Aproverb goes that, “Plan a day in the morning.”
Then,everyone, when are you guys getting up? Can you get up?
Thus,today, I’d like to add a line to the proverb, “While plan a day in the morning,plan a day when you get up!”
Ifyou can get up, you can realize that “plan a day in the morning”.
Hello,today, we are going to talk about time management.
Manyof the most successful leaders and celebrities have one thing in common.They’ve all managed to master a very important habit. That habit is getting upearly in the morning.
Thefirst habit to mastering time management is getting up early!
Successfulpeople don’t just have good habits, naturally. They are also able to adopt the good habits that they see in others.
Perhapsyou know of:
ZengGuo-fan who once said, getting up is the basis for ruling a family.
BenFranklin, the American founder on 100 dollar bills, wrote in his autobiography,that he lives his life from five-to-ten. That is he woke up each morning at5am. And every morning, he would ask himself, “what should I do today?”
Thepresident of Disney gets up at 4:30AM and not just during the week, but onweekends too. For him, there is no difference between weekdays and weekends.
Thisconsistency is also a good way to keep good habits.
Thereis a Japanese man who wrote a book called: Getting Up at 4am. And anotherJapanese man wrote a book called Magic of Morning Diary.
I’vebeen writing diaries for 7 years, and without interruption for 4 years.
So,today, let’s talk about the critical problem of getting up.
Iwill talk about this important topic several times. But, today, I will focus ontwo things: how to get up and when to get up.
Youmay be wondering, how should I get up?
First,I believe we should get up without the use of an alarm clock.
Yes,we should not use an alarm clock to wake up.
Sothen, what is the best way to wake up?
Manypeople have also told me that they wake up in the morning by their bosses! No,they aren’t actually roused from sleep by their bosses. What they mean is thatthey wake up unnaturally because they must arrive at work on time. This createsstress and anxiety.
Ihave also heard that in the morning, you have no time to eat breakfast. Youbarely have time to shower and dress for the day. After all this, they declarethat they can never prepare their day – there just isn’t time. They live theirlife in this way from day to day and year to year.
So,if when we get up is so important, then, what on earth should we use to wakeus?
Notalarm clocks. Alarm clocks cause great damage to our health, because when mostof the time alarm clocks rouse us from a phase of sleeping cycle called deepsleep which is not the optimal time to awake.