当然少不了贡多拉, 80欧的船费挺高的,我们和一对来自德国的年轻人共租了一艘贡多拉:
……第一天的下午和晚上,第二天的上午,我和女儿漫步在古老的或许即将消失的威尼斯老城, 跟着她的攻略穿街走巷……
Lido Venice Beach
Venice is such a unique, wonderful city! But Lido has something else to offer a tourist, after he spent a whole day walking through its labyrinth-like “calli”(Venetian typical narrow streets) and watching its stony beauties along with a crowd of other tourists. He deserves some relaxation and Lido is the right place! Venice Lido is the quiet, peaceful and green thin island that stretches between open sea and lagoon, which is only 10 minutes away from S. Mark's square, both by public or private transportation, or half an hour by ferryboat'sride leaving from Tronchetto.
Venice Lido is least crowded and therefore most enjoyable seaside resort of the whole upper Adriatic, just because its beach is spread all along its 12-km length.
A stay on the Lido will let you breathe Venice's charm and in the meanwhile enjoy a special atmosphere : the island represents the ideal place for those who want to mix cultural tourism and a vacation by the sea.
旁晚,女儿和我回到了下榻的Camping Fusina.
因为与女同行,订了Camping Fasina 的露营小屋:
Camping Fusina露营地坐落在Venetian Lagoon泻湖沿岸,由建筑设计师Carlo Scarpa设计建成,提供位于Malcontenta的住宿设施。Fusina Camping露营地距离巴士站有20米,客人可从该站搭乘巴士前往马尔盖拉(Marghera)。露营地距离米拉(Malcontenta)中心有5公里,距离威尼斯有20分钟的渡轮航程,可应要求提供从威尼斯梅斯特火车站(Venezia Mestre Train Station)至露营地的免费班车。
Camping Fusina 的黎明很美:
我没有写游记的习惯,感谢有用微信朋友圈, 还可以唤起我对当时的回忆。