I was so sad that caz the job that I really put so much in more than 4 months, but failed , to some degree.
因为工作的不稳定,看不透这个行业的运行法则, 这个公司的领导的眼光,
其实是自己缺少独立又坚定的思想, 这个执行力还是跟不上自己的思想,
也许这个工作做得不够好,但不是我的错, 不是我的能力不行, 只是与行业, 工作岗位的不适合,
这换了个岗位后, 我努力在适应,学习, 但是发现这是个trap, 这几个月我都在吃老本, 根本没有收获什么值得炫耀的能力,知识,人脉,还让自己的皮肤,心情,奇差无比, 我在心里做了个决定, 就是在11月初的时候自己quit.
Starting a new beginning,hope it's not late for me. keep working and always have faith in myself no matter what happened.
I have dear folks ,especially,my older sister who r together with me in Shanghai.