真正要了解我们的文化,历史和心理,我们必须进入我们的狩猎名族祖先的脑袋里才行。现行的进化理论百花齐放,有说现代人的饮食习惯的根源是农业革命前,我们的饮食习惯,交往方式都是源于我们的狩猎本能。拿现代人喜欢吃甜食来讲:Because in the savannahs and forests that our forebears inhabited, high-calorie sweets were extremely rare and food in general was in short supply. So if a man found a tree groaning with figs, he would eat as many of them as possible before the baboon band picked the tree bare. 也就是说我们吃甜食的原因其实就是我们根植于狩猎时代的稀缺基因嘛。这就是盛行的"Gorging gene" theory. 其他的理论就更有争议了。比如有历史学家争论过古代种群的家庭结构为单一结构monogamous relationship甚至是父系社会。这些理论都没有站得住脚的依据,因为我们对古代社会的居住环境一无所知。那让我们来设想一下吧。
The Original Affluent Society
①现代社会的分工细致,古代社会人人全能。为了生存,古人必须啥都会,the average forager had wider, deeper and more varied knowledge of her immediater surroundings than most of her modern descendants.