The Limitless Capability Of The Next Web 下一代Web的无限功能

Uber made an importantmovelast March, a move that reinforced myvision of where the Internet is headed. For the first time, users are ableto summon an Uber ride from other applications without ever opening the Uberapp itself.


Some of you have already encountered this new capabilityfirsthand. This “programmable web” was a key enabler of Siri and is adecades-long thematic that is just starting to bear fruit.


Uber’s Request API announcement marks an importantevolutionary milestone in that process. It is not the first, but it is perhapsthe most visible example of a vision for vast interoperability andcollaboration that extends far beyond mere referral linking.


Uber isn’t just embedding a sliver of their service intoother sites’ services and applications. Instead, they’re syndicating nearly thewhole enchilada.


This takes a certain amount of courage. But of coursetheir motivation is clear. The closer at hand transportation can be, the morefrequently we’ll enlist Uber’s help. The more ubiquitous Uber is across variousdevices, appliances and spaces, the easier and more frequently we’ll access theservice.


I want to emphasize the philosophical shift Uber’sdecision represents. I envision a web that in the next few years enables usersto orchestrate a variety of services from any single endpoint. Where you enterand where you leave the broader ecosystem will cease to matter. What and howmuch it can simply do for you will define the relevance of this coming“everywhere Internet.”


What is today considered “business development” will inthis manner become programmable, too. Instead of applications and servicesoperating as single-purpose islands, they will actually start to collaborate,orchestrated by central brokers that are smart enough to weave and normalizeeach service’s data model and capability set into a complementary and powerfultask-completion engine. Businesses will make available their rich APIs and plugin to a massive network of millions of users and all sorts of devices, wheresimply participating will become one of the more important business developmentactivities in which they engage.


Success will shift from discovery models, such as SEO,toward consumption models based on the frequency with which a service cansatisfy user requests, the quality of their data, responsiveness of their APIand referrals to other participating services. Once you plug in, you’reinstantly making money.


Uber’s Scott Biggart wrote that “our imaginations arerunning wild…we have no idea what you might build, but we cannot wait to findout.”

Uber的Scott Biggart写道:“我们的想象很丰富。。。我们对于你将打造的东西没有什么想法,但是我们迫不及待要去发现它。”

This statement resonates with me. Traditional individualAPIs and most resulting mash-ups require a predetermined use case that must behard-coded.


What will in contrast define the coming decade isaccommodating unforeseen use cases that a technology’s creators never couldhave imagined. And moreover, such a marketplace as I am describing here willalso create new revenue opportunities each individual service never could haveattained alone.


The potential dynamic combinations of capabilities andreferrals generated by a vast collaborationbetween servicesarequite literally limitless. And that is where things begin to get exciting.


Today’s apps are islands. Tomorrow’s web is about weavingtogether multiple services to serve a far more powerful set of capabilitiesthat will redefine our own expectation about what’s possible. In doingso, we’ll also redirect the way revenue flows on the web.


Uber understands that transportation from one location toanother is only one step in a broader user narrative. On my ride I might becelebrating my 25th wedding anniversary or taking my brother home from surgery.I might be running errands or scrambling to the airport.


The applications that I use before, during and after myUber commute benefit from being tightly coupled with Uber, and vice versa. “Getme a ride to the nearest hospital” or “Have an Uber ready to take me to theairport” require more information and collaboration than today’s individualapps and services generally provide.


Requests like “On the way to my brother’s house, find me

a good bottle of wine that goes well with lasagna” are entirelypossible to handlewith an ecosystem of services that can handle thevarious aspects required to complete the task. These examples will only be thebeginning of the next generation of possibilities.


The future of the web is therefore not just programmable,it is profoundly interoperable. The next generation of APIs we’ll see mustembrace this emerging reality, as Uber has.


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