2015.11.11 War on Christmas? Starbucks Cups Cause Social Media Outcry


War on Christmas? Starbucks Cups Cause Social Media Outcry


A barista reaches for a red paper cup as more, with cardboard liners already attached, line the top of an espresso machine at a Starbucks coffee shop in the Pike Place Market in Seattle, Nov. 10, 2015.

2015年11月10日,在西雅图Pike Place大卖场中的星巴克咖啡店中,一个服务生正在伸手拿已经被加好隔热纸板,整齐的排列在咖啡机上的红色纸杯。



It's as red as Santa's suit, a poinsettia or your neighbor's ugly Christmas sweater.


Yet Starbucks' stark new holiday coffee cup has set off complaints that the chain is making war on Christmas.


The outcry - which gained in intensity after Donald Trump suggested boycotting the coffee chain - illustrates the fine line companies must walk during the all-important holiday season:

这次抗议,在 Donald Trump建议抵制咖啡系列之后愈演愈烈,这要求公司们在这个重要的节假季中必须把握好尺度。

They want to stand out from their competitors, but not go so far as to offend or unsettle.


"The challenge is that the holiday language is same for everything,'' said Allen Adamson, founder of BrandSimple Consulting.

BrandSimple咨询公司的创始人Allen Adamson说:“挑战在于假期对于所有事来说都一样。”

"Everyone does it, so how do you do it in a way that's distinctive? If you push too far with distinctiveness, you might end up ruffling feathers.''


Since 1997, Starbucks has offered holiday drinks in a festive red cup, adorned with such things as Christmas ornaments, reindeer and snowflakes.


This year's design is minimalist: vivid red, with nothing but the familiar green Starbucks logo.


Starbucks executives said they wanted to embrace "simplicity and quietness'' and show that the coffee shops are a "sanctuary'' during the holidays.


The company also reminded customers that it is selling its Christmas Blend of coffee as usual this year.


But some religious conservatives saw the new cup as an affront to tradition and yet another example of what some have called the "war on Christmas”- the taking of religion out of the Yuletide season by doing such things as greeting customers with "Happy Holidays'' instead of "Merry Christmas.''


On Twitter, where the topic became a sensation, some people were upset over the cup, while others said they didn't understand what the big deal was.


Trump weighed in on Monday by saying, "Maybe we should boycott Starbucks.''


He added: "If I become president, we're all going to be saying, 'Merry Christmas' again. That I can tell you.''


And a group called Faith Driven Consumer urged people to go to Dunkin' Donuts or Krispy Kreme instead.

并且一个叫做Faith Driven Consumer的组织号召人们用去Dunkin' Donuts或者Krispy Kreme作为(不去星巴克的)替代。

At a Starbucks in downtown Los Angeles that was decked out with decorations touting the Christmas Blend, customer Ray Velasco said he doesn't give much thought to how companies market during the holidays, especially when it's barely November.

在洛杉矶市中心的星巴克已经装饰好了同时推出圣诞综合咖啡来招徕顾客,消费者Ray Velasco表示他对市场企业在假期中的表现并不感兴趣,何况这仅仅是十一月。

"There's so much stuff going on in the world, I just can't pay attention to every controversy,'' he said.


Lara Reynolds sipped the Christmas Blend and dismissed the social-media furor with a wave: "It's ridiculous. I've been trying to ignore it.''

Lara Reynolds抿了一口圣诞综合咖啡,挥了挥手借此希望打消社交媒体的热情:“这太荒谬了,我准备无视它。”

Kit Yarrow, a professor of psychology and marketing at Golden Gate University in San Francisco, said some people seized on the cup for the same reason many Americans have been captivated by Trump's "anti-PC'' stance.

Kit Yarrow,一位旧金山金门大学的市场与心理学教授,表示人们抓住杯子事件不放的理由是因为许多美国人被Trump反对PC的姿态所迷惑。

"A lot of people are really just constantly on the lookout for some vehicle to express anger and dissatisfaction, and this is the vehicle du jour,'' she said.



cause outcry

set off complaints

stand out from competitors

adorn with

see sth as an affront to tradition

be upset over sth

be decked out with decorations

express anger and dissatisfaction

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