1. Words and phrases
1) Well, that really set Chirag off.
Set off: 使爆炸,使爆发
仿写:He kept whining about her job and that really set me off.
2)But Mom finally got me to crack when she said she was gonna give my gum-ball machine to Rodrick.
crack: 破裂,打开;
仿写: When I said no TV to my daughter, she got cracked.
3) ...and then I plucked it out of the air and ate it in two bites.
Pluck: 拉,拽;
仿写: The kids were plucked out of the water for their safety.
2. Dairy
I was wondering these days about why some kids’ behaviors are always better than mine, like their parents asked them stop watching TV, they will listen to it and turn off the TV immediately. My friends told me about the way she educated her kids. When you are serious about something, you must mean to do it. For instant, if your kids don’t want to sit in the car seat, then you won’t drive the car until they do it. Don’t just say it, but do it. Let the kids know the consequences. I guess I will try it next time.