冬日观剧指南 之 黑镜 S04E01
"Don't be too nice to him 'cause he gets a bit starey."
上面说的跟我们今天要讲语言点的这一集没有任何关系,今天说的这一单集的名字是U.S.S Callister(卡利斯特号星舰)。
Robert Daly是Callister公司的CTO,是他编写了Infinity的主要代码,Infinity是一款只要将小小的芯片贴在太阳穴处就能进入虚拟太空的一款星际游戏。RD即便作为公司的创始人之一,可在与下属交往中完全得不到应该有的尊重,终于有一天,公司来了个新的编程小妹——Nanette Cole,因为对CTO代码的痴迷所以来到这家公司,对RD很崇拜,可在与同事的闲聊中得知RD有可能会一直盯着自己看所以就疏远了他,但没想到RD是个心思重的小人,靠低级趣味的方法复制了所有让他“被孤立”的人的基因,上传到了自己独一无二的Infinity版本的游戏中,让这些“人们”受尽折磨......最后的结局当然就是编程小妹其实是天才程序媛,跟大boss斗智斗勇后,让大boss自食了恶果——RD意识困在了游戏中而死亡。
对这集我的感受就是,Robert Daly其实只是个对待生活的懦夫,想凭借自己的擅长靠低劣手段给自己创造“主角光环”,永远也就只能在游戏中寻求快感。不过话说回来,他最不人道的地方不是偷别人DNA并上传到游戏里的行为,而是他根本就没有把人的意识当作人来看待。
shred (plural shreds)
1. A long, narrow piece cut or torn off; a strip.
2. In general, a fragment; a piece; a particle; a very small amount.
eg: There isn't a shred of evidence to support his claims.
lose one's head 相当于 lose one's mind
accordingly (comparative more accordingly, superlative most accordingly)
(manner) Agreeably; correspondingly; suitably.
(conjunctive) In natural sequence; consequently; so.
别失态:act accordingly
1.make a coffee;
2.fix a coffee;
good call:明智的决定
这里很明显,把fangirl当作动词使用了,它一般用作名词,意思是A female fan who is obsessive about a particular subject (especially, someone or something in popular entertainment media).
at the wheel:掌舵,控制,指挥
这里用 are asleep at the wheel 不是说真的睡着了,而是与情景联系,翻译为玩忽职守
berth (plural berths) n.
1. A fixed bunk for sleeping in (caravans, trains, etc).
2. Room for maneuvering or safety. (Often used in the phrase, a wide berth.)
3. A space for a ship to moor or a vehicle to park.
4. (nautical) A room in which a number of the officers or ship's company mess and reside.
5. A job or position, especially on a ship.
6. (sports) Position or seed in a tournament bracket.
7. (sports) position on the field of play
这里很明显就是第二个意思了,解释中也有说明一个常用的短语 a wide berth
就职:take one's post
敬酒不吃吃罚酒:sb. tried the carrot,now meet the stick
stay in line的意思不用多说,直译就是保持在线内,表达比赛不要犯规的意思的时候也可以用
恢复游戏:resume game;
退出游戏:exit game
damsel (plural damsels) n.
1. A young woman (of noble birth).
2. A girl; a maiden (without sexual experience).
3. A young woman who is not married.
4. An unmarried lady-in-waiting
sublime (comparative sublimer, superlative sublimest) adj.
1. Noble and majestic.
2. Impressive and awe-inspiring, yet simple.
eg:sublime scenery; a sublime deed
3. Lofty of mien; haughty; proud.
groovy (comparative groovier, superlative grooviest) adj.
(dated, slang) Cool, neat, interesting, fashionable.
1. to make someone a cripple; to cause someone to become physically impaired
eg:The car bomb crippled five passers-by.
2. (figuratively) to damage seriously; to destroy
eg:My ambitions were crippled by a lack of money.
3. to release a product (especially a computer program) with reduced functionality, in some cases, making the item essentially worthless.
eg:The word processor was released in a crippled demonstration version that did not allow you to save.
4. (informal) slang: to nerf (used in gaming) something which is overpowered .
dud (plural duds) n.
1. (informal) A device or machine that is useless because it does not work properly or has failed to work, such as a bomb, or explosive projectile.
2. (informal) A failure of any kind.
3. A lottery ticket that does not give a payout.
4. A loser, an unlucky person
biblical (comparative more biblical, superlative most biblical) adj.
1. Of or relating to the Bible.
eg:Tithing is both a quranic and biblical virtue.
2. In accordance with the teachings of the Bible (according to some interpretation of it).
eg:biblical morality
3. Very great; especially, exceeding previous records in scale.
eg:with biblical fury