
    很多没看过《围城》的人也听说过这么一个比喻:把婚姻比作围城,城外的人想冲进去,城里的人想冲出来。“围城”的象征就源自这本书中人物对话引用的外国成语,书中的原话是:结婚仿佛金漆的鸟笼,笼子外面的鸟想住进去,笼内的鸟想飞出来,所以结而离,离而结,没有了局。又说像“被围困的城堡【fortresse assiégée】”,城外的人想冲进去,城里的人想逃出来。

      To quote(引用;复述) the characters(描述;特性;人物) of the book,“Marriage is nothing but a gold-plated birdcage,those without are eager to get in while those within long to get out.” “It is just a fortress besieged, those outside are anxious to rush in while those inside yearn to get out.” 

    《围城》表现出了对世态人情的精微观察与高超的心理描写艺术。作者刻画才女型人物苏文纨的矜持与矫情,小家碧玉式的孙柔嘉柔顺后面深隐的城府,可谓洞幽烛微;而对嘴上机敏而内心怯弱、不无见识而又毫无作为的方鸿渐的复杂性格心态的剖析,则更是极尽曲折而入木三分。  《围城》的描写,自始至终都贯穿着嘲讽的喜剧。小说的基本情节都围绕着方鸿渐展开,小说的诸多人物,场面也大都从方鸿渐的观点展现,方的观人阅世的耶愉态度,以及隐含在他背后的小说作者的嘲讽口吻,交错交融,使《围城》的讽刺门手法别具一格。

      The writer exposes(表现出/展示) the abnormal(扭曲的/异常的) personalities(个性/性格) and filthy(肮脏的,卑鄙的) souls of the new generation of(新一代) intellectuals(知识分子) typified by(以...为代表) Fang Hongjian(方鸿渐),Gao Xinmei(赵辛楣) and Su Wenwan(苏文纨),who either sink into degeneration(堕落) or accomplish nothing(一事无成)idling away their life(虚度人生) in the besiege(困境,围困) of traditional customs(传统习俗) .Through them,the writer makes an elaboration(阐述) and multi-layered(多层次的) survey of the westernized(西化的) intellectuals(知识分子) and the localized(局部/部分) Western civilization(西方文明;西方文化) from both ideological(意识形态的;思想的) and philosophical(哲学的) perspectives(观点). Adept at(擅于) applying vagarious(反复无常的),incisive(敏锐的;机敏;深刻) and diverse(多样的) figuration(表达方式;比喻) and at extending his imageries(肖像;比喻) into symbols(象征),the writer creates an irony(讽刺) which runs through the book(贯穿全书)) as its consistent style(一贯的风格). Abundant in(富于) witty(机智的) and humorous remarks and rich in(丰富的) wisdom and philosophical(哲学的;超然的;达观的) ideas,the book is recognized as(被视为) a successful work(作品) about “scholars(学者)".


10. (方鸿渐花钱买克莱登大学的博士文凭)这一张文凭仿佛有亚当夏娃下身那片树叶的功用,可以遮羞包丑; 小小一张方纸能把一个人的空疏、寡陋、愚笨都掩盖起来。

     This diploma(文凭), it seemed, would function(有...的功效/作用 the same as Adam(亚当) and Eve’s(夏娃) fig-leaf(无花果树叶). It could hide a person’s shame (羞耻) and wrap up(包裹) his disgrace. This tiny(极小的) square(方形的;平方) of paper could cover(掩盖) his shallowness(肤浅), ignorance(无知) and stupidity(愚蠢).

11.  老实说,不管你跟谁结婚,结婚以后,你总发现你娶的不是原来的人,换了另外一个。早知道这样,结婚以前那种追求,恋爱等等,完全可以省掉。谈恋爱的时候,双方本相全收敛起来,到结婚还没有彼此认清,倒是老式婚姻干脆,索性结婚以前,谁也不认得谁。

       The fact is, no matter whom you marry, after you’re married,you’ll find it’s not the same person but(而是) someone else. If people knew that before marriage they could skip(省掉/忽略/跳过) all that stuff about courtship(求爱), romance(恋爱;浪漫) and soon. When two people get to know each other(相互了解) and fall in love(坠入爱河), they both conceal(隐藏;掩盖) their true faces so that don’t know each other. It’s the old-fashioned marriages that are more straightforward(简单;直接). Neither party(一方) gets to know the other before marriage.

12. 离开一个地方就等于死一次,自知免不了一死,总希望人家表示愿意自己活下去。去后的毁誉,正跟死后的哀荣一样关心而无法知道,深怕一走或一死,像洋蜡烛一灭,留下的只是臭味.

       Leaving a place is like death, and while a dying(将要死的) man knows death is inevitable(不可避免), he still hopes people will show that they want him to live on. A person’s post-departure(死后的) reputation is just like posthumous(死后的;遗留的) honors:  one can be concerned for it but do nothing about it, fearing that  one’s departure(离开;去世) or death, like a wax(蜡) candle(蜡烛), will leave nothing behind but a bad odor(气味) when it goes out.

13. 范小姐发现心里有秘密,跟喉咙里有咳嗽一样的痒得难熬。要人知道自己有个秘密,而不让人知道是个什么秘密,等他们问,要他们猜,这是人性的虚荣。 

      Miss Fan discovered that when she had a secret, the itch(痒、渴望) to tell it was hard to bear(忍耐;承受) as a cough in the throat. To want people to know one has a secret while not letting them know what it is, however much they may ask or guess, is human vanity. 

14.  鸿渐为太太而受气,同时也发现受了气而有个太太的方便。从前受了气,只好闷在心里,不能随意发泄。现在可不同了;对任何人发脾气,都不能够像对太太那样痛快。父母兄弟不用说,朋友要绝交,佣人要罢工,只有太太像荷马史诗里风神的皮袋,受气的容量最大,离婚毕竟不容易。

          while he was made to suffer because of his wife, he discovered at the same time the convenience of having a wife when one is made to suffer. When he had been frustrated before, he had had to keep his feelings pent up inside, unable to release them as he pleased. There was no one to serve as an outlet(出口) for him. Now it was different,. There is no one on whom a person can vent(表达;发泄) his anger with as much all-out relish(尽情享受) as on his wife. Friends will break off(绝交) and servants will go on strike(罢工), not to mention(更别说) parents and brothers. Only a wife, like the Wind God’s leather(皮革) bag in Homer’s epic poem, has much a tremendous(极大的) capacity(最大容量; 能力; 承受力) for taking in hot air, for divorce after all(毕竟) is not easy.

15.  但是太阳依然不依不饶地迟落早起侵占去大部分的夜。

    But as always the sun mercilessly(不依不饶地) rose early and set late,encroaching upon the better part of(大部分的) the night.

  “侵占”这个词不难,可以想很多,我最先想到的是occupy ,invade,trench和usurp,occupy比较中性,译文中使用的encroach on,原意是“蚕食、侵占(领土)”,放在这里,拟人和夸张的意味一下子都出来了,语气绝对比occupy生动 。


      Later the planes kept coming in much the same manner as(与...的方式相同) the peerless beauty whose “one glance could conquer a city and whose second glance could vanquish an empire”.



      Lu was very meticulous(十分注意细节的;一丝不苟的) about his clothes and always kept his hair slick(光滑) and shiny(闪亮). Afraid of(害怕) having his hair buried by a hat, he would not “share the same sky with a hat” and went bareheaded even in the dead of winter(深冬).

18. 从前愚民政策是不许人民受教育,现代的愚民政策是只许人民受某一种教育。不受教育的人,因为不识字,上人的当,受教育的人,因为识了字,上印刷品的当,像你们的报纸宣传品、训练干部讲义之类。

  The former(从前的) policy of keeping the masses(大众;人民) ignorant(无知) prevented the people from getting an education. The current(现在/目前的) policy of keeping the masses ignorant only allows the people to get a certain kind of education.  The uneducated(未受教育的) are fooled by(被愚弄) others because they’re illiterate(文盲). The educated are taken in(被欺骗) by printed matter like your newspaper propaganda(宣传) and lecture notes(讲义) on training cadres(干部) because they are literate(受过教育的).

19.  两个人在一起,人家就要造谣言,正如两根树枝接近,蜘蛛就要挂网。

   Whenever two people get together, somebody always starts a rumor just like the way a spider spins a web whenever two tree branches meet..

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