有人在Github上提问为什么 prefetch不能使用fasp下载,作者的回复内容如下
NCBI has shifted to using cloud-style object stores. The Aspera algorithm requires random disk access to perform its function, and random access to object stores gives very poor performance. If Aspera comes out with a server that works well on cloud and object stores, we will support it, but currently there is no Aspera support available to my knowledge.
prefetch is not canceling ascp support, as you say, but will remove the option from the command line in the next release because there will not be an Aspera server available for AWS, GCP or NCBI, making the option useless and misleading. It will be added back in if the situation changes.
见 https://github.com/ncbi/sra-tools/issues/255#issuecomment-566068771