版本号 | 时间 |
V1.0 | 2017.10.10 |
UI Tests
大家多UI Tests
这里大家可以看到,下面两个复选框,红色的是数据存储Core Data,下面绿色的框就是我们要说的UI Test
1. 添加UI Tests
添加UI Tests
有两个方法,第一种就是如上图所示,在创建工程的时候就勾上复选框支持UI Tests,勾选后新建立的工程如下所示。
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
@interface JJUITest_demo1UITests : XCTestCase
@implementation JJUITest_demo1UITests
- (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
// In UI tests it is usually best to stop immediately when a failure occurs.
self.continueAfterFailure = NO;
// UI tests must launch the application that they test. Doing this in setup will make sure it happens for each test method.
[[[XCUIApplication alloc] init] launch];
// In UI tests it’s important to set the initial state - such as interface orientation - required for your tests before they run. The setUp method is a good place to do this.
- (void)tearDown {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
[super tearDown];
- (void)testExample {
// Use recording to get started writing UI tests.
// Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results.
这里面测试代码写在- (void)testExample
有的时候我们还有这样的需求,那就是,我们开始的时候并没打算使用UI Tests,后来想使用,那这样我们怎么做呢?别急,我们有办法,可以为后续为以前建立的工程添加UI Tests。我们先建立一个不勾选复选框的工程。如下图所示。
下面我们就看一下如何为这个工程添加UI Tests
- 选择
File -> New -> Target
- 选择
iOS UI Testing Bundle
- 可以起个名字,我这里就用系统给生成的了
- 这里就是我们添加
UI Tests
2. 添加测试代码
我们前面提到过,我们可以在方法- (void)testExample
#import "ViewController.h"
@interface ViewController ()
@implementation ViewController
#pragma mark - Override Base Function
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor];
UIButton *demoButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50.0, 200.0, 200.0, 100.0)];
demoButton.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
[demoButton addTarget:self action:@selector(buttonDidClick) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[self.view addSubview:demoButton];
#pragma mark - Object Private Function
- (void)buttonDidClick
CGFloat colorRandomRedsValue = arc4random()%255;
CGFloat colorRandomBluesValue = arc4random()%255;
CGFloat colorRandomGreenValue = arc4random()%255;
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:colorRandomRedsValue/255.0 green:colorRandomGreenValue/255.0 blue:colorRandomBluesValue/255.0 alpha:1.0];
大家可以看见,是暗红色不可点击的,这个时候我们把鼠标插入点放在方法- (void)testExample
- (void)testExample
XCUIElement *window = [[[[XCUIApplication alloc] init] childrenMatchingType:XCUIElementTypeWindow] elementBoundByIndex:0];
[[window childrenMatchingType:XCUIElementTypeOther].element tap];
XCUIElement *button = [window.otherElements childrenMatchingType:XCUIElementTypeButton].element;
[button tap];
[button tap];
[button tap];
[button tap];
@interface XCUIApplication : XCUIElement
- (instancetype)init NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
+ (instancetype)new;
- (instancetype)initWithBundleIdentifier:(NSString *)bundleIdentifier
- (void)launch;
- (void)activate;
- (void)terminate;
- (BOOL)waitForState:(XCUIApplicationState)state timeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout XCT_WARN_UNUSED;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray <NSString *> *launchArguments;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary <NSString *, NSString *> *launchEnvironment;
@property (readonly) XCUIApplicationState state;
, XCUIElementTypeQueryProvider
@interface XCUIElement : NSObject <XCUIElementAttributes, XCUIElementTypeQueryProvider>
+ (instancetype)new XCT_UNAVAILABLE("Use XCUIElementQuery to create XCUIElement instances.");
- (instancetype)init XCT_UNAVAILABLE("Use XCUIElementQuery to create XCUIElement instances.");
/*! Test to determine if the element exists. */
@property (readonly) BOOL exists;
/*! Waits the specified amount of time for the element's exist property to be true and returns false if the timeout expires without the element coming into existence. */
- (BOOL)waitForExistenceWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout XCT_WARN_UNUSED;
/*! Whether or not a hit point can be computed for the element for the purpose of synthesizing events. */
@property (readonly, getter = isHittable) BOOL hittable;
/*! Returns a query for all descendants of the element matching the specified type. */
- (XCUIElementQuery *)descendantsMatchingType:(XCUIElementType)type;
/*! Returns a query for direct children of the element matching the specified type. */
- (XCUIElementQuery *)childrenMatchingType:(XCUIElementType)type;
/*! Creates and returns a new coordinate that will compute its screen point by adding the offset multiplied by the size of the element’s frame to the origin of the element’s frame. */
- (XCUICoordinate *)coordinateWithNormalizedOffset:(CGVector)normalizedOffset;
Provides debugging information about the element. The data in the string will vary based on the
time at which it is captured, but it may include any of the following as well as additional data:
• Values for the elements attributes.
• The entire tree of descendants rooted at the element.
• The element's query.
This data should be used for debugging only - depending on any of the data as part of a test is unsupported.
@property (readonly, copy) NSString *debugDescription;
/*! Returns a query for all descendants of the element matching the specified type. */
- (XCUIElementQuery *)descendantsMatchingType:(XCUIElementType)type;
/*! Returns a query for direct children of the element matching the specified type. */
- (XCUIElementQuery *)childrenMatchingType:(XCUIElementType)type;
方法descendantsMatchingType :
还有属性@property (readonly) BOOL exists;
tap(): 点击
doubleTap(): 双击
* Sends a swipe-up gesture.
- (void)swipeUp;
* Sends a swipe-down gesture.
- (void)swipeDown;
* Sends a swipe-left gesture.
- (void)swipeLeft;
* Sends a swipe-right gesture.
- (void)swipeRight;
pressForDuration(duration: NSTimeInterval): //长按
typeText(text: String): 用于textField和textView输入文本时使用,使用前要确保文本框获得输入焦点,可以使用tap()函数使其获得焦点
- (void)pinchWithScale:(CGFloat)scale velocity:(CGFloat)velocity;
- (void)rotate:(CGFloat)rotation withVelocity:(CGFloat)velocity;
- (void)tapWithNumberOfTaps:(NSUInteger)numberOfTaps numberOfTouches:(NSUInteger)numberOfTouches;
- 下面的就是
@interface XCUIElement (XCUIScreenshotProviding) <XCUIScreenshotProviding>
- 还有分类
@interface XCUIElement (XCUIElementKeyboardEvents)
* Types a string into the element. The element or a descendant must have keyboard focus; otherwise an
* error is raised.
* This API discards any modifiers set in the current context by +performWithKeyModifiers:block: so that
* it strictly interprets the provided text. To input keys with modifier flags, use -typeKey:modifierFlags:.
- (void)typeText:(NSString *)text;
* Hold modifier keys while the given block runs. This method pushes and pops the modifiers as global state
* without need for reference to a particular element. Inside the block, elements can be clicked on, dragged
* from, typed into, etc.
+ (void)performWithKeyModifiers:(XCUIKeyModifierFlags)flags block:(XCT_NOESCAPE void (^)(void))block;
* Types a single key with the specified modifier flags. Although `key` is a string, it must represent
* a single key on a physical keyboard; strings that resolve to multiple keys will raise an error at runtime.
* In addition to literal string key representations like "a", "6", and "[", keys such as the arrow keys,
* command, control, option, and function keys can be typed using constants defined for them in XCUIKeyboardKeys.h
- (void)typeKey:(NSString *)key modifierFlags:(XCUIKeyModifierFlags)flags;
#endif // TARGET_OS_OSX
- 还有分类
@interface XCUIElement (XCUIElementTouchEvents)
* Sends a tap event to a hittable point computed for the element.
- (void)tap;
* Sends a double tap event to a hittable point computed for the element.
- (void)doubleTap;
* Sends a two finger tap event to a hittable point computed for the element.
- (void)twoFingerTap;
* Sends one or more taps with one of more touch points.
* @param numberOfTaps
* The number of taps.
* @param numberOfTouches
* The number of touch points.
- (void)tapWithNumberOfTaps:(NSUInteger)numberOfTaps numberOfTouches:(NSUInteger)numberOfTouches;
* Sends a long press gesture to a hittable point computed for the element, holding for the specified duration.
* @param duration
* Duration in seconds.
- (void)pressForDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration;
* Initiates a press-and-hold gesture that then drags to another element, suitable for table cell reordering and similar operations.
* @param duration
* Duration of the initial press-and-hold.
* @param otherElement
* The element to finish the drag gesture over. In the example of table cell reordering, this would be the reorder element of the destination row.
- (void)pressForDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration thenDragToElement:(XCUIElement *)otherElement;
* Sends a swipe-up gesture.
- (void)swipeUp;
* Sends a swipe-down gesture.
- (void)swipeDown;
* Sends a swipe-left gesture.
- (void)swipeLeft;
* Sends a swipe-right gesture.
- (void)swipeRight;
* Sends a pinching gesture with two touches.
* The system makes a best effort to synthesize the requested scale and velocity: absolute accuracy is not guaranteed.
* Some values may not be possible based on the size of the element's frame - these will result in test failures.
* @param scale
* The scale of the pinch gesture. Use a scale between 0 and 1 to "pinch close" or zoom out and a scale greater than 1 to "pinch open" or zoom in.
* @param velocity
* The velocity of the pinch in scale factor per second.
- (void)pinchWithScale:(CGFloat)scale velocity:(CGFloat)velocity;
* Sends a rotation gesture with two touches.
* The system makes a best effort to synthesize the requested rotation and velocity: absolute accuracy is not guaranteed.
* Some values may not be possible based on the size of the element's frame - these will result in test failures.
* @param rotation
* The rotation of the gesture in radians.
* @param velocity
* The velocity of the rotation gesture in radians per second.
- (void)rotate:(CGFloat)rotation withVelocity:(CGFloat)velocity;
- 还有分类
@interface XCUIElement (XCUIElementMouseEvents)
* Moves the cursor over the element.
- (void)hover;
* Sends a click event to a hittable point computed for the element.
- (void)click;
* Sends a double click event to a hittable point computed for the element.
- (void)doubleClick;
* Sends a right click event to a hittable point computed for the element.
- (void)rightClick;
* Clicks and holds for a specified duration (generally long enough to start a drag operation) then drags
* to the other element.
- (void)clickForDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration thenDragToElement:(XCUIElement *)otherElement;
* Scroll the view the specified pixels, x and y.
- (void)scrollByDeltaX:(CGFloat)deltaX deltaY:(CGFloat)deltaY;
- 还有分类
@interface XCUIElement (XCUIElementTouchBarEvents)
* Sends a tap event to a central point computed for the element.
- (void)tap;
* Sends a double tap event to a central point computed for the element.
- (void)doubleTap;
* Sends a long press gesture to a central point computed for the element, holding for the specified duration.
* @param duration
* Duration in seconds.
- (void)pressForDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration;
* Initiates a press-and-hold gesture that then drags to another element.
* @param duration
* Duration of the initial press-and-hold.
* @param otherElement
* The element to finish the drag gesture over.
- (void)pressForDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration thenDragToElement:(XCUIElement *)otherElement;
- 还有分类
/*! This category on XCUIElement provides functionality for automating UISlider and NSSlider. */
@interface XCUIElement (XCUIElementTypeSlider)
/*! Manipulates the UI to change the displayed value of the slider to one based on a normalized position. 0 corresponds to the minimum value of the slider, 1 corresponds to its maximum value. The adjustment is a "best effort" to move the indicator to the desired position; absolute fidelity is not guaranteed. */
- (void)adjustToNormalizedSliderPosition:(CGFloat)normalizedSliderPosition;
/*! Returns the position of the slider's indicator as a normalized value where 0 corresponds to the minimum value of the slider and 1 corresponds to its maximum value. */
@property (readonly) CGFloat normalizedSliderPosition;
- 还有分类
/*! This category on XCUIElement provides functionality for automating the picker wheels of UIPickerViews and UIDatePickers. */
@interface XCUIElement (XCUIElementTypePickerWheel)
/*! Changes the displayed value for the picker wheel. Will generate a test failure if the specified value is not available. */
- (void)adjustToPickerWheelValue:(NSString *)pickerWheelValue;
遵守了两个协议,XCUIElementAttributes, XCUIElementTypeQueryProvider
描述在用户界面元素上公开的属性并在查询匹配期间可用的协议。 这些属性表示暴露给系统的数据。
*! Protocol describing the attributes exposed on user interface elements and available during query matching. These attributes represent data exposed to the Accessibility system. */
@protocol XCUIElementAttributes
/*! The accessibility identifier. */
@property (readonly) NSString *identifier;
/*! The frame of the element in the screen coordinate space. */
@property (readonly) CGRect frame;
/*! The raw value attribute of the element. Depending on the element, the actual type can vary. */
@property (readonly, nullable) id value;
/*! The title attribute of the element. */
@property (readonly, copy) NSString *title;
/*! The label attribute of the element. */
@property (readonly, copy) NSString *label;
/*! The type of the element. /seealso XCUIElementType. */
@property (readonly) XCUIElementType elementType;
/*! Whether or not the element is enabled for user interaction. */
@property (readonly, getter = isEnabled) BOOL enabled;
/*! The horizontal size class of the element. */
@property (readonly) XCUIUserInterfaceSizeClass horizontalSizeClass;
/*! The vertical size class of the element. */
@property (readonly) XCUIUserInterfaceSizeClass verticalSizeClass;
/*! The value that is displayed when the element has no value. */
@property (readonly, nullable) NSString *placeholderValue;
/*! Whether or not the element is selected. */
@property (readonly, getter = isSelected) BOOL selected;
/*! Whether or not the elment has UI focus. */
@property (readonly) BOOL hasFocus;
@protocol XCUIElementTypeQueryProvider
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *touchBars;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *groups;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *windows;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *sheets;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *drawers;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *alerts;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *dialogs;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *buttons;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *radioButtons;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *radioGroups;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *checkBoxes;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *disclosureTriangles;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *popUpButtons;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *comboBoxes;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *menuButtons;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *toolbarButtons;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *popovers;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *keyboards;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *keys;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *navigationBars;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *tabBars;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *tabGroups;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *toolbars;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *statusBars;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *tables;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *tableRows;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *tableColumns;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *outlines;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *outlineRows;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *browsers;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *collectionViews;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *sliders;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *pageIndicators;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *progressIndicators;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *activityIndicators;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *segmentedControls;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *pickers;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *pickerWheels;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *switches;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *toggles;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *links;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *images;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *icons;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *searchFields;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *scrollViews;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *scrollBars;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *staticTexts;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *textFields;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *secureTextFields;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *datePickers;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *textViews;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *menus;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *menuItems;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *menuBars;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *menuBarItems;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *maps;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *webViews;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *steppers;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *incrementArrows;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *decrementArrows;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *tabs;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *timelines;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *ratingIndicators;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *valueIndicators;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *splitGroups;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *splitters;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *relevanceIndicators;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *colorWells;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *helpTags;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *mattes;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *dockItems;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *rulers;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *rulerMarkers;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *grids;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *levelIndicators;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *cells;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *layoutAreas;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *layoutItems;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *handles;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *otherElements;
@property (readonly, copy) XCUIElementQuery *statusItems;
* Returns an element that will use the query for resolution. This changes how the query is resolved
* at runtime; instead of evaluating against every element in the user interface, `firstMatch` stops
* the search as soon as a single matching element is found. This can result in significantly faster
* evaluation if the element is located early in a large view hierarchy but also means that multiple
* matches will not be detected.
@property (readonly) XCUIElement *firstMatch;