作为移动应用开发者,我们总希望发布的apk文件越小越好,不希望资源文件没有用到的图片资源也被打包进apk,不希望应用中使用了高于minSdk的api,也不希望AndroidManifest文件存在异常,lint就能解决我们的这些问题。Android lint是在ADT 16提供的新工具,它是一个代码扫描工具,能够帮助我们识别代码结构存在的问题,主要包括:
1)布局性能(以前是 layoutopt工具,可以解决无用布局、嵌套太多、布局太多)
Android lint可以解决如上的问题,当然还有更多,具体的可以参考Android Lint Checks。Android官方也总结了lint能解决的问题,如下图。
lint的使用可以通过两个途径,Eclipse左上角的打钩的按钮或者选择项目->右键->Android Tools,如下图所示:
图一 图二
Android lint是对android开发者很有帮助的一款工具,对于项目打包发布前优化代码、查找没用到的资源、查找错误等非常有帮助。作为开发者是必须掌握的工具之一
JDK的安装文件夹为:C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_45。
path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\jre\bin
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_45
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_45
英文状态下的“点 分号”)
lint 工具在安卓 sdk 的 tools 目录下
2. lint使用
1>在命令行窗口 输入lint,得到lint 帮助说明如下:
Usage: lint [flags] <project directories>
--help This message.
--help <topic> Help on the given topic, such as "suppress".
--list List the available issue id's and exit.
--version Output version information and exit.
--exitcode Set the exit code to 1 if errors are found.
--show List available issues along with full explanations.
--show <ids> Show full explanations for the given list of issue id's.
Enabled Checks:
--disable <list> Disable the list of categories or specific issue id's. The list should be a comma-separated list of issue id's or categories.
--enable <list> Enable the specific list of issues. This checks all the default issues plus the specifically enabled issues. The list should be a comma-separated list of issue id's or categories.
--check <list> Only check the specific list of issues. This will disable everything and re-enable the given list of issues. The list should be a comma-separated list of
issue id's or categories.
-w, --nowarn Only check for errors (ignore warnings)
-Wall Check all warnings, including those off by default
-Werror Treat all warnings as errors
--config <filename> Use the given configuration file to determine whether issues are enabled or disabled. If a project contains a lint.xml file, then this config file will be used as a fallback.
Output Options:
--quiet Don't show progress.
--fullpath Use full paths in the error output.
--showall Do not truncate long messages, lists of alternate locations, etc.
--nolines Do not include the source file lines with errors in the output. By default, the error output includes snippets of source code on the line containing the
error, but this flag turns it off.
--html <filename> Create an HTML report instead. If the filename is a directory (or a new filename without an extension), lint will create a separate report for each scanned project.
--url filepath=url Add links to HTML report, replacing local path prefixes with url prefix. The mapping can be a comma-separated list of path prefixes to correspondingURL prefixes, such as C:\temp\Proj1=http://buildserver/sources/temp/Proj1. To turn off linking to files, use --url none
--simplehtml <filename> Create a simple HTML report
--xml <filename> Create an XML report instead.
Project Options:
--resources <dir> Add the given folder (or path) as a resource directory for the project. Only valid when running lint on a single project.
--sources <dir> Add the given folder (or path) as a source directory for the project. Only valid when running lint on a single project.
--classpath <dir> Add the given folder (or jar file, or path) as a class directory for the project. Only valid when running lint on a single project.
--libraries <dir> Add the given folder (or jar file, or path) as a class library for the project. Only valid when running lint on a single project.
lint --list 列出所有的问题id
lint --show 列出所有的问题,并给出详细解释
lint --check <List> 只检查List列表中的问题id,其中List中的id 使用逗号分开
lint -w 只检查错误,忽略警告
lint --xml filename 创建一个xml的结果报告
lint --html filename 创建一个html 的结果报告