放置 服飾進銷存之《存貨查詢》的相關操作說明.
Instructions for 《
》of the finger-POS(for clothings sales).
1. 善用篩選與關鍵字查詢, 快速查找需要的商品資料
Use filters and keyword queries, quickly find needed product information
2. 商品登錄的進貨件數
The numbers of Products-entry
3. 盤點單的件數, 包含: 退廠商, 入庫, 遺失
Check inventory : return to supplier, in stock, lost
4. 商品異動的件數, 包含: 退廠商, 入庫, 遺失
Commodity transaction : return to supplier, in stock, lost
5. 銷售件數
Number of sales