当Lin Zhengyi 游到大陆,军官逮捕了他。
这一夜不仅是林在台湾的dead of night ,也是他在mainland 的重新开始。他去了四川看了李冰修建的大坝,he peered into the channel, which was often described as a symbol of how far China had fallen in the two thousand years since the dam was built.这却给了他更多的动力做一些冒险的壮举。虽然他深爱着自己的孩子家人,但是他更深爱自己的祖国。以国家和文化和复兴为己任。他说:“I think that if we do something, we can change the fate of people, change the fate of the nation for a thousand years.”也正是这种动力支撑着他一步步向前走。而这种精神也是当今社会中难能可贵的。值得每一个热爱自己国家的人学习。