城市的标签是有利于文化的传承亦或是剥夺了文化的多样性。如桂林山水,洛阳牡丹,上有天堂下有苏杭。 城市规划及城市文化营销中的简单标签对城市本身是利还是弊?
人们所追求的,为之心驰神往的又是什么呢?大多数人满怀期待的去,是否又真的满怀期待的归呢? 文化的浅尝辄止,是否就体现在粗制滥造的纪念品亦或是到此一游的游客照片呢?
古人云: 读万卷书,行万里路。也许是社会的进步让出行变得方便,人们开始崇尚所谓说走就走的旅途,然这仓促的行程中,究竟收获了什么呢?
如果旅行的意义在于, 去追寻内心的文化圣地,那么旅途中的机票,住宿,遇到的人,繁琐的经历,被琐事抹去的热情中坚持的动力如果是对文化的向往,那么真正身临其境之后,看到当地千篇一律的纪念品以及浮于其表的宣传时,是否会有些名不副实的失落于文化传承中浮躁功利的痛心呢?
这就不难理解Alain de Botton 笔下的老者满怀期待的开始了旅途,却在火车站小酒馆中呆了一个下午之后带上行李折返家中,从此之后再不曾远游。一如Popper 界定了world 1,2 和world 3. 也许在老者心中,他已经在精神上隔着时空走进了作者的时间和空间,激发了思想上的交流,那么是否真的跋山涉水前往,真的重要么?
Popper's three worlds
Worlds 1, 2 and 3[edit]
Popper split the world into three categories:
World 1: the world of physical objects and events, including biological entities
World 2: the world of mental objects and events
World 3: objective knowledge
The interaction of World 1 and World 2[edit]
The theory of interaction between World 1 and World 2 is an alternative theory to Cartesian dualism, which is based on the theory that the universe is composed of two essential substances: Res Cogitans and Res Extensa. Popperian cosmology rejects this essentialism, but maintains the common sense view that physical and mental states exist, and they interact.
World 3[edit]
Popper's World 3 contains the products of thought. This includes abstract objects such as scientific theories, stories, myths, tools, social institutions, and works of art.[2] World 3 is not to be conceived as a Platonic realm, because it is created by humans.[3]
The interaction of World 2 and World 3[edit]
The interaction of World 2 and World 3 is based on the theory that World 3 is partially autonomous. For example, the development of scientific theories in World 3 leads to unintended consequences, in that problems and contradictions are discovered by World 2. Another example is that the process of learning causes World 3 to change World 2.
The interaction of World 1 and World 3[edit]
Other entities are contained in World 3, such as feats of engineering and art. The World 3 objects, although they exist in World 1, are embodied and given extra meaning by World 3. For example, the intrinsic value of Hamlet as a World 3 object is embodied many times in World 1, the physical world. This idea would be something along the lines of a meta-object, or a form of being.