- 定义
典型的享元模式的例子为文书处理器中以图形结构来表示字符。一个做法是,每个字形有其字型外观, 字模, 和其它格式资讯,但这会使每个字符就耗用上千字节。取而代之的是,每个字符参照到一个共享字形物件,此物件会被其它有共同特质的字符所分享;只有每个字符(文件中或页面中)的位置才需要另外储存。
- 例子
public enum FontEffect {
public final class FontData {
* A weak hash map will drop unused references to FontData.
* Values have to be wrapped in WeakReferences,
* because value objects in weak hash map are held by strong references.
private static final WeakHashMap<FontData, WeakReference<FontData>> FLY_WEIGHT_DATA =
new WeakHashMap<FontData, WeakReference<FontData>>();
private final int pointSize;
private final String fontFace;
private final Color color;
private final Set<FontEffect> effects;
private FontData(int pointSize, String fontFace, Color color, EnumSet<FontEffect> effects) {
this.pointSize = pointSize;
this.fontFace = fontFace;
this.color = color;
this.effects = Collections.unmodifiableSet(effects);
public static FontData create(int pointSize, String fontFace, Color color,
FontEffect... effects) {
EnumSet<FontEffect> effectsSet = EnumSet.noneOf(FontEffect.class);
for (FontEffect fontEffect : effects) {
// We are unconcerned with object creation cost, we are reducing overall memory consumption
FontData data = new FontData(pointSize, fontFace, color, effectsSet);
// Retrieve previously created instance with the given values if it (still) exists
WeakReference<FontData> ref = FLY_WEIGHT_DATA.get(data);
FontData result = (ref != null) ? ref.get() : null;
// Store new font data instance if no matching instance exists
if (result == null) {
FLY_WEIGHT_DATA.put(data, new WeakReference<FontData> (data));
result = data;
// return the single immutable copy with the given values
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof FontData) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
FontData other = (FontData) obj;
return other.pointSize == pointSize && other.fontFace.equals(fontFace)
&& other.color.equals(color) && other.effects.equals(effects);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return (pointSize * 37 + effects.hashCode() * 13) * fontFace.hashCode();
// Getters for the font data, but no setters. FontData is immutable.
- 享元模式在我们平常使用的其实也不少,String就是最典型的一个,只不过我们平时没有发现,这时候就想起了一些面试题,除此之外,我们也可以在很多地方使用,比如在工厂模式里,获取已经存在的对象,这些小的点在对程序优化时是有一定帮助的。