旅一 第七小组 英语作业

      U4 Text A  The Doctors’s Son


1. Infant n. 婴儿 例句:The infant in the duck towel is laughing happily.

2. Soft-spoken adj. 声音温柔的,说话斯文的 例句: He was a gentle, soft-spoken intelligent man.

3. Local adj. 当地的,本地的,地方性的 例句:The two local men wear their own clothes.

4. Anything like 多少有点像  例句:I never had the balls to do anything like this.

5. Beam vi. 笑,眉开眼笑 例句:She beamed at me.

6. Midst n.中央;中部  例句:In the midst of all the broken light bulbs, one still works.

7. Hono(u)rable adj. 增光的;应享有荣誉的,值得尊敬的  例句:A knight on his horse is an honourable foe.

8. Industrious adj. 勤劳的,勤奋的  例句:This industrious businessman is busy with his work.

9. Groan vi.呻吟;发哼哼声  例句:The woman loudly groaned due to her splitting headache.

10. Compliment n. 恭维话;赞词,赞扬  例句 :He paid me a great compliment with those flowers.

11. Fit in with 使符合,适合,适应 

12. Emphatically adv. 强调地;坚决地  例句:“NO FAST FOOD” responded the mom emphatically.

13. Rebellion n. 造反;反叛;反抗  例句:A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy.

14. Stubborn adj. 固执的,顽固的,倔强的  例句:Both of them are stubborn and don’t want to say sorry first.

15.Argument n. 争论,争辩,争吵  例句:The colleagues are having an argument.

16. Survive vt. 经历…之后还存在  例句:It’s hard for plants to survive in the desert.

17. Enroll vi. 吸收(某人)为成员;(使)入会;登记,注册  例句:Every autumn we have to enroll in classes.

18. Attend vt. 参加,出席,散场  例句:A nurse is attending the newborn baby.

19. Dormitory n. 学生宿舍楼  例句:My dormitory is clean and tidy.

20.Childhood n. 童年,儿童时代  例句:They enjoy their childhood playing outside.

21. Compare with (与…)作比较;(与…)对照

22. Frown vi/n. (表示愤怒或烦心而)皱眉,蹙额  例句:Grace set her face into a frown, she was not happy at all.

23.Would give a lot/anything/the world (to do sth.)  非常愿意(做或拥有某事物),愿付出一切(做或拥有)

24. In one’s own right 根据自己的能力或合法权利(而不依赖其他因素)

25. Topic n. (讲话、文章)题目,论题,话题  例句:Today’s topic is on how to make money.

26. Glare vi. 怒目而视  例句:I glared at my boyfriend and asked him who she is.

27. Be sick of 感到厌烦;对…厌烦

28. Hop vi. 跳上/跳下车辆  例句:He likes to hop up and down.

29. Savor vt. 品尝;欣赏  例句:To fully savor a good red wine, first swirl it around you glass and smell it.

30. Wander vi. (人或思想)走神,开小差  例句:Any manager knows that his company will start falling apart, if his attention wanders.

31. Intersection n. 道路交叉点;十字路口  例句:The policeman regulated traffic at the intersection.

32. Before one knows it 瞬间;很快

33. Idiot n. 笨蛋;白痴  例句:Only the idiot would believe your sweet words.

34. Survey vt. 纵览,审视  例句:He pushed himself to his feet and surveyed the room.

35. Sustain vt. 蒙受,遭受(伤害或损伤)  例句:Every aircraft in there has sustained some damage.

36. Dent n. (用硬物挤压或碰撞而形成的)凹痕,凹坑

37. Guilty adj. 有罪的,犯罪的  例句:The man was found guilty and puts into prison.

38. Complain vi. 投诉;抱怨;发牢骚;诉苦  例句:She complains that the homework is difficult.

39. Protest vi. 反抗,反对  例句:They were holding a sign to protest.

40. Choke vi. (使)窒息,(使)呼吸困难  例句:The girl is choking on the fumes from her dad’s cigarette.

41. Choke back 抑制,强忍住

42. Insurance n. 保险  例句:I bought insurance for my car.

43. Panic vi. 感到惊慌,惊慌失措  例句:Guest panicked and screamed when the bomb exploded.

44. Recognition n. 认出,认识;识别  例句:He searched for a sign of recognition on her face, but there was none.

45. Batter vt. 毁损,打坏,打烂  例句:He would have to batter the door down.

46. Trudge vi. 步履沉重地走,艰难地走  例句:The man trudged home through the snow.

47. Hold one’s head up 抬起头来;挺胸做人

48. Eve n. 前夜  例句:We set off some fireworks on NewYear’s eve.

49. Celebrate vt.  庆祝,举行(仪式、庆典)  例句:The graduates are celebrating by throwing their hats up in the air.

50. Rarely ad. 不常见,很少,难得  例句:Golden coffee beans are rarely found.

51. Hug vt. 拥抱  例句:The two friends hugged each other tightly.


1.And I soon learned that as long as I lived in Enosburg I would always be known as “Doctor Eppley’s son”.


2.They said that I was growing up to be an honorable and industrious young man, living an honest life just like my father.


3.One night at college I sat with a group of students in the dormitory as we shared stories about our lives.

分析:“one night at college”是时间状语,I是主语, sat是谓语,“with a group of students”是介词短语作状语,“as we shared stories about our lives”中as引导时间状语从句。

4.I could see the hurt in my father’s face, and I remembered how much he hated it whenever I called him “sam”.

分析:I 是主语 ,remember是谓语,后跟着宾语从句(特殊疑问词引导的),whenever引导时间状语从句。

5.I panicked and, without thinking, shouted, ”I’m Doctor Eppley’s son.”

分析:without thinking 介词短语作状语,with的复合结构。


  Many teenagers agree with the protagonist that growing up is about trying to be independent. They don’t want to be controlled by their parents, They want to be different. The article is about how a young man struggles to earn his own living. The boy has been living under the halo of his father. He hated this feeling, so he began to rebel and tried to go to school. His extreme ways hurt his father deeply. New Year’s Day’s previous car accident made him aware of his father, as well as his apologies to his father. In fact, as long as he is good enough, his father’s excellence will not affect himself.

    U6 Text  A Sunday in the Park



1. Sunglasses n.  太阳镜,墨镜  例句:What do you think of my new sunglasses?

2. contentedly ad. 满意地,知足地  例句:The young animal turned quickly, and began contentedly eating the leaves out of Heidi's hand.

3. Section n. (书、报纸等的)段、栏、版  例句:This section of the country is drizzly in the winter.

4. fling vt. 扑进,冲出  例句:Never fling up your studies.

5. sandbox n.(供儿童躺在里面玩耍的)沙箱,沙池  例句:We play in the best sandbox.

6. faint a. 微小的,些微的  例句:He fell into a dead faint.

7. tuck vt.(尤指建筑物)隐藏,使隐藏  例句:You can also tuck disposable heat packets into your mittens.

8. tuck away 把……收藏在安全处all but几乎,差一点

9. deserted a. 空无一人的  例句:We trudged the deserted road for a long time.

10. swing n. 秋千v.摆动,挥动  例句:There they can swing and slide and go round and round for hours.

11. seesaw n. 跷跷板  例句:Think of it like a seesaw -- neither side is touching the ground because the weight on each side is identical.

12. motionless a. 静止的,一动不动的  例句:She was motionless, legs bent below her red dress and head to one side.

13. abandoned a. 弃置不用的  例句:We have not abandoned!

14. Slide n. 滑梯  例句:There they can swing and slide and go round and round for hours.

15. squat vi. 蹲坐,蹲  例句:What you do is squat up and down really fast.

16. Diligently a.  勤奋地,勤勉地  例句:In short, we must work diligently to make the world a better place for coming generations.

17. side by side 并排地,并肩地  例句:I want to remain here, side by side with my family and friends and all the victims of the disaster.

18. a sense/feeling of well-being  幸福感  例句:And I also noticed a significant feeling of well-being.

19. coop vt. 把…关入笼中,把人拘禁起来  例句:As soon as she was alone within the walled garden she sat herself down on a coop, and seriously screwed up her mouth for the long neglected practice.

20.coop up confine in a restricted place or situation  把…关闭起来

21. cube n. 小房间,格子间  例句:The dynamic Crosstab and data cube feature.

22. affectionately ad. 挚爱地  例句:A healer of nations and a mentor to generations, Nelson Mandela –or Madiba as he is affectionately known by millions –is a living symbol of wisdom, courage and integrity.

23. Concentration n.  专心,专注  例句:They liberated all war prisoners from the concentration camp.

24. Tunnel n.  隧道,地道  例句:They blanked off the tunnel.

25. Deliberate a. 深思熟虑的,故意的  例句:He deliberately roughed the goal-keeper.

26. Chubby a.  圆圆胖胖的,丰满的  例句:I've got a chubby body, a long, narrow face, pointy ears and a cute little tail.

27. Spade n.  铲,铁锨  例句:He laid the spade by the door.

28. Spadeful n.  一铲之量  例句:Transport minister Norman Baker dug the first spadeful to officially open the site.

29. a spadeful of  一铲,一锨

30. shovel n.  铲子,铁锨  例句:The child packed the sand down with his shovel。

31. stolid a.  不易激动的,麻木不仁的  例句:The latest rich list pitted stolid industrial muscle against high-tech, with the head of an earth-moving company pipping the co-founder of the nation's biggest Internet search engine for the top spot.

32. Impassive a.  无动于衷的,麻木不仁的  例句:He turned to the impassive woman.

33. Unblinking a.  不眨眼的  例句:The White Tiger takes a sharp and unblinking look at the reality of India's economic miracle.

34. Expectancy n.  期望,期待  例句:Expectancy - Come before God with anticipation and eagerness.

35. Husky a.  高大强壮的  例句:Gossip Girl without Chuck Bass is like a world without sunshine and rainbows and…a handsome, husky-voiced young adult in dashing three-piece suits!

36. roller skate n. 四轮旱冰鞋  例句:The little one stops to roller skate.

37. take up 占用了(时间或空间) 例句:I hope that they take up this challenge.

38. Comic n.  连环漫画  例句:He underplayed the comic elements of the opera.

39. Spit vi.  吐痰,吐口水  例句:And ink from soot and spit.

40. Deftly ad.  熟练地,灵巧地  例句:Softly, deftly, music shall surround you …

41. Swiftly ad. 敏捷地  例句:As I looked swiftly away, it seemed to me that his glance held some kind of unmet expectation.

42. Tentative a.  不确定的,试探性的  例句:I use the word “tentative” here because these are more rough thoughts than a philosophy that I trust with certainty.

43. Instinct n. 本能,天性  例句:Some scientists thought that fight between the male animals headed up from their instinct.

44. Aware a. 明白的,意识到的  例句:But you always have to be aware of that possibility.

45.become/be aware of have knowledge or understanding明白,意识到  例句:They should be aware of their rights.

46.Apologetic a. 道歉的,有抱歉意的  例句:When you do reach them, they're apologetic but can do nothing to help.

47.Reasonableness n. 通情达理  例句:The report should also discuss the assumptions used to make the forecast so that the reader can evaluate their reasonableness.

48.Lower vt. 降下  例句:Superior courts may review decisions of lower courts.

49.Insolent a. 傲慢的,无礼的  例句:Towards the middle of the last century a change took place, prison songs and thieves' ritournelles assumed, so to speak, an insolent and jovial mien.

50.Edge vt. 使尖锐  例句:He is teetering on the edge of catastrophe.

51.Menace n. 威胁,危险  例句;At the local police station, he assembled a small armory of pistols and carbines, to deal with any unexpected menace that might appear.

52.feel like(doing);have a wish for;want 想要

53.temper n.  心境,脾气  例句:Age has chastened his violent temper.

54. lose one’s temper become angry发脾气

55. suffuse vt. 充满,充溢  例句:Better still pour your love out to suffuse any chance of negative energies turning nasty.

56. Tenderness n. 亲切,爱怜  例句:If you experience any tenderness or pain during massage, there is tension trapped in your body.

57. Impotent a.  没有力量的,无能为力的  例句:In the dreams of the impotent, comes the answer.

58. Rage n. 盛怒  例句:The poem was all the rage then.

59. Alien a.  性质全然不同的  例句:Print your name and Alien Registration number on the back of each photo.

60. Distasteful a.  讨厌的,令人反感的  例句:Don't force her into a distasteful marriage.

61. just a minute wait for a short time 等等,等一下

62. courteously ad.  有礼貌地  例句:But they said the men were model neighbors who never caused trouble, greeted people courteously on the street and strolled with their children in the fields around their house.

63. shut up 闭嘴,住嘴  例句:"They like to stand out there in the sun and not to be shut up in an apron," said her grandfather.

64. Flex vt.  使四肢屈伸  例句:Why you must flex your arm a certain way. Why your weight must be on a certain part of your foot.

65. Violence n.  暴力  例句:The film glorifies war and violence.

66. Dreadful a.  令人畏惧的,可怕的  例句:But the time of suspense is dreadful.

67. Incredible a. 不可相信的,难以置信的  例句:And we think that this is just incredible impact.

68. Sleeve n. 衣服袖子  例句:He twitched me by the sleeve.

69. Adjust vt. 调整  例句:How do you adjust yourself?

70. Unevenly ad. 不同寻常地  例句:Do the spoils need to be so unevenly split?

71. Utter a. 全然的,十足的  例句:But this is utter nonsense.

72. Scorn n. 轻蔑,轻视  例句:He is a target for scorn.

73. Nakedly ad. 坦白地  例句:There are some distinctively South African accessories at this World Cup, makarapa hats, essentially or nakedly decorated minus helmets being one.

74. Limp vi. 一瘸一拐地走  例句:For the rest of his life, he walked with a limp and sometimes used a cane.

75. self-consciousness n. 尴尬,害羞  例句:You almost never catch a whiff of authorial self-consciousness.

76. Stoop vi. 俯身,弯腰  例句:How could anyone stoop so low?

77.Chant n. 有节奏的一再重复的话  例句:There is a suggestion to make kids chant it at schools.

78. Dignity n. 庄严,威严  例句:They have to be treated well, with dignity.

79. Summon vt. 鼓起勇气,力量  例句:Parliament has powers to introduce and pass legislation, summon and impeach ministers or the president.

80. Sandy a. 由沙构成的  例句:Her hair was sandy and she swung up and down.

81. Perspire vi.  出汗,流汗  例句:The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine.

82. Mutter vi. 咕哝,悄声说  例句:I mutter, as they find their seats near us.

83. Layer n. 阶层,层次  例句:A thin layer of ice formed over the lake.

84. Inescapable a. 不可避免的,必然发生的  例句:In some ways that is the inescapable reality of the business cycle.

85. Incident n.发生的事,不平常事件  例句:That incident will surely bring on a crisis.


1.It was still warm in the late afternoon sun,and the city noises came muffled through the trees in the park.


2.It was five-thirty of a Sunday afternoon,and the small playground,tucked away in a corner of the park ,was all but deserted.

分析:ticked away与was开头的句子并列描绘操场隐藏在公园的角落,近乎空无一人

3.She squeezed his arm affectionately and glanced at Larry,delighting in the pointed little face frowning in concentration over the tunnel he was digging.


4.The only other people left in the playground were two women and a little girl on roller skates leaving now through the gate,and a man on a bench a few feet away.

分析:on…gate修饰two women and a little girl,表示滑滑板的两个女人和一个小女孩通过大门离开了。和在几米外的在长凳上的一个男人

5.With all the dignity she could summon,she pulled Larry’s sandy,perspiring little hand,while Morton pulled the other.


6.Yet beneath it there was a layer of something else,something heavy and inescapable.

分析:用there be句型说明世界上很多事情存在阶层,很沉重并且无法避免

7.She sensed that it was more than just an unpleasant incident,more than defeat of reason by force.

分析:用到了more than的用法,表示不仅仅是不开心的事情,更是武力打败了理性


  The story is about an unpleasant encounter: When the woman’s child was bullied, instead of protecting her child,

Looking at her son quietly, She wanted to her son to fight his own war. When a savage man unjustifiably encouraged his son to behave rudely, Morton was very angry. The woman thought there would be an argument, even a fight, between the two men. However, Morton finally took his family out of the park “rationally”. In fact, not all things can be solved by patience. Perhaps Morton thought left park can avoid everything, but this action sometimes would harm family. leaving park means admitting defeat. At times, a proper military solution would be more appropriate.

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