捧上ʕु•̫͡•ʔु 概念干货
一个音的长短不固定,所以长短元音不够科学。 “AAT”(AmericanAccentTraining)概念是tense&lax紧张还是放松。eg.bun/ban的区别
知道意思后再读,念得口语话一点。 PS:作者喜欢配音,有个怪癖就是在洗澡时候唱歌or念台词(*/∇\*),大家不害羞的话可以试试,说不定可以提升口语哦ʕु•̫͡•ʔु ✧
s分sh:grocery& stranger
海边卖贝壳sea shell tounge twister:
She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
She sells sea shells at the sea shore;
At the sea shore she sells sea shells.
She sells sea shells on the sea shell shore.
The sea shells she sells are sea shore shells,
Of that I’m sure.
If neither he sells sea shells,
nor she sells sea shells,
Who shall sell sea shells?
Shall sea shells be sold?
he feels 停 that his rise...
used to:uset-to
this year:thish year
would you:wouzh you
have to:hafe to
wear a:wear-ra
call him:cal-lim
情话练习:Please tell him that I love him.