第一编 教育类

学生在学校in a timely manner及时地

1.core subjects--get into college later--provide a flying start in students career development.

2.moral education--raise燃起 the awareness(意识到) of some important virtues(美德) such as honesty,  integrity(正直)and altruism(利他主义). Eg----prevent阻止 some behavioral行为 problems such as smoking ,drinking , violence and sexual behavior--- influence students working performance and family life after they reach adulthood成年.

3.music--bridge the. Gap. Among young people regardless of race. Gender and nationality--as a. Healthy. Way of relieving stress,,reducing anxiety. And enlightening people''s mood.

4.sports-maintain. A healthy weight and have stamina to. Deal with. Academic performance ---students. Who exercise habitually generally have. A positive attitude and boost their confidence

5.enroll for. Various. Course--students.  Who possess knowledge in different subjects have a Competitive advantage over those who are conversant with knowledge in only one subject---students fail to have a clear concept of their. Career paths so it is reasonable to dabble In different subject.

6.advantage of one subject--the point here is particularly valuable to those subjects that require students' commitment =efforts for many years such as medicine,law ,engineering .

7.drop out of school--school bully恶霸 induces students to take no interest in 学业studies=academic performance.--teachers should adopt corresponding suitable teaching strategies to those who fail to excel at core subjects but non-academic ones.

二 学习方式

1.group study--improve students' social skills and teamwork spirit--detect发现 knowledge gap by answering question 通过做什么事-by doing) raised by their classmates.

2. Study alone--gain support from teacher who emphasize personal achievement --motivate students who who are in hot pursuit of personal achievement to be fulfilling(succeed) and boost students' confidence.

3. Advantage of competition--enhance students problem-solving ability with superior strategies rather than staying in a comfortable environment to wait for an outcome addressed by their peers.--creating a competitive environment,to a large extent,motivates students in all levels to make strenuous efforts ,thereby achieving(thereby doing从而) a higher goal.

4.disadvantage of competition--more difficult to adapt to a working environment as "one-member"team is less appreciated by companies.--may be mentally stressed,suffer from insomnia and other problems associated well-being=health.

三 学生在家里

1.advantages of rules--hold (children)students accountable for their behavior ,rather than  behave badly--by following rules, students can gradually develop an idea of how to act in a socially acceptable manner.

静态意识到-be aware of /be conscious of  

2.disadvantage of rules --can hardly solve problems independently and creatively and would be at a disadvantage in the workforce where they are required to have various tackle problems with different methods---whenever children have difficulties,they always turn to their parents for advice,fearing what they have done may cause dire consequences.

3 parenting courses --parenting bahevior has advance on the basis of educational theories which originate from parenting courses so these theories are stimulating and educational--education in early stage is indispensable in children's all-round development but without educational theoretical precursor,parenting behavior would be pointless.

四 学生在社会

1.advantages of volunteer activities --improve students social skills and teamwork spirit(精神) and enrich their social experience and boost(促进)their confidence.--employers usually take more interest in those graduates with volunteer activities.

2 disadvantages--is often not well planned so causes overuse of time and energy--the lack of flexibility may lead to activities strenuous and tedious rather than stimulating and educational ,the value of labor is not visible and well recognized.

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