













Spokane Schools keep high-risk students in school



Spokane is the second-largest school district in the state ofWashington. “We have slightly less than 30,000 students, and we have higherpoverty than the state average,” explains Chief Academic Officer Steven Geringin this interview. “One of the big areas that we've been focusing on isimproving our student data, and really trying to improve our dropout rates.”Hear how Tableau has helped keep Spokane's high-risk students in school.

斯波坎是华盛顿州第二大的学区,“我们的学生数接近3万名,高于全州的平均水平,”教务主任Steven Gering解释道,“我们最关注的目标就是如何改善学生的表现数据,降低辍学率。”我们来看看Tableau怎么帮助斯波坎学校里的问题学生。

Tableau:In your mission to keep more kids in school, what is data’srole?


Steven Gering, Chief Academic Officer:I'm a big datanerd, so I really think data has the impetus to drive change. It gets peoplefocused on what we need to do and why we need to do it. Unlike anything else,data can take our personal opinion out of it, show us what's actually happeningwith our kids, and leads us to some thoughtful decision making. It gets usmoving in a way that nothing else can do besides data.


Tableau:Tell us about the Early Warning System in your district.


Steven:The early warning system is really exciting. There's been a lotof research and literature about schools creating an early warning system, sowe had a researcher study 7,000 students, most of whom who have graduated, somewho didn't. She then told us that 86 percent of the dropouts had early warningsigns or tipping points. If we could have intervened, we could have probablykept them on track.


So she identified tipping points from third through sixth grade.There were different tipping points for middle school and different tippingpoints for high school. What we've done slightly different than most schooldistricts is now we took that research and we turned it into a dashboardthrough Tableau.


Tableau:Do you have a lot of data on these students?


Steven:In education, we're drowning in data; we get massive amounts ofdata. As a high school principal, I'd get volumes of reports that weregenerated downtown and sent to us— just piles of paper that we were somehowsupposed to make sense of.


Tableau:So the dashboard helps you manage and analyze all that data?


Steven:Yes, but also we were able to customize it with Tableau.Anything else off the shelf would never have had the flexibility to do whatwe're trying to do with our schools. The goal is to act early. If you see a kidexhibiting warning signs, get to them early, and support them and keep them inschool. If we can do that, we really believe we can get to our goal of havingsingle digit dropout rates


Tableau:What kind of insights did you find with the Early WarningSystem?


Steven:We learned that transitions are critical for kids. And we'vealways known that, but now we're seeing the transitions and when kids areexhibiting the tipping points. For example, when kids transition up to themiddle school, it can be a really difficult transition, and about 20 percent ofour dropouts start showing warning signs in middle school. They start havingbehavior problems or start having discipline problems or their test scoresstart dropping. At the transition to high school, about 40 percent of our kidsstart exhibiting some warning signs that we'd never seen before. Some of ourvisualizations are helping catch kids fast and intervene.


Tableau:Where do you store your data?


Steven:We have large amounts of data and it's all over the place. Wehave student management systems; people have Excel spreadsheets. We get SATdata, state test data, student attendance data, teacher attendance data,everything. We have volumes of data in databases, warehouses, studentmanagement systems, and business systems. We integrated our data via SQL Serverinto a data warehouse and then use Tableau to visualize our data.

Steven:我们的数据很多,且散落在不同的地方。我们有学生管理系统,里面有Excel表格。我们有SAT成绩、州测试成绩、学生考勤数据、教师考勤数据等等。我们的大量数据分布在不同的数据库、数据仓库、学生管理系统以及业务系统里。我们把这些数据通过SQL Server融合到统一的数据仓库中,再用Tableau来做这些数据的可视化。

Tableau:How do you distribute the data to users?


Steven:We put it in a web-based tool, and then people could get to it.We've launched this to every administrator and every teacher in our schooldistrict; we have user authentication for everybody. They log on and areallowed to see the data for students that they actually work with. Once theycan get there and see that cool visualization, then they really get excited andthey can alter it and do things with Tableau that they couldn't do in any otherproduct.


Tableau:How has Tableau changed day-to-day work?


Steven:Counselors and administrators have been really excited becauseit's brought a whole bunch of data sources together that they've never beenable to see together. In the old system, it was like I would see your name, I'dclick on you, I'd open it up, I'd see your data, I'd shut that down, I'd go tothe next person. Teachers had to go like 30 times into 30 different kids, or ifyou're a secondary teacher, 150 kids. It just kind of overwhelmed you if youwanted to see particular data. So to have it all there in one location, that'sbeen really helpful to teachers.

We don't want them spending hours and hours creating Excelspreadsheets; we want them acting on the data. Our goal is to get it into theirhands quickly so that they can manipulate and alter the data really fast and godo their work.



Tableau:How has analytics changed the education systems?


Steven:We're asking principals and teachers to use data unlike everbefore. We're asking folks to make changes in students' test scores, instudents' trajectories, get students to college. We're asking more of ourschool system than we've ever asked before. So it's critical that they have thedata to act on, and they know exactly how they're doing and what they're ableto do.


Tableau has increased the efficiency of what we're able todeliver data. It’s so much smarter, more effective and targeted; it allowseveryone to act quicker. They used to send their data downtown. A month later,they’d get this Excel spreadsheet and it was too late. They'd say, "I'malready moved on, I needed it that week." Now with Tableau, we can deliverit within 24 or 48 hours.

I've been able to give them tools to help them be more effectiveprincipals and teachers to get more kids to graduate, more kids topost-secondary, more kids to college.



Hattiesburg Public School: A lens to see who the student reallyis



Schools involve complex data that’s not easily understood: thatdata is vitally important during the formative years of middle school. In thisvideo, N.R. Burger Middle School Principal Dr. Robert Williams shares howTableau helps him make the “move from notebooks and numbers to actual data anddecisions."

学校管理涉及五花八门的数据,难以一眼看透,可是这些数据对正处于性格成长阶段的学生们是至关重要的。本案例中,哈蒂斯堡市的N.R.Burger中学校长Robert Williams与我们分享了“如何从简单的文字与数字档案进化到真正的数据与决策”的经验。

Tableau:How does data analysis make a difference for students?


Dr. Robert Williams, Principal N.R. Burger Middle School:One of the keythings as a middle school or being a middle school principal, you often havefeeder schools that feed into your school. And at N.R. Burger Middle School, wehave six elementary schools that feed into N.R. Burger Middle School. At thebeginning of the school year, it is very rare that a principal would know orhave knowledge of any of the new students.


I had opportunity this year to encounter a student twice on thefirst two days of school. And both of their experiences tended to not be on thepositive side.

In the past, I would have gotten onto the child, question him,or would have proceeded to do some type of disciplinary action. Through use ofTableau, I was able to pull up the Tableau dashboard online and look at astudent profile sheet. And from the student profile sheet, I was able to gathersome information. That information did not match the behavior that I wasobserving from the student. I actually contacted the parent and she said, "Well,Dr. Williams, the student this summer had someone put a gun up to his head. Sohe's been real disconnected."


So immediately, I was able to connect this student with someservices and now that student is our student of the month. We're able to gethim connected to the classroom again. So Tableau was very pivotal in thatinformation because it provided us with a data profile of the student and hisprevious five years in our school district—and it gave me a lens into what Iwas observing and how it is not actually the student that he is.


Tableau:How has data been handled in education in the past?


Robert:Often in education, we keep student information in folders,notebooks, that are often located in your office. However, we do not operateschools from our offices. Learning takes place in the classrooms.

Through the use of Tableau, we're able to bring multiple datasets and live data into the classroom from the administrator's standpoint ofstudents.

With Tableau, you're able to carry that information within asecure setting, which is located on the mobile device or the PC or the Mac. Andit is user name and password protected. Once we're through with theinformation, you just simply log off.



Tableau:Why is this important?


Robert:The mission of N.R. Burger Middle School is to educate allstudents to become academically proficient and socially responsible.

We're using Tableau to make sure that we are actually fulfillingour mission on the day-to-day basis, making sure we're checking and trackingacademic proficiency and the responsibility by students as it relates toattendance as well as academics.

Robert:N.R. Burger中学的宗旨是培养学业好、社会责任感强的双优学生。通过分析数据,我们才能跟踪学生们在成绩与社会实践上的实际进展,对我们的录取标准来说,两者是一样重要的。

Tableau:Does anyone use the data besides teachers?


Robert:We do share the information I shared with our guidancedepartment so that they can create and design and focus their work on meetingthe needs of students. We share our attendance data, attendance trends, withour attendance clerk as well as our attendance officers to make sure that weare working with our students as it relates to attendance.

But also we share the information with parents so that parentscan have a linear message with their students and their child—so that we canall come together and work and make sound decisions for students.


Tableau:How do you feel overall about doing data analysis with Tableau?


Robert:I am just very excited about the opportunities that Tableaubrings not only our school, our school district, but also to our staff and ourstudents. It enables us to make timely, effective decisions to truly move fromnotebooks and numbers to actual data and decisions.


Tableau:What devices do you use to access Tableau?


Robert:We use PC, Macs, and we are able to pull it up on my iPad. Sothose are three of the key devices that I use.

The mobile apps were very interesting to me. Being able tomanipulate the data sets from the mobile device and improving the userfriendliness of the mobile applications. Oftentimes, if you're focusing onintensive work with multiple data sets, you tend to have a lot of paper, a lotof binders, a lot of notebooks that are just in the conference room that youhave multiple eyes upon.



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