
151、 [单选] 当项目接近完工时:

As a project approaches completion:


Risk management is no longer needed


The cost of changes typically increase


The probability of high-risk items increases


Contingency reserves are no longer needed

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参见 2.4.1 项目生命周期的特征,变更和纠正错误的代价在项目接近完成时通常会显著提高,所以选 B。考点:项目生命周期特征。

152、 [单选] 客户要求新产品必须尽快推向市场,客户要求项目经理进一步压缩项目进度,项目经理接下来应该怎么做?

The customer requests the new product to be on the market as soon as possible, the customer asks the project manager to further compress the project progress, what should the project manager do next?


Informing the customer that the progress cannot be changed


Request a customer to submit a change request


Revise critical paths and notify the team of new progress


Negotiate the scope of changes and compress progress

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


153、 [单选] 项目经理在管理客户期望以及指导实现项目目标方面有困难。若要解决这些问题,项目经理应将客户的高层次需求记录在哪里?

A project manager is having difficulty managing customer expectations, and directing the achievement of project goals, where should the project manager have documented the customer’s high-level needs to address these issues?


Project charter


Work breakdown structure (WBS)


Requirements management plan


Stakeholder management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


154、 [单选] 项目经理与项目相关方开会,收集需求并制作项目需求文档。项目经理下一步该怎么做?

The project manager meets with the stakeholders, gathers requirements, and develop the project requirement documentation. What should the project manager do next?


Baseline the requirement and obtain key stakeholders approve


Create the work breakdown structure with team


Prepare a detailed project scope statement


Develop a project management plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:见 PMBOK5/5.3/定义范围。从需求文件中选取最终的项目需求,然后制定出关于项目及其产品、服务或成果的详细描述。

155、 [单选] 在项目即将进人收尾阶段时,项目经理发现了一项原来没有考虑到的新风险。该风险一旦发生,可能给最终的可交付成果带来重要影响,甚至可能使其不能被客户接受。项目经理应该怎么做?

When the project is about to close, the project manager has identified a new risk that was not considered previously. Should this risk occur, it may cause a significant impact on the final deliverables, and may even make it unacceptable to the client. Then, what should the project manager do?


To inform the management and client of the impact of such risk


To perform qualitative risk analysis


To work out risk mitigation action


To increase emergency reserves

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


156、 [单选] 在项目评审会上,从事活动 AD 的项目团队成员通知项目经理,完成该活动还需要三天,组织的高级经理要求项目经理,即使需要额外的预算,也必须找到方法,按原定基准计划交付项目。项目应该使用什么方法来满足高级经理的需求?

During a project review meeting, the project team member working on activity AD advises the project manager that it will take three more days to complete the activity. The organization's senior manager asks the project manager to find ways to deliver the project according to the original baseline plan, even though it may need additional budget. What should the project manager use to meet the senior manager's needs?


Use fast tracking


Use fast crashing



Apply leads and lags

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


157、 [单选] 你决定要在公司中组建一个PMP考试的学习小组,邀请公司内部其他的项目经理一起参加,以此帮助大家更好地准备这次考试。由于公司总经理已经决定要奖励每个通过考试的人5000美元,所以每个人都有了很强的动力要通过考试。那么,在组织这个学习小组的过程中你要采用什么类型的沟通方式呢?

You have decided to organize a study group of other project managers in your organization to help prepare for the PMP exam. Everyone is highly motivated to earn the credential because the CEO has decided to pay a ¥5,000 bonus to each person who becomes certified. What type of communication are you employing in your efforts to organize this group?









正确答案:A 你的答案:A


158、 [单选] 这个图中的关键路径是什么?

In this diagram, what is the critical path?









正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:见 PMBOK5/关键路径。由图可以得出:BEHJ 持续时间=2+6+3+3=14。这条路径最长无图

159、 [单选] 你所在的公司正在考虑启动一个新产品研发项目。公司的总工程师要求采用“最先进的设计方法”,公司的营销总监要求未来的新产品要“绝对好卖”,而公司分管生产的副总经理则要求“制造成本低”。公司准备聘请你担任该项目的项目经理。你最应该做下列哪项?

Your company is considering to kick off a new product development project. The chief engineer requests that the "most advanced design method" should be used, the marketing director requests the proposed new product to be "best-seller", while the deputy general manager who is in charge of production requests “low manufacturing costs.” The company is ready to appoint you as the project manager. Which of the following options should you do in the first place?


To give priority to the request from the chief engineer because he is your immediate superior


To give priority to the request from the marketing director, so as to bring substantial profits as much as possible to the company


To give priority to the request from the deputy general manager who is in charge of production to reduce production cost to the extent possible


To make sure that all requests are measurable

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


160、 [单选] 一个项目要求从外部供应商购买一些服务器。标准程序要求在做出采购决策前需考虑三个供应商的报价。项目经理应该怎么做?

A project requires that some servers be purchased from external vendors. Standard procedure requires that three vendor quotations be obtained before making a purchasing decision. What should the project manager do?


Send out an invitation for bid (IFB).


Prepare a request for proposal (RFP).


Submit a purchase order (PO).


Send out an invitation for negotiation.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


161、 [单选] 管理层已经向你保证如果你提前完成该项目,客户会给你一部分奖励。在最后完成一主要的交付成果时,你的团队告诉你该应付成果满足合同的要求但是不能提供客户所需的功能。如未能如期交付,项目将不会提早完成。你应该采取什么措施?

Management has promised you part of the incentive fee from the customer if you complete the project early. While finalizing a major deliverable, your team informs you that the deliverable meets the requirements in the contract but will not provide the functionality the customer needs. If the deliverable is late, the project will not be completed early. What action should you take?


Provide the deliverable as it is.


Inform the customer of the situation and work out a mutually agreeable solution.


Start to compile a list of delays caused by the customer to prepare for negotiations.


Cut out other activities in a way that will be unnoticed to provide more time to fix the deliverable.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:选项 A 和 D 忽略了客户的最大利益。应已与其它变更命令一起解决了任何延期,所以选项 C 不对。正确的解决方法是和客户谈(选项 B)。你也许还能赢得奖金并找到一个双方都同意的解决方法。想想告诉客户能带来的商誉。

162、 [单选] 在项目执行过程中,项目团队需要按项目沟通计划的要求召开项目状态评审会议。为了使会议有效进行,沟通计划要求相关成员在预定的状态评审会议之前2天提交项目进展情况报告。尽管他们过去都严格按计划执行,但这次却直到状态评审会议之前4小时才提交了报告。你粗略地看了一下报告,发现其中有几处严重的错误。此时项目经理应该怎么做?

During the project execution, the project team is required to hold the project status review meeting according to the project execution plan. In order to make the meeting held effectively, the communication plan requires the relevant members to submit the project progress report 2 days before the scheduled status review meeting is held. Although this practice was strictly in accordance with the plan, but this report is submitted until 4 hours before the status review meeting is held. You quick-read the report and discover a few of major errors. What should the project manager do in this case?


To hold the status review meeting as usual and to plan to correct such errors at the meeting.


To request the team to correct such errors and to postpone the status review meeting


To identify who caused such errors and to impose punishment where appropriate.


To hold a status review meeting as usual and to see if others can find such errors.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


163、 [单选] 项目经理希望确定产生项目中大部分问题或缺陷的原因。为帮助确定问题,项目经理应该使用哪项工具?

A project manager wants to identify the causes that product the large majority of the problems or defects in a project. Which tool should the project manager use to help identify the problem areas?


Control charts


Flow chart


Pareto chart


Scatter diagram

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


164、 [单选] 项目经理与客户一起进行检查,确认项目可交付成果是否符合产品验收标准并满足客户的期望。这些行动属于下列哪一个过程的组成部分?

The project manager conducts an inspection with the customer to confirm that the project deliverables meet the product acceptance criteria and fulfill the customer’s expectation. These actions are part of which of the following processes?


Control Quality


Close Project or Phase


Control Scope


validate Scope

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:指南-5.5确认范围,是正式验收已完成的项目可交付成果的过程。本过程的主要作用是,使验收过程具有客 观性;同时通过确认每个可交付成果,来提高最终产品、服务或成果获得验收的可能性。

165、 [单选] 一个多阶段项目发起人离开公司,项目文件已获得批准并满足其目标。资源预算已到位。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?

The sponsor of a multiphase project quits the company. The project is documented and is meeting its objectives. The resourcing budget is in place. What should the project manager do next?


Assess the continuous project need by agree of the superior of the sponsor quit


immediately start the project closing process


check alignment with the business study


delay reassessment till the prefect funding has been used at the end of the project

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


166、 [单选] 以下哪一项最好地说明了在信息有限地情况下进行的成本或周期预测的特点?

Which of the following statements best characterizes a cost or duration estimate developed with a limited amount of information?


It should be part of the planning for the needed management reserve.


It is an input to identify risks.


It is an output to identify risks.


It must be factored into the list of prioritized project risks.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


167、 [单选] 项目团队定期向客户演示软件。客户在这些演示中请求变更,然后团队合并这些变更。这导致团队落后于进度计划。 若要预防这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?

The project team demonstrates software to a client on a regular basis. The client requests changes among demonstrations, which the team then incorporates. This causes the team to fail behind schedule. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?


Used fast tracking


Defined the changes as project risks


Created a change control process


Assigned more project resources

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


168、 [单选] 项目经理从一个符合进度和预算的项目中辞职。在聘用了替代的项目经理后,项目经理提出的意见被团队成员反对。团队处于下列哪一个发展阶段?

A project manager resigns from a project that is on schedule and on budget. A new project manager is hire, the team members oppose the ideas presented by the new project man. The team is in which of the following stages of development?









正确答案:D 你的答案:D


169、 [单选] 项目经理将一个变更请求通知指导委员会这属于下列哪一项范畴?

The project manager informs the Steering Committee of a change request which of the following categories?


Push type communication


Corrective action


Open communication


Preventive measures

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:参见 PMBOK。考点:推式沟通。

170、 [单选] 午餐时,你会遇到一位管理大型营业额化工厂项目的同事。你的同事很担心,因为客户是不理性的,要求进行对范围计划和成本产生严重影响的变更,客户也没有准备好接受对时间表和成本的额外影响。同事寻求你的建议,此时应该怎么做?

At lunch, you will meet a colleague who is managing a chemical plant project with high revenue. Your colleague is very concerned because the customer is irrational and he requests changes that have a serious impact on scope planning and costs, the client is not ready to accept the additional impact on timeline and cost. The colleague seeks your advice, what should you do in this case?


To decline to compromise and make no changes


To request its executive management to lodge legal proceedings against the client


The final client is always right, so keep making changes to absorb the impact on cost, schedule and scope


To convene a meeting with the client for better understanding the necessity for making such changes.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


171、 [单选] 办公楼建设项目已进人内部装修阶段,某一重要相关方来项目进行视察,口头要求给所有办公室增加百叶窗帘。这项工作本不在项目工作范围内。此时,项目预算还有较大结余。作为项目经理,你最好做什么?

When the office building construction project has entered the interior finish stage, an important stakeholder inspects the project site and orally requests that all offices should be added with blinds. This is beyond the project scope. At this point, there is a large amount of budget surplus. As the project manager, what is the best practice for you?


To turn down his request straightforwardly


To request him to submit a formal written change request


To meet his requirement with the project budget


To assess the impact of such change

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


172、 [单选] 你所在的公司主要生产方便面。你们的产品一直很受消费者的欢迎,更没有出现任何与食品安全有关的质量问题。但是,最近一个月,你们已经接到三次关于质量问题的消费者投诉,说是在食用方便面之后发生腹泻。被消费者投诉的产品,是一种新型的产品,其中有一种新的调味品。它是通过一条专门的作业线添加的。公司高级管理层任命你领导一个团队来调查所发生的问题。你和你的团队决定使用以下哪一种技术?

The main product line of your company is instant noodles. Your products have been very popular among consumers, no quality issues concerning food safety occurred. But you have received three consumer complaints about quality issues in the last month, claiming diarrhea  after eating your instant noodles. The product complained by consumers is a new product type, including a new seasoning. It is added on a dedicated production line. The senior management of the company appoints you as a team leader to look into the issues that occurred. Which of the following techniques do you and your team decide to use?


Experiment design


Control diagram


Flow diagram


Pareto chart

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


173、 [单选] 项目被认为处于失控状态,原项目经理已经辞职,新项目经理被要求核实项目当前的质量水平并采取纠正措施,项目经理首先应当怎么做?

The project is considered to be out of control, the former project manager has already resigned, the new project manager is required to verify the current quality level of the project and take corrective actions. What should the project manager do in the first place?


To review the project management plan


To work out a risk response plan


To draw up the control diagram


To hold a meeting with the team to discuss this matter

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


174、 [单选] 高级管理层将项目经理分派到一个国际开发项目上。项目发起人提供文件,作为编制项目章程的依据。项目经理拥有工作说明书、合同、组织过程文件以及其它文件。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

Senior management assigns the project manager to an international development project. The project sponsor provides documents as input to develop the project charter. The project manager has the statement of work, business case,contract, organizational process documents, as well as other documents. What should be the next stop for the project manager?


Consolidate all the documents and use them as input to the project charter.


Concentrate on the most important documents and use only these documents as input


Use the technique of expert judgment to assess all of the input documents


Use an Ishikawa diagram to caudate the documents

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:考点:制定项目章程之专家判断,出处:PMBOK第6版 中,专家判断常用于评估制定项目章程的输入文件。可以借助专家判断和专业知识来处理各种技术和管理问题。项目经理在编制章程以前应该首先使用专家判断来评估各种输入。A 已经做了。B 不可以仅依据最重要的文件。D项目经理必须依靠专家判断,而非其它。

175、 [单选] 由于另外一位项目经理离职,你接手了他的项目。你所在的公司是一个职能型的组织,不同部门之间互相充满敌意。你负责的这个项目是一个大型的项目,项目活动均是公司之前没有接触过的。你发现项目文件还是比较齐全,包括项目章程、项目管理计划和工作分解结构等等。项目进度和预算均在计划内。然而,团队会议上的气氛总是很紧张,与会者即兴的发言充分表明他们对项目非常不满。你和主要相关方评估了所有的主要项目文件,大家一致认为这些文件都还是很准确的,但这种举措似乎没有解决实际问题。出现此种问题的最佳原因应该为:

You have taken over a project from another manager who left the firm. This is a functional organization and the different units are often rather hostile to each other .The project is a large one involving activities that the organization has never done before .You find that the project has what appears to be adequate documentation, including an agreed-to project charter, project management plan, WBS, etc., The project is on schedule and within budget. However, the atmosphere in meetings with the project members often seems tense, and offhand comments made by participant seem to indicate a high level of dissatisfaction with the project. You review all of the major project documents with the key stakeholders and get agreement that they are still accurate, but this does not seem to solve the problem. What is the MOST likely explanation for this situation?


There are personality conflicts among the project team members that you need to uncover and resolve.


The project does not have an effective sponsor and thus is not viewed as a high priority.


Stakeholders have very different expectations about what the project is supposed to accomplish.


The organizational structure and dynamics prevent people from working together effectively.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


176、 [单选] PMP 所在公司打算成立一个 PMO,其上司要求他们指导可能的新项目经理如何制定一份项目章程。PMP 最适当回应是什么?

A PMP’s company is trying to establish a PMO. The PMP’s boss asks them to instruct possible new project managers on how to create a project charter. What will be the PMP’s MOST APPROPRIATE response?


They agree because they are possible helping to develop the profession.

 B:表示拒绝。因为在未获得组织许可的情况下,告知有关 PMI 的知识是不道德的.

They decline because it would be unethical to talk about PMI knowledge without the organization’s permission.


They decline because they will be spreading confidential information about the project management profession.


They agree because there will be a personal gain associated with undertaking this activity.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK第6版/ 项目管理办公室/项目管理办公室 (PMO) 是对与项目相关的治理过程进行标准化,并促进资源、方法论、工具和技术共享的一个组织结构。  支持型 PMO 担当顾问的角色,向项目提供模板、最佳实践、培训,以及来自其他项目的信息和经验教训。

177、 [单选] 前任项目经理编制了项目预算。在项目进入执行阶段不久,他就离职了。项目经理刚就任该项目的项目经理。通过审查,项目经理发现这个项目预算明显不可行。项目经理应该怎么办?

The former project manager has already prepared the project budget. Shortly after the project proceeds with the execution phase, he resigns. The project manager has just been appointed as the project manager. Through examination, the project manager finds that the project budget is clearly infeasible. Then, what should the project manager do?


To take no action, anyway no one expects you to complete the project on budget.


To rework the budget and to perform the new budget


To report to the company that the former project manager is incapable of his work


To submit to the company the situation analysis report

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


178、 [单选] 在执行管道项目的过程中,管道施工承包商提出使用某种更高级的材料而不改变项目工期和成本目标。在此项改变得到批准后,应该更新哪个文件?

During the pipeline project execution, the pipeline construction contractor proposes using certain higher-grade material without changing the project duration and cost target. After such change is approved, which document should be updated?


Purchasing specifications


Contract WBS


Quality management plan


Process improvement plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


179、 [单选] 你的项目团队中有两名成员在过去几周的时间里一直在争论对于这个项目来说哪个项目管理软件最有效的问题,而你已经对他们的争论感到厌烦。因此,你决定要召集一次会议,借机看看他们能否在意见上求同存异,进而向着最佳的解决方案努力,并最终达成共识。你将使用下列哪种类型的争端解决方法?

Two of your team members have been arguing for the past several weeks about which project management software will work best for the project. You are tired of listening to them. So you decide to conduct a meeting to see whether they can reach consensus on the matter by identifying common points of agreement and striving for fair resolution. Which style of conflict resolution will you employ?






Problem solving



正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析: ,注意:求同存异(努力争取解决问题,并没有说问题解决了)。

180、 [单选] 客户和供应商已经签署了一份合同,合同中约定了项目需求。由于对此类项目具有非常丰富的经验,项目经理指示计划编制团队绕过制订工作分解结构(WBS)这一过程,直接开始安排资源和任务。项目经理从计划中删掉了客户的其中一项需求,因为根据项目经理的经验认定这项需求是没有必要的。但是在项目进行到一半的时候,人工成本就已经超出预算 30%了。 下列哪个原因最有可能造成这种情况?

The customer and supplier have signed a contract stipulating the project requirements. Due to extensive experience on this type of project, the project manager instructs the planning team to bypass the development of a work breakdown structure (WBS) and begin scheduling resources and tasks. The project manager has dropped one of the customer’s requirements from the plan because the project manager’s experience has shown that it is NOT needed. Midway through the project, the labor costs exceed the budget by 30 percent. To what reason would this MOST likely be attributed?


Failure to use parametric estimating techniques


Unidentified work not being budgeted


Failure to use non-parametric estimating technique


Flawed contracting

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


183、 [单选] 担心与项目无关的邮件数量,一名团队成员认为其中一个可交付成果将延迟,因为在读和回复邮件上花费了大量时间。项目经理应该怎么做?

Concerned about the quantity of irrelevant project-related emails, a team member think one deliverable will be delayed, because of the time spent reading and replying to emails.What should the project manager do?


Ask the team member to work overtime to complete the work.


Ask the project team to change the communications management plan.


Reinforce the time management plan guidelines with the project team.


Reinforce the communications management plan guidelines with the project team.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


181、 [单选] 准确和无误差的数据是量化风险分析的基本要求。以下哪一项是你应该用来考察对项目风险理解程度的?

Accurate and unbiased data are essential for qualitative risk analysis. Which of the following should you use to examine the extent of understanding of project risk?


Data precision ranking


Project assumptions testing


Sensitivity analysis


Influence diagrams

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK第6版 中 风险数据质量评估,评估风险数据对风险管理的有用程度的一种技术。它考察人们对风险的理解程度

182、 [单选] 项目团队担心为保持进度计划将需要过度加班。目前,一个产品部件需要花两倍时间生产。项目经理应该通过执行下列哪一项来调整这个问题?

A project team is concerned that excessive overtime will be required to maintain the schedule currently, one product component is taking twice as long to manufacture. The project manager should investigate the issue by performing which of the following?


Risk benefit analysis


Force field analysis


Root cause analysis


Cost-benefit analysis

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


184、 [单选] 在项目规划阶段,项目经理完成进度计划。若要确定总体进度计划的灵活性,项目经理应使用下列哪项工作或技术?

During the project’s planning phase, the project manager completes the schedule planning. To make sure the overall flexibility of schedule, the project manager should use which of the following work or technical?


Critical path analysis




Resource leveling


Resource calendar

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


185、 [单选] 项目经理被任命管理一个为期多年的项目。在创建工作分解结构(WBS)过程中,项目团队无法分解将在项目后期发生的某些阶段。项目经理应该怎么做?

A project manager is assigned to a multiyear project. During creation of the work breakdown structure(WBS), the project team is unable to decompose some of the phases that will occur during later stages of the project. What should the project manager do?


Conduct rolling wave planning when appropriate


Return to the requirements gathering stage


Estimate WBS decomposition for those phases


Reduce the project scope

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参见 。考点:滚动式规划。

186、 [单选] 为了尽可能减少个人偏见对供应商选择所产生的影响,下列哪种是把定性数据定量化的方法?

What is the method for quantifying qualitative data to minimize the effect of personal prejudice in vendor selection?


Risk categorization


Risk categorization


Independent estimating


Weighting system

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:加权系统指把定性数据加以量化,以减少个人偏见对供方选择影响的方法。多数加权系统包括:1)对每项评估标准赋予一个数字加权值,2)为期望卖方评定每项评估标准的得分;3)把得分乘以加权值,再 4)把所有乘积相加,求出总的得分

187、 [单选] 项目进入关键阶段,发起人非常担心返工带来的风险,可以用哪个工具消除发起人的担忧?

The project entered a critical phase, the initiator is very worried about the risks brought by rework, which tool can be used to eliminate the sponsor's concerns?


Cause and Effect Diagram


Pareto chart


Scatter diagram


Control chart

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


188、 [单选] 你所在的公司采用职能型组织结构,各部门各自为政、分工负责,不能为完成跨部门的工作而有效合作。受管理层的委派,你刚刚接任某个大型项目的项目经理。你发现该项目的启动和计划文件都比较齐全,拥有项目工作说明书、项目章程、项目管理计划和项目文件等。按照项目沟通计划的规定,你正在主持召开项目状态评审会议。尽管项目执行完全符合计划,但是参加会议的项目团队成员不经意间流露出了对项目的很大的不满。存在这种情况,最可能的原因是什么?

Your company adopts a functional organizational structure. All departments are self-governed with division of labor and cannot cooperate effectively for the completion of cross-departmental work. You have been just appointed by the company management as the project manager of a large project. You find the project kick-off and planning documents are complete, including statement of work, project charter, project management plan and project documents. According to the project communication plan, you are presiding over the project status review meeting. Although the project execution is in full consistency with the plan, but the project team members who are present at the meeting showed great dissatisfaction with the project unconsciously. What is the most likely reason for this?


Project team members make unreasonable requests for the project


The senior management provides inadequate support for the project


Stakeholders have different requests for the project


Functional organizational structure does not apply to this large project

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


189、 [单选] 项目目标是为汽车行业开发改进部件,对原型的测量发现,这些通常都超出技术规定界限。分析显示造成这些差异的原因有多种。 项目团队如何确定应首先解决哪个原因?

The aim of a project is to develop improved components for the automotive industry Measurements on the prototypes show that these are often outside the specification limits. An analysis identifies multiples reasons for the variations, How does the project team determine which cause to address first?


Fishbone diagram


Control chart


Pareto diagram


Run chart

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


190、 [单选] 项目经理最有可能面临的人员问题发生在什么时候?

When does project manager most likely face personnel problem?


Submitting project report


Customer visiting


The project stage point


Designing project review meetings

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


191、 [单选] 离完成分配的任务只剩 30 天时,一名项目团队成员离开公司。可惜的是,没有可用的替代资源。项目经理在项目进度计划中包含一个应急储备金。为了计算剩余的应急储备金,项目经理应该使用什么技术?

From the completion of assigned tasks only 30 days, a project team members leave the company. Unfortunately, there is no available alternative resources. Project manager includes a contingency reserve in the project schedule. In order to calculate the remaining contingency reserve, the project manager should use what technology?


risk audit


trend analysis


Reserves analysis


Technical performance measurement

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:所属过程组:监控过程组。所属知识领域:项目风险管理。 考点:风险监督的工具和技术:储备分析。

192、 [单选] 在与相关方召开的批准会上,另一名之前没有提供意见的相关方,质疑项目基准的有效性。在冗长的讨论之后,很明显无法获得最后批准。 项目经理应该采取的适当措施是什么?

During the approval meeting with the stakeholders, another stakeholder, who has not previously provided input, challenges the project baseline. After lengthy discussions, it becomes clear that final approval cannot be given. What is the appropriate action for the project manager to take?


Clarity the details of the baseline and evaluate the input date from the planning process


Explain to the stakeholder why this input cannot be considered at this stage of the project


Ask the stakeholder to formulate a change request to evaluate the new situation


Insist on project plan approval and investigation of the new input at a stage

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:题环境描述,现在正在开批准会议,也就是说基准只是一个概念,目前还未获得批准,开会的目的就是为了批准,没有经过批准的基准不能算为真正的基准,准确的称谓应该是:待批准的基准,因此,既然还没有批准就不存在变更问题,变什么呢?没有批准不用申请变更,所以选 D 错误!相关方不同意基准,说明之前没有征得该相关方的意见,忽略了该相关方,他对这个基准形成的过程和数据不清楚,因此要从头开始介绍给他,与他一起分析相关数据,让他参与进来才是正确选项,所以选 A。

193、 [单选] 客户决定更换信息技术服务提供商供应商 A。客户与供应商 B 协调一项协议立即开始服务。项目收尾前,供应商 A 的项目经理应该怎么做?

A customer decides to replace the information technology service provider vendor A.The customer negotiates an agreement with vendor B to immediately initiate their services.Before closing the project, what should vendor A’s project manager do?


Ask the legal department for advice on how to proceed.


Ensure the transfer of ownership of the deliverables to the customer.


Ensure all relevant documentation is updated.

 D:与供应商 B 协商提供分包商服务。

Negotiate with vendor B to provide subcontractor services.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:指南- 组织过程资产更新, 验收的可交付成果,如果项目提前终止则应该进入收尾阶段,首先向客户移交可交付成果。

194、 [单选] 在为项目采购关键设备的谈判期间,卖方开始收拾东西准备离开会场,气氛非常紧张。这属于下列哪种谈判策略?

Emotions are running high during negotiations to purchase major equipment for your project when the seller starts to pack up his things. This an example of which negotiation strategy?


Missing man


Fair and reasonable





正确答案:C 你的答案:C


195、 [单选] 项目的总计划价值为 150,000 美元,还有 55%的工作还未完成,截止目前为止的实际资金花费达到 90,000 美元。那么项目的完工所需绩效指数是多少?

The project’s total planned value is US$150,000 , with 55% of the work yet to be completed. The actual money spent to date is US$90,000 .What is the project’s to-complete performance index?









正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:1.根据题目描述,BAC=15W,EV=1-55%=45%,AC=9W 2. 计 算 得 到 : EV=15*0.45=6.75,TCPI=(BAC-EV)/(BAC-AC)=(15-6.75)/(15-9)=8.25/6=1.375。

196、 [单选] 一个项目成员完成了所有分配的项目任务,该资源的经理请求立即将资源调到另一个项目上工作, 项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

When a project member has completed all assigned project tasks, the manager of this resource requests that the resource should be  transferred to another project immediately. What should the project manager do in the next step?


To complete the performance assessment of the resource used on the project


To assess whether the resource is of help for another project phase


To recommend that the manager should transfer other resources to another project


To request the resource should record the lessons learned from the project process

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P123-4.7结束项目或阶段。包括总结经验教训。                                   根据题意:该资源已经完成了所有项目任务,他的经理让他赶快去干别的项目,完成项目工作的标志是除了做完全部项目任务,还要做完经验教训总结。

197、 [单选] 高级主管希望开始一项计划,将公司战略和附加价值与业务计划保持一致。应该先创建下列哪一项?

A senior executive wants to start an initiative align the company’s strategy and add business plan. Which of the following should be developed first?


Detailed description of project and product


Statement describing the project’s deliverables and the work required to create deliverables


Project plan to define how the project is executed, monitored and controlled


Document that formally authorizes the project

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


198、 [单选] 你所负责的项目正在执行过程中,一个团队成员找到你,询问关于他的职责和工作,因为他不知道如何去完成工作。项目经理应该给他看什么?

The project you are in charge is in execution. A team member finds you and asks about his duties and functions because he has no idea how to get the work done. What should the project manager show to him?


Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)


Staffing management plan


Project Management Plan


Project organization chart

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


199、 [单选] 信息技术(IT)部将开发一个市场营销部的接口程序,IT 部经理承诺近期交付接口程序。一名项目经理和技术资源被分配到该项目上。由于项目的高优先级,必须立即开始接口程序的相关工作,项目经理与团队开会讨论,并制作了一份满足近期交付日期的进度计划。在项目经理被分配到项目后,项目经理首先应该做什么?

The information technology (IT) department will develop an interface for the department. The IT department manager commits to a near-term delivery date project manager and technical resources are assigned to the project. Due to the priority, work must begin immediately on the interface. The project manager to discuss estimates, and produces a schedule to meet the neat-term delivery After the project manager was assigned the project, what should the project manager do first?


Developed the project charter


Identified risks


Documented a communications management plan


Developed the project management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:所属过程组:启动过程组。所属知识领域:项目整合管理。解析:信息技术(IT)部将开发一个市场营销部的接口程序,IT 部经理承诺近期交付接口程序说明已完成项目工作说明书和商业论证过程,项目经理需制定项目章程并获取批准以正式启动项目。

200、 [单选] 项目 A 的活动取决于项目 B 的任务完成,如果完成项目 B 的活动表示项目 A 的活动完成,则这之间的逻辑是?

The project A’s activity depends on project B task completion, if completed project B activities represent the activities of project A is completed, this is the logic between?


Finish to start


Start to finish


Complete to complete


Start to start

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


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