
L4-U1-P1-1 Listening : Visiting a Friend 1拜访朋友

Christina is on a two-week vacation. 克里斯蒂娜正在休两周的假。

This is the first vacation she has had for a long time. 这是她很长时间以来第一次度假。

The last vacation she took was more than two years ago. 她上一次度假是在两年多以前。

Now she is visiting a friend in San Francisco. 现在她正在旧金山拜访一位朋友。

Her friend and her husband are living near the center of the city. 她的朋友和丈夫住在市中心附近。

He works for a start-up company in Silicon Valley. 他在硅谷一家刚起步的公司工作。

While he is working, she works part-time at a department store. 他工作期间,她在一家百货公司兼职。

Christina hasn't seen her friend for a long time. 克里斯蒂娜很久没见到她的朋友了。

The last time they saw each other was 3 years ago. 她们最后一次见面是3年前。

At that time, they were both working at a department store.当时,他们都在一家百货公司工作。

Then Christina quit her job and started her own business. 然后克里斯蒂娜辞去了工作,开始了自己的事业。

She designs women's clothing. 她设计女装。

She has two employees now and her company is slowly growing. 她现在有两名员工,公司正在慢慢发展。

Christina has come to San Francisco by herself. 克里斯蒂娜一个人来到了旧金山。

Her husband didn't come because he has to work. 她丈夫没来是因为他要工作。

He tried to start a company 2 years ago, but it didn't work out. 两年前他试图开一家公司,但没有成功。

His company failed after only a few months. 他的公司只开了几个月就倒闭了。

So now he's working at another company and saving money. 所以现在他在另一家公司工作,存钱。

Once he saves enough money, he plans to start another company. 一旦攒够了钱,他计划再开一家公司。

He doesn't want to give up. 他不想放弃。

This is the second time Christina has been to San Francisco. 这是克里斯蒂娜第二次去旧金山。

The first time was when she was a high school student. 第一次是在她还是高中生的时候。

That was more than 10 years ago. 那是10多年前的事了。

During that trip she was only in San Francisco for a few days. 在那次旅行中,她只在旧金山呆了几天。

After that she went to Los Angeles and New York. 之后她去了洛杉矶和纽约。

This time she and her friend plan to relax and have fun. 这一次她和她的朋友计划放松和享受。

L4-U1-P1-2 Listening: Visiting a Friend 2

Christina arrived two days ago, the day before yesterday. 克里斯蒂娜是两天前到的,也就是前天。

Her friend met her at the airport and drove her to her apartment. 她的朋友到机场接她,开车送她到公寓。

Her apartment is just north of the airport, about 20 minutes from San Francisco. 她的公寓就在机场以北,距离旧金山大约20分钟的路程。

It's a small apartment, but it's on a hill and it has a great view. 那是一间小公寓,但是在山上,视野很好。

Yesterday they went downtown and rode the cable cars. 昨天他们到市区去坐缆车。

Christina was surprised by how steep the hills are. 克里斯蒂娜对这些山的陡峭程度感到惊讶。

Then they walked along the ocean and ate lunch at a seafood restaurant. 然后他们沿着大海散步,在一家海鲜餐厅吃午饭。

From the restaurant, they could see the Golden Gate Bridge.从餐馆里,他们可以看到金门大桥。

Tomorrow, they're planning to drive to Yosemite National Park. 明天,他们打算开车去约塞米蒂国家公园。

By car, it's about 4 hours away. 开车去大约4个小时。

Christina has never been there before, so she is excited. 克里斯蒂娜以前从未去过那里,所以她很兴奋。

She has heard that the park is very beautiful. 她听说那个公园很漂亮。

Her friend has been to Yosemite several times. 她的朋友去过约塞米蒂好几次。

She says it's one of the most beautiful places in the world. 她说这是世界上最美丽的地方之一。

Christina just hopes that her friend is a good driver. 克里斯蒂娜只希望她的朋友是个好司机。

L4-U1-P1-3 Vocabulary : Pains and Sickness痛苦和疾病

Headaches can be very painful and can last for a long time.头痛会很痛,而且会持续很长时间。

If you have a headache, your head hurts.如果你头痛,你的头就会疼。

A sprained ankle can be so painful that you can't walk. 扭伤脚踝会痛得你无法走路。

Someone with a sprained ankle may need to use crutches to walk. 脚踝扭伤的人可能需要用拐杖走路。

If you have a sore throat, it may be painful to swallow. 如果你喉咙痛,吞咽可能会痛。

A sore throat can be caused by viruses or bacteria.喉咙痛是由病毒和细菌引起的。

A burn is an injury to the skin caused by fire or heat. 烧伤是由火或热引起的皮肤损伤。

If you get too close to a fire, you will be burned.如果你离火太近,你会被烧伤。

An earache is a sharp, dull or burning pain in the ear. 耳痛是耳朵里的一种剧烈、钝痛或灼痛。

Common causes of an earache include an infection, a change in air pressure or water in the ear.耳痛的常见原因包括感染、耳内气压变化或水。

L4-U1-P1-3 Vocabulary : Landforms地貌

Mountains are landforms higher than 2,000 feet, or about 600 meters, above sea level. 山脉是海拔超过2000英尺(约600米)的地貌。

Hills are like mountains, but not as tall. 小山像山,但没有山那么高。

Mountains are formed by forces deep within the Earth and are made of many types of rocks. 山是由地球深处的力量形成的,是由许多类型的岩石组成的。

Rivers are streams of water that usually begin in mountains and flow into the sea. 河流是通常从山上流入大海的溪水。

Many early cities were built alongside rivers. 许多早期的城市都建在河边。

Most of the world's water is in the oceans, which are large bodies of salt water. 世界上大部分的水都在海洋里,海洋是大量的咸水。

The oceans are also an important source of oxygen. 海洋也是氧气的重要来源。

Deserts are areas of land that receive little or no rainfall. 沙漠是很少或没有降雨的地区。

The amount of rainfall in some deserts is so low that only a few plants can survive. 一些沙漠的降雨量很低,只有少数植物能生存。

A valley is a low, relatively flat area between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it. 山谷是丘陵或山脉之间地势较低、相对平坦的地区,通常有一条河流穿过。

Some valleys are formed by flowing water, and others are formed by glaciers. 有些山谷是由流水形成的,有些则是由冰川形成的。

L4-U1-P1-5 Dialogue : Eating Out外出就餐

M: Have you eaten yet? 你吃了吗?

W: No, I haven't, and I'm hungry. 没有,我饿了。

M: Me too. Let's go out for dinner. 我也是。我们出去吃晚饭吧。

W: Where to? 去哪儿?

M: What about Joe's Italian? 乔的意大利菜怎么样?

W: How many times have you eaten there? 你在那里吃了多少次饭?

M: I eat there a lot. 我经常在那里吃东西。It's

one of my favorite places.这是我最喜欢的地方之一。

W: I went there two weeks ago, and the service was terrible. 我两周前去了那里,服务很差。

M: Really? Then, let's go some places else. 是吗? 那么,我们去别的地方吧。

M: What do you suggest? 你有什么建议吗?

W: How about the Royal Indian? It's not far from here. 皇家印第安人怎么样?离这里不远。

M: I've never heard of it, is it good? 我从来没听说过,好吃吗?

W: Yes, I've been there several times, and I've never been disappointed. 是的,我去过几次,我从来没有失望过。

M: OK. Let's try it. I haven't eaten Indian food for a long time. 好啊。我们试试看。我很久没吃印度菜了。

W: You won't be disappointed, and the prices are reasonable. 你不会失望的,而且价格合理。

M: Ah, so you mean I'm going to pay?啊,你是说我来付钱?

W: Well, that would certainly be nice. 那太好了。

M: What about reservations? 要预订吗?

W: If we get there early enough, we won't need them. 如果我们早点到那里,我们就不需要预订了。

M: I hope you're right. 但愿你是对的。

W: Don't worry. 别担心。 If we have to wait, I'll pay the bill.如果我们要等的话,我来付帐。

L4-U1-P1-6 Vocabulary

L4-U1-P1-7 Speaking

L4-U1-P1-8 Matching

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