
If you need help with your resumé we have friendly knowledgeable staff available to assist.

He had no pity, no compassion, no understanding of what the victims of war suffered.

I will be getting the shirt framed and will treasure it always.

The architects are confident that this structural solidity will not compromise floor layout flexibility.

Was such a party bound to desert its essential core of supporters, they working class, in its attempt to secure the votes and support of others?

Her brilliance at the keyboard is an inspirational example of how talent can overcome adversity.

The idea of an omniscient, eternal, and infinite being, for example, could not be like anything the senses encountered.

Sadly, political fluff and rhetoric again ignores clear indisputable facts.

The service was temporarily suspended, but the problem has now been resolved.

The genre has since broadened dramatically to include multifaceted historic and contemporary subjects and characters.

But whatever the smart individuals inside these organizations might think, bureaucratic inertia is killing those golden-egg geese.

No matter how much you talk about global effects or global capitalism, some people are very alienated and isolated in this world.

The government has a legitimate, compelling interest in secluding these men and denying them access to the outside world.

It is widely regarded as an architectural disaster, aesthetically unpleasing and out of keeping with the rest of the College.

This is no easy task, since migration of people and trade in goods tend to be closely interrelated.

During the interview she periodically levitates from the sofa on wild fits of enthusiasm.

We all sit here, watching and trying to make sense of it all, as Time marches by inexorably…

And, in time, the two technologies - Workplace Messaging and Notes - will be consolidated as a single technology.

When asked for permission to reproduce a work she granted the request and refused payment.

Although residents put up pockets of resistance, their attempts were largely futile.

In a further statement released by Lucas, a brief premise has been sketched out for the third prequel.

Not a single government minister has resigned or been sacked for the mistakes made, the misjudgments taken, and the false prospectus on which we were taken to war.

It is his meticulous attention to detail which has brought him the fast cars and the fast lifestyle he has enjoyed.

The overall goal of these institutions is to prepare each generation to assume the obligations and responsibilities of a productive citizen.

They heard the thunderous sound of the first blast, and instinctively sank to the ground.

Those of you who use the term, even in jest, need to think about this: a lot of people will pretend something is funny, or outwardly put up with it without comment.

Forgiveness was selected as one of the opening films and will screen its international premiere at the festival.

The minister said that farming is probably the only employment sector that poses such enormous direct risks and hazards for both children and elderly people.

Social reforms alongside a determined struggle for liberation will lead us towards democracy and independence.

I turned up to meet a group of very serious and remarkably fluent young people.

There will always be rebellious elements, challenging authority, pushing it as far as it can be pushed.

Though his first Wal-Marts were chaotic, with goods piled high on tables, the stores charged unprecedentedly low prices, and crowds flocked to them, some traveling hundreds of miles to shop.

And yet, the way he handled the events that followed gradually undermined his position.

While imprisoned for the night, he famously kept his spirits up by singing ballads and reciting passages from the Bible.

But the idea that people oppose media intrusion is based on misconceptions that are rarely challenged.

The most obvious answer is the risk of producing severely deformed children.

The winners of their respective matches will contest the final, while the losers will play off for the bronze medal.

He achieved what he did by unremitting hard work.

Their upper surfaces, however, vary from convex to exceptionally flat.

She was doing a sterling job of trying to wake him up but to no avail.

In addition, the book does not put much emphasis on ethnicity and culture as major contributors to disease.

Apart from immersing myself in music via my portable minidisc player, in almost all other areas technology is boring me, sometimes actively dissatisfying me.

Maybe you are like an idol to her to have her cling to you so fast.

That goal proved crucial as it was the only decisive result between the top four teams.

Just because something "is" a certain way scientifically or factually, does not mean that is the way it ought to be in an ethical sense.

As I'd been scrambling to create one, a fresh opportunity landed in my lap.

That situation could have been a nightmare, but his mum views us both as surrogate daughters and is very easy to get along with.

I would go and see the paintings and sculptures every day and study them attentively.

They love to learn, not so much to earn, but to explore their innate capacities.

We found that respondents disagreed about the specific meaning of even the most common slang terms.

In its worse days it provides the basis for prejudice, discrimination, and violence.

The Senate Inquiry into mandatory sentencing was broad-ranging, thorough and comprehensive in terms of scope and evidence.

Despite numerous campaigns among players and fans to try and tackle racism, the game is still submerged in a sea of stereotypes about foreigners and alien cultures.

People with gallstones should consult a licensed health care practitioner trained in the use of botanical medicine before using ginger

Social hierarchy cannot and does not exist without being embodied in meanings and expressed in communications.

The girl gritted her teeth distastefully and resisted the tempting urge to spit at the man.

If she is entitled to receive it for professional services rendered, then she must be paid.

It's a case of the more you attempt to avoid a public or shun publicity, the more it makes you enigmatic.

This is the domain of theology, cosmology and psychology.

He is not just another man in the long line of religious teachers, he is just another spiritual master enlightened by knowledge, or another prophet in the long line of prophets.

Many locals and individual unions have voted in favor of a one-day general strike.

After an elaborate boat chase, the scene fades out and into the crew celebrating in a secluded area in the Alpines.

The rampant smuggling once again shows how imperative and urgent it is now to bring domestic fuel prices closer to international levels.

There's something else afoot, something I will never understand or comprehend.

Once in place, the loadmasters had to chain the heavily armored vehicles securely to the floor.

It came as a shock to learn that they were not these glamorous, mysterious creatures but that they had feet of clay.

In nativities, this eclipse promises fame, prosperity, health and peace of mind.

So in reality her quick thinking and rash acting had caused Jeff to faint.

The events that led to this claim and counterclaim are indeed regrettable.

He's also undeniably pleased with the positive critical reaction.

Vehicles previously stuck in queues past the A2 junction suddenly speed up and try to get the best position as three lanes expand to eight for the toll booths.

May I reiterate comments made four years ago, which I will repeat with monotonous regularity until something is done about it.

I don't think there's a definite answer to whether or not writers use alcohol as a creative enabler, a relaxant, a means to conquer fear, or a way to battle neuroses.

The thin lips of his closed mouth and his stout body give the impression of majestic mercy.

She hopes it will serve as a timely warning because Scotland has an ageing population.

The Yankee pen has been shaky all year and needed El Duque to get a big out versus Oakland.

Flesh and bone, or, as in the later idiom, flesh and blood, thus epitomizes kinship, the tangible bonds between family members.

This may be advisable if you are likely to be carried away by the proceedings and bid over your upper limit.

The introductory words seem to be very cautiously expressed.

When I became president two-and-a-half years ago I undertook a duty and responsibility.

That the mining operations have uplifted the standard of living of the people in that region is not an overstatement.

A strong nationalist belief was instilled in each and every member of the family.

Champagne houses owe their success to brand image.

I believed every word that was written in the Vedas about the Almighty, his love, eternal happiness in Heaven, evil, and the torment of everlasting Hell.

She never thought she would be able to come to terms with the unbearable grief.

She grabbed my shoulders and began to shake me incessantly as she continued to shout.

There should also be strict curbs on extravaganzas using power.

Z was always thought to be a superfluous, unnecessary letter.

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