9月4日 笔记小结






From Shirley:

最大的感触是 家庭环境对一个人的成长影响巨大。Elon的家族有冒险的传统,爷爷喜欢带着一大家子乘飞机到处游历,而且对小孩子放任不管(have a laissez-faire approach to raising their children),任他们尽情释放天性。这种宽松自由爱冒险的家风为Elon带来了强大的自信心:

We were left with the impression that we were capable of anything. You just have to make a decision and do it.

(联想到耐克的广告语:Just do it.)


Elon从小就表现出了极大的专注力和对阅读的嗜好。想起《刻意练习》里有目的练习的首要要素就是专注,因此我们平常要养成做事一心一意的好习惯,不要被手机等电子设备干扰,争取能像Elon一样“found a way to block out the world and dedicate all of his concentration to a single task." 好读书似乎是成功人士的标配,从Elon身上可以看到博览群书让他知识面广泛、眼界开阔,所以他有高远的志向——启迪全人类 (The only thing that makes sense to do is strive forgreater collective enlightenment.) 。当他开始读大英百科全书的时候,他意识到 “You don't know what you don't know”,的确,我们个人的经历有限,只有通过大量阅读才能看到更大的世界,不断突破思维的屏障。



"He points out that one of the really tough  things is figuring out what questions to ask," Musk said. ''Once you figure out the question, then the answer is relatively easy. I came to the conclusion that really we should aspire to increase the scope and scale of human consciousness in order to better understand what questions to ask.


From 慢慢树:

Musk 的童年是什么样的呢?酷爱读书,太爱了!总是在读书,总是沉浸于自己的世界中,显露出内敛好静的书生气质。博览群书使他成为“活字典”, 但是带来的弊端就是不爱运动,没有朋友。尽管家里物质条件好,但是Musk的童年却不快乐,主要原因有两个,一是家里父亲严厉而固执,言行举止之间让小小的Musk感到压抑和受折磨。“...have to endure some form of psychological torture ”  Musk回忆起来,并不愿多说,只是 “it would certainly be accurate to say that I  did not have a good childhood . It may sound good , It was not absent of good ,but it was not a happy childhood ,it was like misery ” . 其二,在学校里受欺凌。"For three or four yeare , Musk endured relentless hounding at the hands of thes bullies. "

From jane:







From 哇~:



At five and six, he had found a way to block out the world and dedicate all of his concentration to a single task.


He points out that one of the really tough things is figuring out what questions to ask,'Musk said. Once you figure out the question, then the answer is relatively easy.


From 木心:

It’s easy enough to spot some of the underpinnings of Musk’s search for purpose.


①本意:to put a solid piece of metal under a wall or house in order to makeit stronger.


②延伸为:to give strength or support to something and to help it succeed:


例句:the theories that underpin his teaching method .这理论为他的教学方法打下基础

③underpinning 名词,支撑,支柱,基础

the underpinning of ...···的基础,基调,

✏️【帮助记忆】under-pin:pin 有“大头针”的意思,大头针下面是圆圆的基底支撑结构——加强,巩固

✏️【复习】由pin 想到pinnacle:the pinnacle of ......的顶端,顶峰

... an elite cadre of people who can say categorically that they have reachedthe pinnacle ofhuman achievement.Peak

仿写:The underpinning of  excellent  skill is  deliberate practice

Once it arrived, and without flinching, he left home for good.3:flinchdraw back, as with fear or pain

3:flinch:draw back, as with fear or pain,退缩,畏惧

✏️not flinch from (doing) something,不畏惧做...

例句:He never flinched from doing his duty.他从不规避自己责任(替换responsible)

仿写:he had faced death without flinching .

【写作】描述一个人勇敢勇于做... 可以反义替换:不畏缩做... 替换brave 等熟词

From Joe:


doctor-cum-politician; sci-fi-author-sounding; twelve-year-olds;

a three-story, twenty-room house

From 楚汐:

The doctor-cum-politician had long railed against government interference in the lives of individuals and had come to see the Canadian bureaucracy as too meddlesome.


doctor-cum-politician, 介词 cum 连接两个名词,表示 “连同,兼..” 的意思, used between two nouns to show that something has two purposes. 例如,a study-cum-bedroom 表示兼作卧室的书房.

例句:He was hired as a cook-cum-dishwasher.

rail, 用作动词,口语中表示 “责备,辱骂,抱怨”,常搭配为rail against/at, to complain angrily about something, especially something that you think is very unfair.

例句:Consumers rail against the way companies fix prices.

In these pre-Internet days, Musk had to wait three agonizing weeks to get a plane ticket. Once it arrived, and without flinching, he left home for good.


agonizing, 形容词,表示 “使人极度痛苦的,使人烦恼的”,extremely painful;例如:an agonizing decision;

flinch, 表示 “退缩,畏惧,犹豫”;to hesitate from doing something unpleasant or dangerous; 常见搭配flinch at/from;

例句:The boy flinched away from him.

for good, 表示 “永久地,一劳永逸地”,permanently.

例句:The injury may keep him out of football for good.

仿造句:She'd like to stay in Seattle for good.

From Shirley:

in the middle of nowhere偏僻之地

原文例句:Stuck in the middle of nowhere with no means of communication, Joshua worked for three days to fix the truck, while the family hunted for food.造句:I found myself in the middle of nowhere after driving for miles without direction.

peg sb as sth视为,看做 (informal) to think of sb in a particular way

原文例句:Maye, like many mothers do,pegged her sonasbrilliant and precocious.

造句:I peg Musk as a deity of Silicon Valley.

in one's mind's eye在想像中

原文例句:He could see imagesin his mind's eyewith a clarity and detail.

造句:When I was a kid, Europe is a paradise on earth in my mind's eye.

From 慢慢树:

He churned through(plowed through) two sets of encyclopedias and the encyclopedias turned him into a fact factory. he came off as a classic know-it-all.At the dinner table ,Tosca would wonder aloud about the distance from Earth to the Moon . Elon would spit out the exact measurement.

活脱脱的一个活字典啊,用a fact fatory 和 a classic know-it-all 都很形象。博览群书的感觉plow through ,churn through。另外一个词组wonder aloud =think aloud 说话不加思索;说话不经大脑;If youthink aloud, you express your thoughts as they occur to you, rather than thinking first and then speaking.

From 哇~:

3.yearn for

As a youngester, Elon's constant yearning to correcting people's mistake and his abrasive manner put off other kids and and his feeling of isolation.

释义:literary to have a strong desire for something, especially something that is difficult or impossible to get

例:  long yearn for :Hannah yearned for a child.

yearn to be/do something:Phil had yearned to be a pilot from an early age.

口语中更用long for

In everyday English, people usually say long for something or long to do something rather than yearn:

She longed for another child.


He aced math exams well beyond his years.

1. American English informal to do very well in an examination, a piece of written work etc:

I aced the History test

ace的原意是扑克里的A,一般都是最大的牌,可以引申为在某方面很厉害的人,比如 a soccer ace

或者网球里的ace球,再比如 hold the ace 在某一方面占尽天时地利人和

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